UPDATE: Another West Seattle Junction power outage

8:11 AM: Thanks for the tip. For the second time in four days, part of the West Seattle Junction area has lost power – this time, 261 customers between 40th and 41st, Alaska to Edmunds. Like last Friday’s outage, this one is blamed on “bird/animal contact.”

11:43 AM: Per SCL’s map, the outage is over.

6 Replies to "UPDATE: Another West Seattle Junction power outage"

  • Sillygoose June 19, 2023 (9:52 am)

    No Power at Safeway!  So birds are coming into contact with live wires?  

  • Pdavis June 19, 2023 (9:55 am)

    Maybe it’s just me, but it seems unlikely that a bird or animal can cause this twice.  We’ve been hearing about loser kids that are harming our power supply on purpose.  Any way to check out if this is vandalism?  Definitely, everyone can benefit from paying attention to activity that might cause a power loss no matter how small.

    • WSB June 19, 2023 (4:23 pm)

      Yes, bird/animal-caused outages are actually common. Note for example this WSB story from two years ago – more than 200 bird deaths a year:

    • Winnie June 19, 2023 (10:44 pm)

      Loser kids? More like loser adults, friend. The two white guys arrested in January were 32 and 40. The five more recent most-definitely-adults =Karly Kristine Johnson, 30, Megan Nicole Mistretta, 39, Richard Dewey Evalds, 59, Dana Andrew Woosley, 46, and Michael Thomas Vaughn, 39.Loser kids have it hard enough with us loser adults hating on them as if they’re already loser adults. Time to turn that hate over to the loser animals knocking out our power 🤓😳🤗

      • 937 June 20, 2023 (8:13 am)

        I, a loser, take offense to this entirely correct statement.

  • Melba Tost June 19, 2023 (10:34 am)

    More reasons to bury our power lines!

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