COUNTDOWN: 5 weeks to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2023

On the sixth day of registration for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2023 – 9 am-3 pm Saturday, May 13 (with some sales choosing to start earlier and/or end later) – 110 sales are registered! We have individual sales, block sales, business sales … all around West Seattle, north to south, east to west. If you’re planning to have a sale that day, register for your spot on the map/list by going here! Registering will bring a confirmation note from us as well as a PayPal receipt; if you don’t get one or both, check your spam folder. Questions/problems, please email us at If you’re still deciding whether or not to participate, there’s time – registration will be open for two and a half more weeks. The map/list will as always be available here one week before sale day.

3 Replies to "COUNTDOWN: 5 weeks to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2023"

  • Ws mom April 8, 2023 (10:16 pm)

    Ugh, another Mother’s Day weekend yard sale.  Sounds like a great celebration of moms doing work to make some money.  

    • neighborly April 9, 2023 (8:33 am)

      I think the same thing every year! Poor moms. But I guess it really comes down to a choice in how one wants to spend the day. I’d rather be a shopper than a seller. ;-D

      • A WS Mom April 9, 2023 (3:33 pm)

        Agree – why Mothers Day weekend? Bad timing. 

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