FOLLOWUP: Repairs to start for ruptured water main alongside Longfellow Creek

(August 15 photo by WSB’s Patrick Sand)

Almost three months after that explosive water-main break alongside Longfellow Creek, a contractor for Seattle Public Utilities is about to start repair work. You’ll recall the rupture spurting water near 24th/Kenyon in mid-August and flooding at least half a dozen nearby apartments. SPU spokesperson Sabrina Register explains that “after the water main broke on August 15, SPU immediately set up a temporary system to provide water service to the three customers who had service lines connected to the portion of the pipe that broke. We also began working on a plan to make the complicated repair in the middle of Longfellow Creek with minimal disruption to the environment or people.” Now they’re ready to start work, as soon as Monday. They expect work to last about six weeks, “including mobilization and demobilization,” along SW Kenyon between 27th SW and Delridge Way SW. That means there’ll be some impacts during work hours – 7 am to 7 pm weekdays – to travel lanes on 27th, and they’ll have a flagger. Sidewalks might be affected too. Here’s the official construction notice. As for the line-break investigation, we’re still awaiting an answer to our followup question on what was found to be the cause.

4 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Repairs to start for ruptured water main alongside Longfellow Creek"

  • Question Authority November 5, 2022 (9:45 pm)

    The cause sure seemed evident from photos of the pipe exposed as part of existing construction, pipes like to be buried to share the trapped pressure and I believe it was left unsupported and vulnerable.

  • Colonel Mustard's Wrench November 6, 2022 (6:58 am)

    “we’re still awaiting an answer to our followup question on what was found to be the cause”

    Does SPU think they don’t have to answer this question ?
    Does SPU even know the cause ?

    Or, are we looking at aging infrastructure, and the lack of political will to REPLACE  very old pipes, rather than the breakdown maintenance bandaid approach that continues to play out ?
    No budget ? 
    Gee, where is all the money going ?   Hmmmmm ?

    • WSB November 6, 2022 (11:09 am)

      I asked as a followup to the repair announcement. Had hoped to get the answer by day’s end Friday, but didn’t. Hoping for Monday.

  • GAIL SPENCER November 16, 2022 (8:16 am)

    I wish more people would try to understand the amount of resources and effort it takes to maintain a city.  Kudos to the City of Seattle and the workers who do a tremendous job keeping this City up and running.  Instead of complaining, the citizens need to stop raking their leaves in the street and waiting for SDOT to pick them up; stop illegally dumping trash and appliances in the right of way and waiting for Illegal Dumping to pick it up; stop performing illegal car repairs in the right of way and waiting for a spill responder to clean up the spilled auto fluids.

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