CLOSURE: Log House Museum

(Southwest Seattle Historical Society photo)

History fans are going to have to wait until November for their next look into our area’s past. Just got word that the Southwest Seattle Historical Society’s Log House Museum is closed to the public for the rest of October because the city-landmark building is getting a new roof.

2 Replies to "CLOSURE: Log House Museum"

  • PJK October 7, 2022 (7:20 am)

     So glad it’s closed for a good reason!

  • Pat davis October 7, 2022 (9:57 am)

    Thank you very much to the volunteers who have worked for decades to keep it open. It has been pure dedication to portray the roots of this founding location in Seattle’s history.
    ;It has been a difficult journey financially and they have been hanging on for dear life. The older people in this community have understood The value of this building and what it represents. The smart ass comment made was rude and uneducated. It does matter. Thank you so much for all these years of your free time and heartfelt efforts. Thank you thank you! ❤️

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