That photo of a mostly-stripped beach bench was sent by Stephanie, who told us after an Alki walk this morning: “One of the Honey Buckets is tipped over this morning. Another regular morning walker told me he saw older kids push it over then take off in a car, laughing. Two benches are also ripped up. This is around 59th and Alki.” The other “ripped up” bench was not stripped of most of its wood, but instead left with one board on the ground and two rearranged as sides of a triangle. We checked in with Seattle Parks to ask about repair plans; spokesperson Rachel Schulkin tells WSB, “We will make those repairs in the next couple weeks (hopefully less).”

44 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Vandalism at Alki"

  • Lucy July 27, 2023 (12:22 pm)

    Kids are running around like feral animals.  No discipline at home, or at school, they don’t have jobs, aren’t doing any community service…. it’s no wonder they are bored and being destructive.  Whatever happened to parents taking an active interest in what their kids are doing, who they are with and where they are?  

    • Alki resident July 27, 2023 (1:54 pm)

      How much community service did you do as a kid on summer vacation? 

      • Lucy July 27, 2023 (3:17 pm)

        A lot, actually.  I was a lifeguard at the local YMCA and helped with the kid camps at the local community center.  I had to complete 100 hours before high school graduation.

      • Derp July 27, 2023 (3:42 pm)

        Only one summer,  25 hours of breaking glass at a recycling in Fremont back in the mid 70’s. Learned my lesson, plus dad had a rather encouraging conversation with me. Put me straight. 

    • star 55 July 27, 2023 (10:25 pm)

      I don’t think it fair to blame the schools.

  • Brian July 27, 2023 (12:22 pm)

    The disposition it takes for one’s self to touch a portable toilet enough to tip it over betrays any sort of “cool factor” that may be gained in the act.”You touched a toilet a bunch and probably inhaled some fecal particulate in the process. That’s some Steve McQueen level stuff my man.”

  • Jay July 27, 2023 (12:32 pm)

    I think these cases are usually bored affluent kids wilding for thrills. Last time I was up at Deception Pass there was a big group of 16-17 year olds in designer brands making videos destroying trees by the cliffs.

  • wilber July 27, 2023 (12:38 pm)

    Porta potti by the new upgraded pump station also tipped over. Didn’t notice any vandalized benches.

  • Sillygoose July 27, 2023 (12:42 pm)

    Clearly these little creeps arent from the generation of spankings.  Who is raising these awful people?

    • Brian July 27, 2023 (1:58 pm)

      It is not a good thing to hit kids as a form of punishment. Full stop. 

      • flimflam July 27, 2023 (4:39 pm)

        I don’t think hitting anyone is a great idea but all sorts of people have all sorts of parenting methods. Also, saying “full stop” doesn’t automatically win you an argument!

      • Yup July 27, 2023 (5:40 pm)

        We see how that’s working.  Most kids nowadays are giving free rane to do whatever they want. Gotta be some proud parents of these junior “gangster” wannabes. That is your own opinion, that’s all that is.   

        • Josh July 27, 2023 (8:45 pm)

          Crime rates ALWAYS skyrocket when school is out. Juvenile delinquency is a big reason why the west instituted free public education over a hundred years ago, in order to get kids to quit destroying stuff. This kind of crime has nothing to do with the use or disuse of the rod. It is simply what happens when teenagers aren’t in school in the field or in the factory. 

  • scott July 27, 2023 (1:28 pm)

    Time to make a portion of the road pedestrian only.  It would make the racing harder and also make it harder for these vandals to quickly escape.  

    • Anne July 27, 2023 (2:48 pm)


      • WSRes July 27, 2023 (4:52 pm)

        Genuinely curious: why not?

        • Ly July 27, 2023 (7:45 pm)

          Because Anne doesn’t want to walk to the beach. She has to drive. 

      • Roddy3 July 27, 2023 (4:59 pm)


  • Just wondering July 27, 2023 (1:39 pm)


  • Julia July 27, 2023 (2:21 pm)

    Like my parents and grandparents (and probably generations before) used to say, “Kids these days!”

    • derek July 27, 2023 (4:00 pm)

      Yeah not like my dad and grandparents didn’t cause destruction all over when they were younger…oh wait. Kids will be kids.

  • Alki-Long-term rez July 27, 2023 (2:55 pm)

    Yeah, speed bumps will fix all of this. NOT.  Alki needs a much great police presence than an occasional drive by, tho’ we would even appreciate that.

    • WSRes July 27, 2023 (4:54 pm)

      Judging from the total inaction from police present on Alki during all of the illegal fireworks, not sure what an increased presence will do.  Even if it happens within eyesight, will there be a citation or even a warning?  

    • What? July 27, 2023 (9:17 pm)

      I am completely baffled every time I see these comments about “we need more police presence”.  Where do you think we should get the police from? ‘We’ cried ‘defund the police’.  ‘We’ rallied against all cops not just a bad apples.   ‘We’ made a once proud profession, now, one of the most demonized jobs in the country.  No one wants to sign up anymore. No one wants to stick around to do the job. I completely agree that a stronger police presence is needed but this the the route ‘we’ chose and and ‘we’ need to live with the consequences of ‘our’ decisions.   

      • Felix Grounds July 28, 2023 (8:50 am)

        If the “good cops” refuse to hold the bad cops accountable, the “good cops” are actually also bad cops.The Seattle police were never “defunded”, but many got their delicate feelings hurt because the citizens demanded accountability, so they retired or left for other departments. Perhaps police officers should be paid more, have better training in deescalation and community outreach, and more stringent standards of accountability.Also, end qualified immunity.

      • Jay July 28, 2023 (10:08 am)

        The full bad apple phrase is “One bad apple spoils the bunch,” referring to ethylene off-gassing. One bad apple in a bushel of good apples will cause the good apples to go bad faster. The cop equivalent of ethylene is “good” cops supporting the system of corruption by holding the thin blue line against accountability and oversight.

  • Peter July 27, 2023 (3:28 pm)

    Wow, so many “kids these days” comments. This is not at all how the overwhelming majority of youth behave, it’s just a tiny minority of likely troubled individuals. For those openly calling for child abuse: this is exactly the type of behavior that results from violence in the home. 

    • Oh Seattle July 27, 2023 (7:58 pm)

      This is also exactly the type of behavior that results from parents who raise their children to know that there will be no repercussions for their bad behavior, and that if anyone tries to correct that bad behavior, then that person is in the wrong.

  • Just wondering July 27, 2023 (6:11 pm)

    I remember when some years ago a young man caused havoc with the King County Library System causing closure and books to be returned without the computer system to check them in.I remember thinking the young man should have been made to manually check in the returned books!!!

  • Mind Boggling July 27, 2023 (10:56 pm)

    Starting to think we’re dealing with ‘pandemic kids’ as of recent.  They couldn’t truly grow up during the three pandemic years.  Now these young ins doing armed robberies, stealing cars, doing this kind of mischief.  

    • AMC July 28, 2023 (11:51 am)

      As a teacher I can emphatically second this. Also for all the people blaming bad parenting-try to get mental health services for your child is nearly impossible these days, even if you can afford to pay thousands (yes thousands) out of pocket, the waiting lists are still very long. 

  • k. henckel July 27, 2023 (11:36 pm)

    ok, so some kids did some jerky kid stuff… because thats what they do….. but genuinely asking ,  no tone or drama…. but does anyone have the ability to fix the benches? or does the parks dept have to do that? i agree its a shame they are choosing to be destructive, but instead of pointing fingers at why these kids are acting up, and trying to make someone else be responsible, we could be looking at solutions to fix the broken items and protect the area in the future.. The porta potty can be serviced, but what a rude thing to do… hopefully no one was in it… 

  • anonyme July 28, 2023 (9:18 am)

    Schools should be open year-round, with frequent breaks.  It just makes practical sense.

  • Pdavis July 28, 2023 (10:08 am)

    I think a factor in the incredible rudeness we see nowadays is rooted in media and role models that are verbally smart mouths, rude, and sometimes cruel.  We have normalized this behavior, and also there are not strong enough consequences for it .   violence… disrespect…. laughing at someone who is hurt and not helping…. destructiveness….. and defiance…. it needs consequences (and the ability to get the police there quickly to intervene …. and a Judge to actually do something to deter this !! Perhaps holding the parents accountable as well? ).and in the middle of these lowlife losers that do this  ….  there are plenty of ultra fabulous young people that are doing good out in the world, and that are contributors to a good society.  It’s important for us to remember that it’s a small minority that actually act out this way.. but I still believe we as a culture set that into place by having movies and media that glorify the mindset that we are seeing.  Also, are laws have zero consequence for minors that’s another problem.  And ypu can’t find a police officer anymore ( because they risk being killed like a sitting duck if they are sitting in a parked police car )   Having no consequences. It’s a huge impact on these behaviors..  it would be great if a citizen would’ve been able to call the police and have them there quickly.  And that those thugs and smart asses would be put in juvenile hall and start having some serious repercussions that include job training and required work.  We have huge labor shortages, and we’ve got a giant portion of our population that is drug addicted and not contributing. Put em to work!  They can clean up Graffiti and garbage, and do something constructive as a consequence for being hoodlums.  Some job training that’s required and holding a job for a couple of years consistently. I think that’s a great consequence, and it contributes to a better Seattle…… don’t forget you have to have your primary ballot in by August 1!  Vote for people that take the problems in Seattle seriously and keep an eye out on the Judges who do nothing but return lowlife back out on the street. 

    • Derek July 28, 2023 (3:03 pm)

      Your solution is to re-open the child-prisons? Uhhh… no. 

      • WSrocks July 29, 2023 (10:54 am)

        Apparently, you are uninformed and don’t realize the statistics:  children cannot only be troublemakers and bullies…. but plenty of them are also murderers.  It’s not about age.  And yes, when you have someone that screwed up:  they are a danger to others.  Hopefully effective therapy and job training could get those.’children’ on track.   The sickness is not going to just go away:  it needs an intervention….not people who rationalize /excuse/minimize truly warped minds.  

  • datamuse July 28, 2023 (1:21 pm)

    “I would there were no age between sixteen and three-and-twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest; for there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting”

  • Marcus July 28, 2023 (1:43 pm)

    Start using the traffic cameras.  Tired of the privacy issue and big brother when people are committing crimes.  If these older kids know they will be caught they would not damage property.  Teach them a lesson early.

    • Derek July 28, 2023 (3:02 pm)

      Except richer kids will get off scot free and poor kids now will have a criminal record. And no, not using traffic cameras to do your personal pet crime prosecuting. 

  • Anonymous July 28, 2023 (5:41 pm)

    Probably Alki residents doing whatever it takes to keep beachcombers away. They have gotten quite territorial over the beach we pay taxes for. The same beach majority of them moved to from out of state.Which is irritating to the soul’s of us homegrown west seattlites. We don’t appreciate the crime either but that’s a nationwide issue. To limit those who have been cruising and hanging out even working our first part time jobs down there is not okay. Alki is branded within our fibers going 30-50 even 60 yrs back. 

    • Atpeace July 29, 2023 (11:00 am)

      Hummm ….. where do you get your subjective data of where people that live at the beach came from?  Geezzzz….. trust me.:  the vast majority of West Seattle residents Want Alki Beach to be a safe place for families without all the losers that are showing up nowadays down there.  It’s not just the rich.(that’s a ridiculous claim.)  EVERYONE who cares about West Seattle wants Alki Beach thugs and trash out of here.!

  • Zenworks July 29, 2023 (10:26 am)

    It is absolutely stunning how stupid some of these replies are.  No wonder we have youth who are such deviant losers.  Definitely confirms. We are bringing up some trashy minds who happily destroy the quality of life under the guise of personal freedom… When it’s really just bad manners, and screwed up heads.

  • Daniel king July 30, 2023 (12:09 pm)

    Did anyone read how crazy that all got? You folks are really speaking out in extreme ways about some typical teenage nonsense. Get over it and be glad these are the community problems facing us where we live. How entitled are you all? 

Sorry, comment time is over.