WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: Early morning sighting

Thanks again for sending your coyote-sighting reports. Got another one this morning, from Steph, who emailed to say, “saw a Coyote this morning on Atlas Pl SW around 6:45 a.m.” That street on the slope between Beach Drive and Seaview is in a greenbelt area, but they can roam far from greenbelts too. Wherever you are, here’s info about coexistence – including encouraging them to keep their distance by not providing food (from pet food to unaccompanied pets), They otherwise will find food such as rodents, small wildlife, and fruit.

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE COYOTES: Early morning sighting"

  • Beto August 18, 2023 (10:32 am)

    I hope the coyotes take care of the rabbits and rats! Wile E., come over to Arbor Heights where there’s a buffet for you!

    • Car August 19, 2023 (8:35 pm)

      I live near 100th & 37th in Arbor Heights.  My ring camera has shown a coyote visiting my yard 3 nights.  One time killing a cat.  They are here.

  • Kravitz August 18, 2023 (10:53 am)

    I bet I saw the same one this am in Seaview; walking the dog around 6:30 am we bumped into one on Raymond and 46th and it ventured past the Seaview church and went westbound on Graham where it disappeared. I was surprised by it’s size – easily the same as my 65 lb pup. 

    • Steph August 18, 2023 (10:46 pm)

      Yes, the size surprised me as well. 

  • Kristina August 18, 2023 (1:52 pm)

    I have a gap under my back gate, and coyotes have entered my yard and left scat behind on multiple occasions. I live in Seaview not far from the nursery- watch your pets!

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