VIDEO: Another chance to see most of the Seattle City Council District 1 candidates side-by-side

As promised, we recorded this afternoon’s City Council District 1 candidate forum at the Senior Center of West Seattle, organized by a member. Though the organizer had hoped for all eight candidates, the turnout was six plus a representative – here’s how they were seated at the table, left to right: Maren Costa, Stephen Brown, Jean Iannelli Craciun, Rob Saka, Preston Anderson, Jules Williams from Phil Tavel‘s campaign (the candidate was at a memorial), and Lucy Barefoot. Moderator was Paula Barnes from the League of Women Voters; questions were asked by attendees. For those without the time and/or interest in watching video, we’ll add text summaries of their replies in about an hour. P.S. There’s another forum tomorrow night at the West Seattle Democratic Women‘s meeting – info in our calendar listing.

ADDED 11:11 PM: The summaries are below, after our photo of moderator Paula and organizer Erica:

What you see below are our summaries/paraphrasings of what the candidates said, not direct quotes aside from any word, phrase, or sentence inside quotation marks.

First, self-introductions in which they were asked to list the big issues they want to work on:

COSTA: Came from big tech and solved big problems. Wants to see a future for our kids. Homelessness is out of control, public safety, affordable housing, climate justice. Wants to build relationships with existing government participants – “democracy moves at the speed of trust” – and “talking to all of you.”

BROWN: Agrees with organizer Erica that “there’s not a lot separating all the candidates.” His “talent and temperament” has been “best demonstrated” as an entrepreneur – not just food but great community experiences. Skillset of inventing means “seeing what’s not there and making it happen” – he had a short stint at Seattle Monorail Project, brought ORCA card to transit, also interested in small business support and revitalizing downtown.

CRACIUN: She came to Seattle 20 years ago. Parents have always been in service, it’s a family tradition. Accountability, transparency, efficiency – goals: to know her colleagues – amazed that councilmembers still have Plexiglas between them, “I get the feeling they don’t know each other.”

SAKA: Public school dad of 3, attorney, veteran, grateful. Talks about his rough start –
‘I know what good government programs and services look like and not so good ones.” Personally fed up with dysfunction in City Hall. Has built his professional life on … getting stuff done. Public safety (is a signature issue). “I know there’s a better way.”

ANDERSON: Based on standard his grandma set for him, joined military, went to college, been a social worker for 12 years. Works at VA now in transitional program regarding homelessness … Lost somebody recently, frustrating because we’re not making these changes. “I’m confident I could make changes.”

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: Believes Phil is most qualified – professor, public defender, now an administrative law judge. There’s not a thing he doesn’t do that’s not public service. Worked with food bank – he can bring people together. He has a plan for first 100 days (as a councilmember) – perform audits, bring community together, get stuff done.

BAREFOOT: She has worked at state, local, national levels – she is currently an outreach specialist for secretary of state. Got pumped up about transportation … Sound Transit conducting outreach (for West Seattle light rail) but not listening. Second priorities – helping people age in place, keep housing – education, implementation, and outreach.

Audience questions from here:

Q: You’re newly elected. How do you plan to achieve your goals when you’re one of nine councilmembers?

BROWN: Is it essential for every one of us to say we have to work on biggest issues? Public safety is what he hears most about while going door-to-door. But what he is aligned with and interested … small business, moving around without cars .. will offer colleagues support and get theirs for his issues.

CRACIUN: “Advancing YOUR agenda” … families top the agenda – she has eight children in her life – why can’t they afford to live here? Diversity is like “liberty and justice for all.”

SAKA: Collaboration, which is missing @ City Hall. The nine plus the mayor plus “all of you. … I hear current councilmembers don’t even talk to each other … I have a great relationship with the mayor and I’m proud of it.”

ANDERSON: We’ve had forums, important to have dialogue with community members, need to amplify those voices, WA is first in nation with fentanyl deaths, I’m motivated to bring that change, I know where the gaps are in services

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: Phil is somebody who “can get along with anybody.” He’s “driven to be their friend.” Will find what they agree on. Proactively create change and systems we have in place. He’ll work with whoever’s ready to work productively.

BAREFOOT: Has a lot of experience bridging communities. Will work with experts in the room. Must find ways to connect. Lots of attention to next year’s election because in 2024, democracy will be again at risk. She plans to build resiliency in City Council, win trust.

COSTA: Running this campaign has been an example of not doing things alone. This will help bring forward an agenda with people, groups, voters. Has a lot of experience and success bringing competing teams together – building connections and trust – play “agreement game,” find overlap of what we all want to get done, and get to work.

Q: Name 1 actual thing that you personally accomplished that benefited your District 1 community.

CRACIUN: Invited to be on Seattle Public Schools Title IX committee, two kids at WSHS at time, that report is influencing all the education systems in our district.

SAKA: Served on Charter Review Committee a few years ago, now unlawful to discriminate against vets and people with family-care obligations. Also protects people with eldercare responsibilities. Also a volunteer little league coach.

ANDERSON: Currently serving on executive board of Chief Sealth IHS PTSA. No kids at Sealth but feels an obligation to help mentor kids – helped increase PTSA membership twofold.

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: Most proud of Phil being a court-appointed special advocate, representing most vulnerable groups, he’ll treat us with same care.

BAREFOOT: Worked as intake for Northwest Immigrants Rights Project. Had a six-month waiting list, worked there for nine months, reduced the waiting list. Was translating documents in language assistance program.

COSTA: To make change, you start where you are. Started a nonprofit for women and girls. Most proud of, huge win to pressure Amazon to have a climate plan – including Rivian [electric] vans delivering packages – will keep air clearer in places such as South Park.

BROWN: He started where he was, too – has a “profoundly cognitively disabled 28-year-old son,” helped develop programs for people like his son.

Q: What’s your stance on clearing encampments? My children went to a day care with encampments outside and violence.

SAKA: Knows what it’s like to wake up and not know where you’re gonna rest your head but we just can’t turn our back on them living in unsafe conditions – supports better connecting them with services – we all need to win.

ANDERSON: It’s the wrong narrative. We need to talk about cconnecting people to resources. Doing it wrong. Shouldn’t be focused on permanent supportive housing. Need to focus on transitional housing. We’ve reduced homelessness at VA.

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: Phil does not support sweeps but everybody has right to pubic safety. Phil would like to work with existing orgs to get folks off the street. Also would like for every person acknowledged as houseless to be getting resources.

BAREFOOT: Believes we’re lacking infrastructure – be mindful of how people needing services might instead be ending up in jail.

COSTA: Realizes our compassion is getting stretched. Need to rapidly increase emergency housing – safe lots, tiny home villages, need to pay our social workers a living wage – need well-skilled staff – where harm is happening, we can refuse to tolerate it.

BROWN: We can’t have unmonitored and unsanctioned tent villages all over the city — city council’s challenge is to balance (homeless people’s and others’) needs, not doing a good job balancing – need safe lots etc.

CRACIUN: The country is watching Seattle. As a sociologist, she can help people look at this from many angles. Tiny homes are a good solution, There are working houseless people.

Q: Appreciative of Costa’s climate mention – what local grassroots ideas would you work toward to mitigate the existential issue of climate change?

ANDERSON: Electrify all city fleet. Shore power for port. Help incentivize electrifying port trucks. Enhance electrical grid locally so it’s efficient. Smaller electric shuttles as circulator transportation.

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: Phil wants to electrify fleet, expand tree canopy, usually off picking up trash at least monthly – supports solar.

BAREFOOT: Invite those not impacted by ST route to see tree canopy we’re about to lose – we’re going to lose more trees.

COSTA: We have to address at two levels – immediately build adaptability – mitigate effects – first, climate resiliency hubs, need them in every neighborhood – libraries, schools – cars are the bigger problem, so we need to invest in public transportation – get cars pff the road – we are behind on our climate goals as a city and need to do better.

BROWN: Help Seattle be a great city. Get people to live in a neighborhood rather than burbs. Density is best way.

CRACIUN: Look to Indigenous peoples – they understood. A study said whatever you have now, you’ll have more of. And we must listen to children – they’re who invited her to a silent protest at City Hall about the tree canopy yesterday.

SAKA: Climate action is urgent. He’s running to fix Seattle’s problems. Supports what’s been said, plus expand EV infrastructure, work on transit comfort, people need to feel safe so they’ll take transit.

Q: how do you address homelessness (offer services, etc.) without the area becoming a magnet?

ANDERSON: Need more resources for addiction – be sure we’re not concentrating permanent supportive housing in certain areas of city – like having a building where people trying to stay clean are grouped near people who aren’t.

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: Seattle is setting standard. Other states then can implement same programs (so less incentive for people to leave and come here).

BAREFOOT: If we build and get people into permanent housing and jobs, we have the opportunity to build a leading program.

COSTA: Surveys show most homeless people are from here. We’re going to have more people here because of the weather. Would like to have big pharma show up, and more money from feds, to help fund bringing more people inside,

BROWN: Some other West Coast cities facing influx too. Admits he doesn’t have “a great answer.”

CRACIUN: We are a Sanctuary City. It’s about multilevel collaboration – the Regional Homelessness Authority – need other cities to join it. We have enough research, we need action.

SAKA: Dangerous, divisive, counterproductive [to focus on who’s from where] – we are all one crisis, one paycheck away from experiencing homelessness ourselves. So let us always be a sanctuary city for people who want help – “I don’t care where you’re from, if you come here and you want help, great – but let us not be a place for people to come here and exploit.” Treat people with compassion and dignity.

Q: Following up on that, talk more about how the Regional Homelessness Authority can help.

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: Phil would like to implement ACO. Phil’s been clear, concerned re: discrepancy about top earners profiting off it. Phil just wants to see change. Collaboration.

BAREFOOT: It takes a lot of time and resources to build something – if we can fix it, why get rid of it?

COSTA: She meet with an RHA senior leader and talked for an hour and a half, “tell me what’s going on, it seems like a mess” – was heartened by her conversation with him, “I do think they are heading in the right direction” – they are seeing a 90 percent success rate in reaching out and connecting.

BROWN: Regional problem with regional solution- RHA benefits from firsthand insights, butit doesn’t necessarily benefit from management having (lived experience).

CRACIUN: She too met with people – the nonprofit employees, so thick and deep, it’s paralyzed. Need management with efficient ways of streamlining – we truly need some policies – move forward in collaboration.

SAKA: Not here to tear down or divide but to uplift and embolden – will continue to invest but need to better track and monitor the results, want to see an audit of spending and achievements – people will pay more IF they see results – need a new leader who’s more involved.

ANDERSON: You don’t know what you don’t know.” At the VA health-care system they use certain metrics.

Q: From a person who owns two businesses in Georgetown – “the homeless issue is really what we want to see focused on” – broken windows, stolen catalytic converters, needless fires, drugs on public transit, robberies, we have license plates and images but no arrests – what are you going to do about people who don’t want help?

BAREFOOT: Need to ID people who will accept help – want to take downtown revitalization (plan) to other neighborhoods.

COSTA: What’s good for small biz is good for communities. There is a huge cost with addressing downtown problem. Would like to get to point where we can see how many people have been offered housing but are still outside and then we can deal with them in a different way.

BROWN: “I hear your pain,” If people won’t make a choice, we need to make the choice for them, it’s enabling to let people just stay on street. He would have voted to give authority for drug arrests.

CRACIUN: Knows a clinician who works in street with drug addicts/mental-health patients Trying to get lawyers to represent them. We have to be ready with help when they want it.

SAKA: “As a lawyer I’ve helped biz be successful at all levels. I hear your concerns.” It’s a delicate balance – absolutely a public-safety issue. He would have supported drug law too.

ANDERSON: Our policies have contributed to acceleration and expansion of what we see today. He too would have supported the drug law. Meth will cause psychosis, he adds, so there’s intersection of problems.

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: When somebody victimizes somebody else they need to be held accountable. Need to provide adequate mental health and substance-abuse care and housing. Phil is trying to work on solutions.

Q: Gunshots on 35th, car crash on Alki, we haven’t talked about those kinds of major safety issues, but those are the top concerns of the people they know.

COSTA: “We’re all feeling it.” Gun violence – need to address. Want to partner with Alliance for Gun Responsibility, Choose 180, community policing, bring gun violence down. Need more (traffic calming) on our roads.

BROWN: Laws on books re: guns are not being enforced, “shame on us.” Should be enforcing as powerfully as we can. Speeding is terrible thing. Laws on books need to be enforced, fast response times, culturally sensitive police …

CRACIUN: Was at City Council yesterday, good thing that they passed drag racing law, good that speed humps are helping, there’s road rage too … need to bring it forward to city council, it does work when public shows up.

SAKA: “The public safety situation in this city is out of hand.” He brings up the deadly shooting near Whale Tail Park, the deadly Delridge shooting earlier this week. Need to hire more police, have better response times, empower them, they need to be empowered to carry out public safety mandate, hold people accountable.

ANDERSON: Our policies have contributed to permissiveness. Hopes we can start at early age for pro-social behaviors, pull them away from this lifestyle, if you see drug use, criminality, you’re gonna pick up those behaviors. Need to adequately staff police, Health One, and third department with clinical social workers.

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: Phil and I have been talking about how you hire more police without police contract (not settled yet). He’d like to see more gun regulation — more local access only streets – but you’ll have to increase transit.

BAREFOOT: “I do want to acknowledge that defunding police was big mistake.” Need programs to find young folks that want to go into service.

At that point, a mom with a baby wanted to ask a followup question about the recent shootings but the moderator chose to move on to closing statements and wrap up the forum. From those statements:

BAREFOOT: “2020 built me to do this type of work.” She says she’s a “connector” and won’t avoid difficult conversations.

WILLIAMS FOR TAVEL: Phil’s a public servant.

ANDERSON: Encourage friends and neighbors to vote. He’s committed to addressing homelessness because it’s otherwise going to get worse.

SAKA: Declares he has most diverse experience in this race. Military, business, believes in “collaborative responsive government with progressive values and a little common sense.”

CRACIUN: She’s a 40-year market researcher, small biz owner, loving Italian mama, breast cancer survivor, LGBTQ community member, elder … The country is watching us.

BROWN: Despite it all, “I’m an optimist about Seattle’s future.”

COSTA: “I put my whole career on the line” to stand up for warehouse workers’ safety. People’s lives were in danger. “My actions speak louder than words.” Endorsed by people who know “I will fight the right fight.”

Again, next Tuesday – August 1st – is the deadline to vote. 8 pm if you are putting your ballot in a county dropbox, earlier if you’re using USPS, so your ballot will be postmarked August 1st at the latest.

42 Replies to "VIDEO: Another chance to see most of the Seattle City Council District 1 candidates side-by-side"

  • Delridge Dude July 26, 2023 (9:46 pm)

    Tavel! Tavel! Tavel! 

  • CG July 26, 2023 (10:18 pm)

    For those of you as concerned about public safety as I am and don’t believe it’s right to prioritize encampments with rampant drug use and extreme violence, where outreach has been done to no avail, over the safety of the rest of us – who would you vote for? Seriously, I’m asking. I don’t know who would be best. These responses were all very poor and discouraging. 

    • Shawn July 27, 2023 (1:26 am)

      Based on the background of each candidate and their brief responses to each question, I’d select Preston Anderson. He seems fairly genuine and is actively working in a public service role as a social worker. It appears that he supports the police and will empower them to address the public safety issues that Seattle is currently facing. That’s my personal take.

  • mem July 26, 2023 (11:11 pm)

    Thanks so much for covering this forum! It was wonderful to hear from the candidates- wow, we have a fabulous group of people looking to serve us in our community. Thank you all!

    • WSB July 26, 2023 (11:17 pm)

      I just added the text summaries/highlights of the responses, for anyone who’d rather just read.

  • Josh July 26, 2023 (11:36 pm)

    Weird. Rob’s daughter was on my daughters little league team and although I was responsible for getting the coaches gifts and at almost every practice and game I somehow did not know he was one of our coaches. Either he didn’t coach the team or I really missed out on his involvement and owe him a gift card and a hat. 

    Given my confusion about that and some of his milquetoast position startements I regret having voted for him the primary and look forward to voting for Tavel in the general.

    • nwpolitico July 27, 2023 (10:58 am)

      Not to mention Saka’s bonkers comment about it being divisive to focus on people who are homeless being sent to Seattle from other parts of the country. I really hope Saka’s endorsements from The Seattle Times and the 34th Dems are not enough to persuade low-information moderates to vote for him instead of Tavel, who is clearly the more knowledgeable and community-oriented of the two.

      • Admyrl Byrd July 27, 2023 (10:45 pm)

        Low-information moderates know to take the 34 Dems recommendation and do the opposite.  ST is like a broken clock – they get it right occasionally, but not consistent enough.

    • Hello josh July 27, 2023 (10:31 pm)

      Calm down Josh! Rob coached my kid and his daughter a few years ago in little league baseball. Keep your gift card this year because we already gave him one! Go Rob!  

      • Josh July 28, 2023 (1:54 pm)

        No, I think you and the Saka’s should calm down. I just received this message from his wife Alicia, who I have never spoken to, that she sent me through the GameChanger app that is supposed to be used for family’s to communicate about the sports their kids are in: “ Hi Josh-  a friend just sent me a screenshot of your comment on the WSB about Rob. That’s a pretty tough thing to read, given Rob has coached Maeve and one of our son’s in past little league seasons. Given you know us, please feel free to reach out to clarify in the future, before slandering our family publicly.  Thanks.”I made a comment about how he did not coach my kids team in the setting of reviewing his positions and finding them to seem to be about saying only what would bring him power and made a true comment about my perception of that.  Now his wife is harassing me.  I feel affirmed in my plan to vote for someone else who may be better suited to handling politics than the Saka’s 

      • Josh July 28, 2023 (7:40 pm)

        Given that Sakas wife is now harassing me for saying true things in a joking fashion and sharing my opinion about his “stances” I am feeling even more sure that he is not the one I want representing my community on the council. Given that he is so well funded by Rich conservative donors and has the Democratic Party establishment helping to workshop his “views” I’m sure he will win. But he will have to do so without my vote. I think maybe you and they should calm down and let people express their opinions without being then harassed and threatened. 

  • Sean July 27, 2023 (12:07 am)

    So, are they all saying that the solution to this crisis is “more outreach”? Have you all read about the encampment outside of Harborview with 20 explosives detonated by a drug lord trying to reclaim their territory running a fentanyl ring in the camp? The camps that continue with murders and shootings, failed ‘outreach’ having taken place for two plus years? The solution to those problems is more outreach? You wouldn’t clear those camps under the veil of compassion while risking the safety of law abiding citizens? This city is lost. There’s a difference between homelessness – people trying hard to make ends meet but can’t (I’m all for helping those who need help and want to positively contribute to society) –  and what any person with two eyes can see is going on in the majority of these camps: rampant fentanyl and meth use and severe violence/crime. Wow, I am scared for this election. 

    • The King July 27, 2023 (7:53 am)

      It was the same scene above I-5 northbound by the Madison exit last week. The flames were 150 feet in the air. One of the eeriest things I’ve ever seen in this city. 

  • N admiral July 27, 2023 (12:55 am)

    Whoever can reduce crime the most gets my vote

  • Michelle July 27, 2023 (7:16 am)

    Great work, WSB!!! Thank you for including notes because not all of us have the time to watch the video but are interested in what was said. I appreciate your efforts so much. Thank you!

  • Genesee5Points July 27, 2023 (9:36 am)

    When the candidates are together like this it reminds me of why Seattle has become, what it has become over the last 5 (or so) years. They’re all Lisa Herbold reboots with no actual plans to help the law abiding, tax paying constituents of District 1.  Seniors and children unsafe due to encampments… We get a climate action plan. Guns and street racing… We get speed bumps and meetings.  Open drug use on the street… We get safe drug spaces and needle dispensaries.  How about enforcing the laws on the books, allowing the DA to charge people. How about increasing the budget of SPD and making it the BEST department in the country to work for. How about lowering the (property) tax burden for middle earners. Ready for the woke public to skewer my comment, but these are actually things we could do, that would help.        

    • wscommuter July 27, 2023 (1:59 pm)

      No skewering, but it would be useful if you knew what you were talking about.  Want your property taxes lower?  Talk to the state and county.  That’s where the lion’s share of property tax revenue goes.  Your reference to the “DA” I assume is focused on the City Attorney’s office and the recent controversy re re-criminalizing drug possession.  Fine – most of us are for that.  Otherwise, most crime I suspect you are referring to are state crimes prosecuted by KCPO – and not the City.  And last, I guess a bit of skewering … conservatives want it both ways – lower taxes and more money for police.  Please do that math.   I’m all for hiring more police.  But it costs money; ie tax revenue.  Please consider thinking through your rants before you make them.  

      • Genesee5Points July 27, 2023 (3:09 pm)

        @WSCOMMUTER… Thank you for the education, and I sincerely mean that. Your assumptions were correct on “what I meant” and I’ll use this new found knowledge in posts in the future.  All I really want is a representative in District 1 that lives in a reality where every problem is not solved with virtue signaling. The climate is changing, we can all see and feel that… But, the drug addicted person, smoking fentanyl openly, and defecating in public places is a more pressing issue. The nightly gunfire and street racing is a more pressing issue. The all to common theft, robbery and assault is a more pressing issue. The encampments that are nothing more than open air drug and chop-shops and pressing as well. The two things you got wrong… 1) I’m not a conservative (or Republican)  2) On the taxes piece… I don’t want it both ways, what I want is for my taxes to be used on tangible, solution based things… Like law enforcement, City Attorney resources (thank you), KCPO resources (thank you), and jails for the folks that break the law. I’ll end there… Thank you for the “non-skewer”, I appreciate the dialog.           

      • Jon July 28, 2023 (2:50 am)

        “Everyone I disagree with is an evil, double-bad Conservative.” Childish.

    • StuckInWestSeattle July 27, 2023 (2:07 pm)

      I dont agree with your assessment. I think Saka and Tavel are both polar opposites of herebold who I detest only slightly less than Sawant. Im optimistic we will finally get some changes that we need on the council. I wonder if the ones not running dropped out because if they implement ranked voting in time for the election they would never survive the polls?

      • WSB July 27, 2023 (2:31 pm)

        Just to be clear, ranked-choice voting is NOT happening in this election nor any time soon.

  • nwpolitico July 27, 2023 (11:02 am)

    I want to thank Lucy Barefoot for running and for bringing to light the massive issues with Sound Transit’s flippant treatment of the community and plans to harm the environment and small businesses by demolishing homes, businesses, and tree canopy in West Seattle. These candidate forums are better for her highlighting these issues.

  • Jack Davidaon July 27, 2023 (1:37 pm)

    Here is my take on the recent council member discussion . After a mediocre showing in the first council meet and greet, I felt Maren Costa showed up much stronger. Good, focused answers with the most detail. I don’t think her “Big Tech” background helps or hurts her everytime she brings it up. But overall, I thought she was the winner. Tavel not being there in person, although completely understandable, was unfortunate as his campaign manager was just ok. He was a winner in the first discussion, but took a few steps back by not being able to articulate his own answers. IMO, Saka also took a slight step backwards. Always passionate, but a few answers lacked substance. Brown seems capable, but lacks energy and didn’t have new ideas that were compelling. Anderson did better than first discussion, but I think seattle has big problems he can’t address. He definitely should be part of any social services discussion and would be a strong voice on any team needing help addressing mental health. Lucy Barefoot wants to get more feedback from the community. I think we all know the issues, so it’s time for action. She showed up the weakest in both discussions. There was a woman who asked a great question. One I think we all wanted to ask. It centered around the fact small businesses are getting robbed, cars are getting vandalized, homeless camps are next to child care facilities, and people don’t feel safe. When did we allow open drug trade and use to be acceptable in our city???? We need council members who will stop catering to people who break the law. We don’t need more research or community feedback. We need action. Costa, Saka, Tavel are the top 3 in my opinion. 

    • Pete July 27, 2023 (2:12 pm)

      Costa is really impressive. I’m not a citizen, so I can’t vote :( but she’d be my pick for what it’s worth.

    • Tony July 27, 2023 (6:53 pm)

      The fact that this candidate starts off with saying they are from “big tech,” instantly separates them from the every day person who resides in our district. This candidate’s campaign platform doesn’t seem to be grounded in reality and instead is shifted more towards utopian ideals.I want a city council person who can be direct with their voters and make promises that at least seem possible and plausible.

      • Admyrl Byrd July 27, 2023 (10:53 pm)

        Um, wasn’t Sawant a former software engineer (at Microsoft iirc)?  “I’m from Big Tech and I’m here to help” isn’t necessarily the credibility I’m looking for.  They too chase unicorns, raise cash (taxes) by duping people out of their life savings (see Holmes, Elizabeth….) and over-promise and under-deliver.  So, just slightly less qualified than the career activists like Herbold.And I work in Big Tech, so am qualified to make this assessment.

    • Suzanne July 27, 2023 (11:14 pm)

      I agree with most of the points you make, however disagree re Costa. She said that she agreed with Herbold and Sawant to not criminalize drug use. This controversial 5-4 vote took place on 6/7.  (  It means that Costa is a continuation of Herbold on drug use and all the associated serious personal safety and crime issues WS is facing. That’s a deal breaker for me. 

      Saka and Tavel said they would have voted YES to criminalize drug use so that there would be social services available to help the users.  Both Saka and Tavel are polar opposite from Herbold. That’s what I want. I voted for Saka. 

  • WestSeattleBadTakes July 27, 2023 (3:31 pm)

    Vote Costa!

  • Nope Nah July 27, 2023 (6:09 pm)

    It is funny to see all the “I’m not a conservative” conservatives complaining about this list of candidates, but I’ll chime in with my own “they are all bad” response from a different perspective. None of these candidates have any bold ideas that would solve our crisis, they are too busy trying to walk the line between the center-left “progressives” (Herbold voters) and the “we love the police” conservatives.What our city needs to do (but no one is proposing) is to implement a 1% wealth tax (not income) as a major revenue source, use eminent domain to seize any and all vacant housing and commercial buildings, and hire thousands of building tradespersons as unionized government employees in a “department of housing” to build millions and millions of units of good quality residential housing, free for anyone who needs it.And yes, we should entirely eliminate an armed police force and replace them with people trained primarily in de-escalation and mental health services. And shut down the jails and prisons (though this is not a city issue really).But I’m well aware that West Seattle has entrenched reactionary tendencies, as shown in these comments and these same people’s posts on Nextdoor, so my ideas aren’t something a candidate could win with in our district. Yet. Maybe some day! We just need to convince more of y’all to flee to the east side…

    • Neighbor Joe July 28, 2023 (6:29 am)

      I’m glad you’re not running. We don’t need millions and millions of homes for free and we definitely need armed police officers. Shut down the jails? So release all convicted of crimes back into society? Surprised you didn’t suggest we only allow blue and green cars to cross the bridge on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

    • SlimJim July 28, 2023 (9:04 am)

      Wow. Not good wow either. So much love for the fellow man, mixed with contempt for the other fellow man, all mixed up in one post.

    • Scarlett July 28, 2023 (10:46 am)

      Nope Nah:  It’s all shuffling deck chairs.  West Seattle is an affluent neighborhood and the candidates are going to reflect this reality.  No one is going to “rock the boat,” and no one is going to point out, or even  give passing notice, to the hideous, systemic flaws in our financial system.  No one is going to say:  “Look, I know this local election, sure, but its time that everyone of us examine the heavy baggage of financial and economic myths and fictions that we carry around with us, including ignoring the massive intervention of the state in every allegedly “free market” transaction.  Where is the dollar in my wallet actually coming from? It’s hard to argue against a religion, or an economc system when it’s never really been practiced, whether it’s capitalism, or communism, or Christianity. 

  • SD July 27, 2023 (10:22 pm)

    WSB – I also appreciate the great info you posted – especially the notes because as Michelle said, time is scarce!  

  • Austin July 28, 2023 (6:57 pm)

    Tavel is the only one who is actively involved in the D1 community.  Have you read his bio and latest mailer?  He is one committed guy!!Saka’s support comes largely from outside of D1.  Costa wants City Council to take responsibility for climate change.  Brown owns a business on Capitol Hill (and appears to be using his campaign to promote it…Wayne Barnett should be looking into that one.)  Anderson is a really nice guy who just moved to West Seattle after losing an election in Pierce County.  Craciun has been asked to leave a number of local businesses for harassing their customers. If you want someone who really is a well-respected leader in, vote for Phil Tavel!!

    • Jake Davidson July 28, 2023 (8:23 pm)

      It was unfortunate Tavel wasn’t able to attend the 2nd conversation. As I mentioned, he was a top two candidate after the initial meeting. Hopefully we get a chance to see him again soon and hear from him directly. I would be good if he wins. Saka’s support does come from D1 as well as outside. I don’t see that as an issue. Costa had well thought out ideas and did better in the 2nd conversation. The rest are middle to bottom of the back. It’s Tavel/Saka/Costa as the 3 frontrunners. Anderson should be a council consultant on social issues. 

      • Phillip Tavel July 29, 2023 (10:18 am)

        Hey Jake,I am sorry that I couldn’t make the last forum. It was unavoidable. If you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer them, or shoot me a text at 206.949.8680 (that’s my personal mobile number) or send me an email at Phil

        • Genesee5Points July 31, 2023 (9:43 am)

          ^^^ THIS ^^^ Thank you, Phil… You have my vote! 

          • WSConstituent July 31, 2023 (10:53 am)

            Pretty much everyone on this panel said, essentially, they wouldn’t clear camps where there had been murders and shootings endangering small children. Instead, they would do ‘outreach’ (in most of these camps with severe violence, that has been done over and over without improvement). Since the impression I’ve gotten from this board is Tavel would do the most to improve public safety – I would like more clarity on this. Are all the candidates saying, and would love Phil’s take in particular, they wouldn’t immediately take action to remove camps that have proven over and over to have deadly violence that put the rest of us in serious danger? If the answer is “more outreach”, that is a total non-answer. 

          • Phillip Tavel July 31, 2023 (4:58 pm)

            WSConstituent…the 9th circuit court of appeals has made it clear that cities can’t just remove people without having options. But, that being said…I’m done letting the status quo be inaction. There is nothing safe, reasonable or humane about letting people continue to live in tent encampments and it is absolutely inexcusable to allow the negative impacts on our neighborhoods. I know that groups like the Salvation Army have brought mobile units to encampments and gotten people off streets and out of parks and into permanent supportive housing, and not in months or years, but days – and helped them to stay housed, working towards getting whatever help they need and back on their feet. There is help out there to improve overall public safety, if there is just the political will to do it. At least that is what it seems to me. And, if we just let the city agencies do their jobs, unfettered by politics, I think we will continue to see improvement. If I get onto the City Council, I will have one of my team members assigned solely to getting people in District 1 into permanently supportive housing, making certain that we do not stop until we get everyone into a safer place; and that means people living in RVs and cars as well. I am certain there are roadblocks that I won’t learn about until I’m in office, there will be battles to be fought that I haven’t considered, and it’s not as easy as “wanting” to help people find housing, but I want you know that I will act with true urgency and not just talk about it. And I invite you to bug me until the problem is fixed. 

          • WSConstituent July 31, 2023 (7:03 pm)

            Thank you Phil for your response! Really appreciate it. I believe the majority of us are fully supportive of helping law abiding individuals and families struggling to make ends meet or are in other unfortunate circumstances, but at some point when the safety of our community is at a dire breaking point, a line must be drawn. That doesn’t make us crazy conservatives for saying so, it is common sense, and I agree, the politics of that has to be set aside. We have had enough. This all goes into public safety – we can’t be a city that just lets anything go when people are committing horrific and deadly acts of violence. It’s looking like Lord of the Flies out there. Anyway, you have my vote! 

Sorry, comment time is over.