First West Seattle Junction Pride Fest planned, and two other new events on the way

(WSB photo, 2019)

Since 2019, the West Seattle Junction has put up Pride flags, but there’s been no accompanying festival. That’s about to change. This year, the Junction area will have its own Pride Fest, the result of a city grant program (mentioned here in February) that will help launch that and two other new events. Here’s the announcement from the Junction Association:

The West Seattle Junction Association has been working with the City of Seattle Office of Arts and Culture (ARTS) on a funding program for cultural activations in the Junction. With $56,950 to distribute, we requested proposals and convened a awards panel of West Seattle arts and business professionals. We saw many excellent proposals and wished we could have funded them all!

We are delighted to announce that funding was awarded for the three following projects:

West Seattle First Fridays, a dynamic art and retail experience beginning in May at Jet City Labs, with an emphasis on creating opportunities for BIPOC makers, artists and entrepreneurs.

Sounds from Around the World: two free community concert events produced by Urgent Africa – one all day in Junction Plaza Park on June 3, one in the Senior Center on May 31 – of live world music featuring at least 25 performing artists in total.

West Seattle Pride Fest: our community’s long overdue first Pride Fest, held throughout the West Seattle Junction on June 17, bringing the community together to celebrate LGBTQ Art and Culture with music, comedy, drag shows, and more.

We are looking forward to the continued revitalization of arts, culture, and community in the Junction!

We’re reaching out to the respective events’ organizers to find out more about the plans.

6 Replies to "First West Seattle Junction Pride Fest planned, and two other new events on the way"

  • Luke April 14, 2023 (8:16 pm)

    Is this organized with Alki Pride or separate?

    • WSB April 14, 2023 (8:24 pm)

      I don’t have information on who was the applicant for that, yet. That does remind me that I should clarify this is a Junction-centric event, according to the info WSJA has provided so far.

      • LGBTQlocal April 16, 2023 (4:37 pm)

        We have two amazing local LGBTQ organized Pride events that already happen in West Seattle- Alki Beach Pride (in its 9th official year) and the smaller youth focused Pride march in the Morgan Junction (in its 4th year). The WSJA announcement makes it sound like we don’t have a Pride celebration in West Seattle- long overdue? The wording in these announcements should be updated and respect paid to the amazing local LGBTQ women that put on these events. Also, who is running this event? Is it being organized and sponsored by actual LGBTQ people? 

        • WSB April 16, 2023 (11:35 pm)

          Yes, it’ll be produced by Alex Garcia of the Admiral Pub, the WSJA told me when I asked the followup question.

  • Jolie Bass-Walden April 16, 2023 (3:14 pm)

    @Luke, great question, thank you. Alki Beach Pride, a.k.a Alki Pride or ABP, is a separate annual event taking place this year on 08/20/23. More information can be found at and via social media @alkibeachpride. Note, Alki Beach Pride did not receive funding through WS Junction or the ARTS program due to neighborhood mapping contraints.Thanks!

  • Sarah April 17, 2023 (11:32 am)

    This is awesome! Will you share details of how to get involved or link to sign up to volunteer? I haven’t been able to find any additional info, though I see you’ve named the organizer. Thank you!

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