WEST SEATTLE GRAND PARADE 2023: Report #1 – the boats

This year, as in some past years, we’ll be publishing themed groups of photos from the West Seattle Grand Parade, starting with the boats! Above, the DubSea Fish Sticks baseball team from White Center. Below, the Miss HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor) hydroplane:

The Pacific Northwest Naval Air Museum from Oak Harbor brought its replica of the USS Nimitz (CVN 68) aircraft carrier, which is based in Bremerton:

Another replica – the Sea Scouts’ Yankee Clipper, sponsored by the Lions Club of West Seattle:

And it’s not a Seattle parade without the Seafair PiratesMoby Duck:

The Seafair Commodores‘ parade boat carried festival royalty:

Last but by no means least, parading in their home port, the West Seattle Yacht Club:

Much more to come, including the list of winners – this is a judged parade – when we get it!

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE GRAND PARADE 2023: Report #1 - the boats"

  • M July 22, 2023 (4:45 pm)

    Were some of the pirates plying their wicked trade down at street level? The Moby Duck looks so empty!

    • WSB July 22, 2023 (5:23 pm)

      Yes, at least at the starting point, which is where I am usually stationed (partner in The Junction) – there was much sword-scraping, aaarrrrr-ing, and sticker-gifting going on.

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