CORONAVIRUS: What the governor announced today, and how local numbers are going

Pandemic updates:

WHAT THE GOVERNOR ANNOUNCED, AND DIDN’T: As mentioned in our daily preview list, Gov. Jay Inslee had a media briefing/Q&A this afternoon (you can watch it here). He announced that three emergency measures would be allowed to expire next week:

*The Washington National Guard’s deployment to hospitals will end February 17th
*Hospitals will be allowed to resume non-urgent procedures February 18th
*The statewide outdoor-event mask mandate will end February 18th

As for indoor masking, the governor said he’ll have something to say about that next week. State school superintendent Chris Reykdal said today that he supports ending the statewide mask mandate for schools, leaving it up to local districts to set their own policies.

LOCAL NUMBERS: A few readers asked today about local updates. Since the winter wave has clearly peaked, we’re re-evaluating the best way to provide periodic updates. Here are current toplines, from the Public Health – Seattle/King County dashboard:

*44 percent fewer cases countywide in the past week than the week before
*Currently averaging 1,415 new daily cases countywide

*32 percent fewer hospitalizations countywide in the past week than the week before
*Currently averaging 29 new hospitalizations daily

*12 percent fewer deaths countywide in the past week than the week before
*Currently averaging 8 new deaths daily

For West Seattle, we have two-week comparisons:
*1,748 cases between 1/22 and 2/5, down from 2,470 between 1/7 and 1/21
*16 hospitalizations between 1/22 and 2/5, down from 24 between 1/7 and 1/21
*3 deaths in each of those two 2-week periods

20 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: What the governor announced today, and how local numbers are going"

  • Not So Fast February 9, 2022 (10:32 pm)

    I can’t imagine teacher’s union/WEA will be very happy about Reydal’s recommendation.  The bickering and request for concessions will soon follow; while our kids mental health and poor education continues.  I listened to SPS board meeting tonight and one of the first things they mentioned was the large number of students leaving public schools. 

    • Wseattkeite February 10, 2022 (7:15 am)

      The relaxation of rules at the State level simply allows local school districts to make their own decisions.  The Seattle school district can then make their own decisions, and keep masks if they so choose. 

    • Kelly February 10, 2022 (7:36 am)

      1. Teachers’ unions are teachers, just to be clear. So you are complaining about what you perceive teachers will do. 2. How are masks related to this? “ while our kids mental health and poor education continues. “3. What does this even mean? ^4. Teachers did not create this pandemic and we are sick and tired of working incredibly hard for kids and families, while being blamed for  everything that people dislike about society.5. Stop demonizing teachers. Just stop. We do not deserve this. 

    • WS Res February 10, 2022 (8:52 am)

      Yes, teachers are so SELFISH for not wanting to get sick, die, or suffer permanent disability.  The nerve of those people!

      • Not So Fast February 10, 2022 (12:22 pm)

        Save the teachers at what ever cost, forget about the kids, I agree.  Statistically 0% chance teachers are getting covid at school.  Teacher’s can continue to wear masks if they want or find other work if they are that afraid. 

        • k February 10, 2022 (12:44 pm)

          90% of statistics are made up on the spot.  I know two different teachers who definitely got COVID from school.  Teachers are workers, and not magically immune from catching diseases at their places of work.  Just like workers in other professions, they can (and have been) getting COVID at work.  The difference between teachers and many other professions, though, is that they actually do have ways of mitigating risks, but are constantly berated when they ask for these things by parents and community members looking for scapegoats.  When my friend was out with COVID for a week and a half, the kids in her class watched movies the whole time because there’s a sub shortage and no one was available to actually cover her class (an administrator essentially babysat the kids through their movie marathon).  Other schools are just piling teacher-less kids into auditoriums.  How can anyone argue that hot mess is actually good for students?  What the district is doing now is not working.  Rolling protections back even further will make it worse, not better.

        • Ly February 12, 2022 (4:44 am)

          Stop spewing nonsense statistics with nothing to back you up.

    • James February 10, 2022 (9:15 am)

      We tried sending our kids to school for the first couple months of the mask mandates. The masking and distancing was just unbearable for them. We ended up having them go stay with their grandparents out of state so that they could experience a normal educational experience. Very frustrating as a parent that kids in a neighboring state have experienced a completely normal schooling this whole time, but not kids here.

      • i hear ya February 10, 2022 (3:57 pm)

        My kids aren’t too bothered by masking, but it is interesting how different it can be in a different state!  We have visited family a lot in a state that hasn’t required nearly as much masking as Washington.  It is so nice to be there!   I did actually consider having my kids stay there for school, but they were happy enough here (they are junior high age).I have compared statistics between the two states and the outcomes have been quite similar.  Not a scientific study of course!  But it doesn’t seem like all of WA’s extreme rules have been that useful.  

        • S February 10, 2022 (11:26 pm)

          Think about all the hardship previous generations have gone through, and we can’t even handle wearing a piece of cloth. Pathetic and weak.

          • James February 11, 2022 (8:52 am)

            Yep, I guess my kids, one of whom is partially deaf and relies on lip-reading, are weaklings. A piece of cloth on your face is completely useless, but yes lets make our kids cover their faces for 8 hours straight. 

          • Ly February 12, 2022 (4:49 am)

            I am sorry your child suffered with the mask wearing. My kid on the other hand is so used to it, and sometimes insists on wearing it on walks, even when I tell him he doesn’t need to as we are outside. He tells me it keeps his face warm. He wears the KN95, not the cloth mask.

  • Rocket February 10, 2022 (1:24 am)

    I am very pro union but at times the stances SEA and WEA take are baffling.  Even with reasonable suggestions that we begin to discuss offramps for student masking (at least outdoors) I have no faith any common sense or science based adjustments to policy will be made until summer.  My family has been very committed to being one step ahead of all measures it has taken to protect our community and ourselves during this pandemic but it seems very close to the time to possibly consider the needs of the children above the fears of the teachers given their fears seem oftentimes based on just that and not reason.

  • wsteacher February 10, 2022 (7:03 am)

    “Not so fast”: so you think kids are getting a poor education? I will be so happy to retire from teaching soon. I am tired of pouring my heart and soul into teaching with little respect from people like you,  and I am so tired of being the scapegoat for all the social  problems. No wonder there is a teacher shortage; no one wants the public forum abuse. 

    • not so fast February 10, 2022 (12:29 pm)

      WSTeacher: have you read the letter the WEA sent hours after Inslee’s press conference?  I sent it to Tracie.   I was in healthcare for 20years, I left to be an educator and i can guarantee you the pay and appreciation I receive is much higher in my new profession.    You may be a very good teacher but how can you be expected to practice your craft in the current environment, that is the question i am asking. 

  • CS February 10, 2022 (10:43 am)

    Not So Fast………. this person sounds like someone in low/middle management. Knows very little about the subject matter, sits in the sidelines, repeats whatever rhetoric might fit their agenda. Pay no mind to posts from trolls like this.Of note: we love the public school our kiddos attend here in WS they do a fantastic job! Feel extremely safe with the COVID prevention measures in place and enforced. 

    • Not So Fast February 10, 2022 (12:35 pm)

      Thanks CS, typical Seattle response. Did you listen to or have you ever listened to or attended SPS board meeting?  If you had you’d realize what a place of privilege you are speaking from.  Very strong testimony about how Native students are being left behind.   You’d also realize that school boards hands are essentially tied in their attempts to provide the high quality education all our kids deserve.   You’d have heard about how mental health is crippling our children and their futures. 

  • Mellow Kitty February 10, 2022 (12:42 pm)

    @not so fast – people like you are the reason I won’t teach anymore. I’m surprised anyone wants to teach anymore with the disrespectful behavior of parents towards teachers. Homeschool your kids, or pay for private education, if you’re dissatisfied with the public schools. 

  • Mj February 10, 2022 (5:18 pm)

    Why so much angst for ditching the mask mandate?  All teachers and staff are required to be vaccinated and all students are eligible to be.  The risk to a vaccinated person is very low and is very low for school age kids is even lower if they are vaccinated.  It’s time to move forward!

  • Pessoa February 10, 2022 (9:58 pm)

    I have some sympathy for bewildered teachers who must be feeling whiplash as Democrats now rush to distance themselves from mask mandates.  But there are no winners and gloating in any of this, just a two year disastrous train wreck for everyone. 

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