DELRIDGE PROJECT: Major work’s done. Got questions?

(WSB photo, southbound view of Delridge/Holden)

Major work is done on the repaving/utilities project along Delridge Way to prepare for next year’s conversion of Metro Route 120 to the RapidRide H Line. In addition to the new concrete pavement, some sections have seen major changes – medians, striping, signals, sidewalks … Questions have popped up in comment threads over recent weeks, so we’re talking with SDOT tomorrow morning to get some answers. But in case more questions about this project are out there, we’re inviting you to either post yours below or email us at, and we’ll do our best to get answers. (Just the Delridge RapidRide-related project, please, as we’re talking specifically to people on that project – thank you.)

47 Replies to "DELRIDGE PROJECT: Major work's done. Got questions?"

  • Auntie September 30, 2021 (3:54 pm)

    Why no left turn lights for drivers turning left onto Delridge from Orchard? They created a left turn lane each way, but you can sit in that lane until hell freezes over or until you have to run a red light to turn onto Delridge. This is one of the busiest intersections in West Seattle!

    • K September 30, 2021 (4:47 pm)

      I asked SDOT about this early on in the bridge closure. Not can it get backed up, turns onto SB Delridge from Orchard and downright dangerous due to the sight lines (and speeding vehicles headed EB), and nearly impossible during sunset hours due to the sun angle. They provided a pretty vague response. With the Rapid Ride and bike lanes, I’m very concerned about crashes here causing serious injury or death. Maybe if enough of us chime in, they will reconsider. Running the red light is never the solution.

    • sam-c October 2, 2021 (6:47 pm)

      I agree with Auntie. It makes no sense that they did not install left turn arrows at that intersection.    

  • KJ September 30, 2021 (4:15 pm)

    Why the really long left turn lane from northbound Delridge onto SW Orchard St (by the Home Depot)? Seems very odd, like they didn’t know what else to do with that lane or something.

  • Wendell September 30, 2021 (4:29 pm)

    How about no free right southbound Delridge on to Orchard eastbound. The southbound traffic turning right to head east/Orchard have no way to safely see westbound traffic coming towards them already on Orchard.  The right lane on Orchard (eastbound, west of the intersection) on that small uphill grade is obscured to free right traffic on Southbound Delridge. It’s an accident waiting to happen.The problems at that intersection have been ignored for many years.

  • skeeter September 30, 2021 (4:43 pm)

    Thank you WSB!  Question #1:  Can SDOT please ask Seattle Public Utilities to return empty garbage cans to the planting strip for customers adjacent to the new bike lane?  Currently, empty garbage cans are consistently being left in the new bike lane, creating a danger for cyclists.Question #2:  Can SDOT please inspect and replace the broken plastic bollards that are marking the new bike lane?  Several of the bollards have already been broken off.  Although users can make a find-it-fix-it request, the plastic bollards are regularly destroyed by cars/trucks/vans and it’s most efficient for SDOT to simply come once a month or so and inspect/replace the broken bollards all at once.Question #3:  Can SDOT please sweep the new bike lane now and on a somewhat regular future schedule?  Delridge is a high volume street and there is a substantial amount of gravel, broken glass, and other debris that gets pushed off of the roadway and into the bike lane.Thank you.  I use the new bike lane on a daily basis and love it!!

  • KM September 30, 2021 (4:53 pm)

    I appreciate the “no right on red” and protected right turn added to SB Delridge at Holden, as part keeping cyclists and peds safe. Why didn’t SDOT install a “no right on red” sign from EB Holden turning onto SB Delridge? The sightline are terrible at that stop line for drivers, they might not see a cyclist approaching before taking the turn, or nosing out into the intersection to see if they can.

  • Kimbee September 30, 2021 (5:00 pm)

    What happened to these Neighborhood Street Fund projects, awarded in 2019 and confirmed for construction in 2021 by the City?1) Crosswalk on Delridge SW at SW Barton Street 98106Project ID: 2019-1382) Westwood Village Transit Center Pedestrian ImprovementsProject ID: 2019-236Confirmation of Awards here: community need for these projects has only increased.

  • M September 30, 2021 (6:59 pm)

    What is the plan and timeline for the landscaping work in the new medians? Who will maintain those after the initial planting?

  • namercury September 30, 2021 (7:11 pm)

    I drove south on Delridge early one Sunday morning when there was zero traffic so I had a chance to look rather carefully.  All the center plantings and other accoutrements seemed to not only occupy space that could apply to the original intent of the street (facilitating traffic) but create obstacles that could easily cause collisions with fixed objects.  This project misses the basic objective of streets to facilitate traffic.  SDOT has lost its basic purpose.   

    • Jort September 30, 2021 (9:35 pm)

      The “basic objective” of streets is not, as much as car drivers want to believe differently, to “facilitate traffic.” It’s to move people — in a variety of transportation modes — SAFELY. Slow down and watch where you’re driving and don’t hit anybody. 

  • RB September 30, 2021 (7:13 pm)

    Why did they get rid of the blinking yellow left turn from SB Delridge to Oregon going up to Puget Ridge/Pigeon Point?  As someone who lives up the hill it’s quite frustrating to sit there with no cars, bikes, pedestrians around waiting for the light to change when it could be a blinking yellow left.

    • Kyle September 30, 2021 (8:51 pm)

      Agreed, especially with little traffic on Delridge right now with the bridge closure.

    • Jon Wright September 30, 2021 (10:27 pm)

      I would also like to see the return of the yellow blinking arrow. Additionally, since there is a dedicated SB bus lane that spans that intersection, why not have the transit signal always be “green” unless there is a pedestrian crossing? It seems like the current scheme does not leverage the bus lane to its greatest potential. Put a curb between the bus lane and general traffic lane to keep cars turning from Oregon to SB Delridge out of the way of buses. There are a few intersections like that on SB International Blvd by the airport.

  • David September 30, 2021 (7:19 pm)

    The no-turn-on-red signal at northbound Delridge and Holden is absurd. It holds the cars that are turning right on Holden while giving priority to the northbound bike lane.  While I get what they’re trying to do, this no-right-turn signal is absurd at night and between the months of September and May, when almost no one will be using the bike lane.  There’s no need to hold up cars turning right at night in the fall, winter, and spring, when there are zero bikes!

  • EarlyBird September 30, 2021 (7:35 pm)

    Is Dakota between 26th and Delridge ever going to reopen? It would be so helpful for those of us who now live on a one-way street to be able to circle the block

  • BB September 30, 2021 (8:05 pm)
    1. Why did they remove the left turn onto Delridge from the Delridge community center / skate park? It forces drivers who want to go southbound to either pull a u-turn on Delridge or make right turns onto Alaska and then the 26th Ave Greenway. I thought SDOT would want to divert traffic from the greenway, not force more cars to use it. 
    2. Why is SDOT not using a more protective and resilient divider for the bike lane than bollards? They get ripped up quickly, leaving a stump that is less safe than no barrier, are spaced far enough for vehicles to easily park in the bike lane, and provide no protection at all from vehicles that actually go into the bike lane.  
  • B September 30, 2021 (8:07 pm)

    Why did they reduce the capacity of Barton onto Delridge to one lane? Traffic has been increasing on Barton for years, especially since the bridge, but now a single person trying to turn left can cause a multi-block backup. Overall, I only see the work done on Delridge increasing congestion.

    • Kyle September 30, 2021 (8:50 pm)

      Agreed, this will lead to backups on Barton with left turning vehicles. Pretty much one every light.

    • Susan September 30, 2021 (9:49 pm)

      @B, I assume that you mean the intersection where Barton veers diagonally north to become Henderson as it crosses Delridge? I agree that a left turn signal onto Delridge now is essential to keep traffic moving. Otherwise, one waiting left turn vehicle stops ALL through and right-turn traffic behind it. Have had to wait for as many as 3 light cycles to get through since the curb lane was eliminated. 

    • sam-c October 2, 2021 (6:50 pm)

      Not only do I agree with the comments mentioned here, but it seems like the left turn radius for buses wasn’t taken into consideration during design.  The tiny yellow concrete curb median thing was all broken apart several weeks ago.  Presumably, from at 120 turning left from EB Barton onto NB Delridge.   

  • DelridgeNeighbor September 30, 2021 (8:14 pm)

    I am concerned that this design is actually leading to more vehicular violence than what was already on Delridge. On the stretch of north Delridge where there is a raised median and no protected dividers, drivers will now be unable to pass bicyclists safely. This has already slowed down traffic for busses and cars and lead to violent altercations. Why did SDOT choose a solution that will lead to less safe and slower travel times? How many people will need to get harassed, hurt, or killed before SDOT changes the design? I want a number and a commitment from SDOT that it will redesign when a certain number such of instances occur. I’ll keep track. 

    • Jort September 30, 2021 (9:39 pm)

      If people get so mad about having to slow down and be safe that they get “violent,” than it is time for us as a society to have a good conversation about who we are going to forcibly take the keys away from. There is zero justification whatsoever for reacting and driving violently, certainly not in response to waiting 10 extra seconds for a bus or bike. Drivers like that have no place on our roads, period. End of story. 

      • Christina October 3, 2021 (12:45 pm)

        While I agree with you, Jort, the unfortunate reality is that the reduced speed limits in all of West Seattle and particularly Delridge and Roxbury have uniformly earned me the ire of another driver without fail since they were implemented. I refuse to travel above the limit and frequently experience honking, flashing lights, tailgating, and most egregiously other drivers swerving into oncoming lanes to pass my vehicle. It’s stressful and at times it’s scary. I know just giving other drivers a license to rip through these areas isn’t the answer, but just hoping or expecting other humans to behave the way you want is also not a recipe for success. 

    • Kevin on Delridge October 1, 2021 (9:13 am)

      The goal of the street design is to reduce speeds, the reality right now is that without the trees and street parking underutilization drivers are regularly going 40+ MPH and I’ve witnessed some going 60+ MPH.

      Safe street design (when taking pedestrian and cyclists into consideration) aims to make the road less forgiving for drivers in order to engage system 2 in your brain. Trees, reduced lane size, street parking, and something we don’t like using often here, curves are meant to keep speeds down.

      Here’s a decent summary with pictures: 
      While not the best example, it explains the concept reasonably well. This speaks to the street design alone.

      People live, I live here. In order to have a good environment for the humans that live here, speeds need to be reduced and this design aims to do that. Reducing speed reduces injury and death.  That said, I do think it could be far better and I’ll continue to push directly with SDOT.

      As far as harassment and “violent altercations” that is a societal problem and one that is deepening by our continued car dependence and hostility toward non-car modes of transportation. Jort said it well, we shouldn’t tolerate that kind of behavior as a society. If you’re a passenger in a car and the driver is behaving that way, call them out. If you have friends that behave that way, call them out.

  • Kyle September 30, 2021 (8:49 pm)

    The thru lane switch southbound on Delridge before Holden will cause big backups. What did SDOT’s modeling say when they made this change? Most of the traffic continues straight their but will need to shift over to the left lane and get backed up with cars turning onto 21st Ave SW too.

  • Why Seattle why? September 30, 2021 (10:15 pm)

    What degree or training does it take to design a road and work for SDOT? 

  • SpokesPerson October 1, 2021 (6:55 am)

    A few questions: Why did SDOT ignore the community’s plea for a both-ways “PBL” on Delridge? Why is the “PBL” that’s installed only protected by flex posts when we know those don’t offer any legit protection to cyclists/peds? Why is there no drainage installed along the PBL from Juneau to Croft? I tried to bike it on Monday in heavy rain and it was unusable – just one long murky puddle.

    • D-Ridge October 1, 2021 (10:06 am)

      Second the two way PBL issue. I’ve ridden it a couple times going south but it feels so exposed and dangerous to ride Delridge north without a PBL. Being told by SDOT to just go up the hill (which has no protected connections) really misses the goal of accessible infrastructure. We have friends who live up and down Delridge and we’ll bike to each other less than before because of this design.

    • BB October 1, 2021 (12:15 pm)

      I completely agree. You can’t call it a PBL if there’s not meanginful “P” protection.

    • 1994 October 1, 2021 (11:13 pm)

      I thought bikers are encouraged to use the greenway on 26th ? Wasn’t 26th improved for bikes?

      • D-Ridge October 6, 2021 (11:57 am)

        A couple extra speed humps was about the extent of the “enhancement.”

  • AN October 1, 2021 (10:20 am)

    What’s with the short (maybe 10 yards) bus lane in the far left lane heading southbound just before Holden

    • sam-c October 1, 2021 (3:30 pm)

      It’s different yes, but from what I can tell, the buses there have a prioritized signal, so they can go ahead of the cars when the signal changes (putting the rapid in Rapid Ride).  I saw it in action.  The bus signal turned to permit the bus to go, it crossed the intersection and then stopped at the bus stop right there (SB Delridge, at Holden).  Then the light for the cars changed to green, and the cars got to go- oh wait, nevermind, they just stayed there while the bus was at the stop. They didn’t get to go after all- (well, til the next green light)

  • Super confused October 1, 2021 (10:21 am)

    I’m baffled by so many aspects of the design.  It seems like a weird puzzle designed to challenge and confuse, and I guess you solve it if you make it through safely.  One I really don’t understand is the tiny little dedicated bus lane from Delridge NB to Barton WB.  It seems like it will just slow busses down, because cars needing to turn right there will back up across the entrance to it, so the bus will have to wait until the light turns green and the cars clear it anyway.  So weird.  It’s almost like the people that plan it don’t even consider what will happen in reality.  It was pretty crummy to suffer through the construction to have this mess as the result.   I really like the idea of facilitating all sorts of traffic – bike/busses/scooters/peds and yes even cars.  But this a bizarro world design.

  • Westwood Mom October 1, 2021 (12:57 pm)

    The instersection at Delridge at Barton > Henderson is so severely pinched that you can’t see the oncoming traffic if your in the turn lane or heading southbound on Delridge. Why is there SO much peninsula of sidewalk overbuilt and pinching traffic? Also how do you turn right or west if your are traveling southbound and want to go right onto Barton? The turn lane is marked bus only? 

  • Concerned Neighbor October 1, 2021 (2:17 pm)

    If you’re on Edmunds turning on to Delridge from the West side, the visibility to the North is terrible! I’ve discussed this with neighbors and witnessed many close calls. Some of this might have to do with people speeding on Delridge Southbound, but the redesign has made this intersection particularly dangerous.

  • Tomas October 1, 2021 (3:38 pm)

    What’s with all the areas where there’s sort of an expanded curb?  – In front of 2 fingers social for example, or just past the new construction by the corner of Delridge & Henderson.I’ve already seen plenty of signs that cars are hitting that area by 2 fingers.  They’ve already had to repaint it once.  It’s quite abrupt and difficult to see if you’re not paying attention. 

    • Foop October 1, 2021 (8:41 pm)

      So… Pay attention while you’re driving. Please.

  • sam-c October 1, 2021 (3:49 pm)

    There’s one aspect of the changes that I did not consider- Delivery trucks, etc.  (I remember wondering about it / questioning it when they did the Avalon re-channeling, and took out the center turn lane- where all the Amazon, UPS, moving trucks would park).  On a lot of stretches of Delridge, there isn’t a good spot for work trucks.  ie, one day I was walking SB on Delridge, between SW Dakota and SW Genesee.  There was a work truck (either appliance repair or carpet steamer service, don’t remember), parked with it’s van spanning across the sidewalk and planting strip.   I looked to see if they could have parked differently; there really wasn’t an option.  I had to walk out in the street to get around it.  (That’s not very  accessible or safe).Then further down Delridge- I saw a UPS delivery driver, park at the Lighthouse apartments (near Delridge & Kenyon), to make deliveries on the other side of Delridge (east side of street), and  down the block- no street parking on the stretch.  Doesn’t seem very efficient and they have to play frogger, but ah, well…at least with these improvements, they should have better odds?

  • Highland Park Resident October 2, 2021 (8:18 am)

    I would like to know if any consideration to the environmental impact of actively slowing traffic has been addressed with this project. It’s clear the intent of these changes is to slow traffic. What happens when cars idle in standstill traffic for commute times that have doubled if not tripled with the bridge closure. Public transportation is vital and needed, yet not a possibility for everyone. If we make traffic worse so public transportation is the only viable option people will abandon their cars is not a realistic plan. 

  • Travis P. October 2, 2021 (10:52 am)

    I want to know how come there is a left hand turn lane to eastbound thistle. It is a residential street and now ask SDOT Is encouraging people to drive up through the residential neighborhood. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen race up and down thistle and almost hit my neighbors. And then they stripped thistle on the East side of delridge as a result, if you are turning onto thistle from delridge and there us someone waiting at the light you have no space (cars can park up to the intersection.

  • Jim P October 2, 2021 (9:54 pm)

    Many shelters and benches have been removed. Will they be replaced? Some people find it difficult to stand for long periods of time yet do not use walkers or wheelchairs. The increasing frequency of cancelled runs makes waiting a gamble as to time spent having to stand.

  • Christina October 3, 2021 (12:55 pm)

    I have to agree with the people dissatisfied with the protection offered to the pbl.  You can see that this mail truck wasn’t even slowed down using both the lane and the curb as a private parking opportunity.   

  • Brian October 5, 2021 (9:57 am)

    Tracy, I haven’t seen the writeup from your interview with SDOT yet. Where can I find it? Thanks!

    • WSB October 5, 2021 (10:58 am)

      As noted in the daily traffic, barring breaking news, it’ll be later today/tonight.

    • WSB October 5, 2021 (11:42 pm)

      Make that tomorrow. This week, it has been very difficult to carve out a lengthy block of writing time but I am finally in the middle of it now.

Sorry, comment time is over.