(Added: Photos by Robin Sinner)
9:40 AM: For a third consecutive day, Southern Resident Killer Whales are in central Puget Sound. Kersti Muul reports resident orcas were seen passing West Point on the north side of Elliott Bay a little while ago, heading southbound, quickly.
10:11 AM: Commenter Shannon says they’re now in view from Alki, looking toward Bainbridge.
10:21 AM: Donna Sandstrom from The Whale Trail texted to say they’re is at Constellation Park with binoculars to share.
11:22 AM: Just got a text about a sighting near the Fauntleroy ferry dock.
2:36 PM: Just heard again from Donna, and also from Jeff Hogan of Killer Whale Tales, reporting the orcas are now northbound, visible from Lowman Beach/Lincoln Park.
3:11 PM: Donna says they’re visible now from Alki, if you look west/northwest.