COVID CANCELLATION: No West Seattle Grand Parade again this year

(WSB photo, WS Grand Parade 2019’s double-prize-winning All-City Marching Band)

With the pandemic not yet quashed, another major local summer event is skipping this year too. Just in from the Rotary Club of West Seattle:

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that the 2021 West Seattle Grand Parade has been cancelled for this summer. Keeping our participants and community members safe is our main priority. We are looking forward to returning in 2022!

The parade usually draws thousands along its route on California SW, from The Admiral District to The Junction, in July. Here’s our archived coverage of past years, including video clips and photos of the parade prize winners from 2019.

1 Reply to "COVID CANCELLATION: No West Seattle Grand Parade again this year"

  • Makertwo May 11, 2021 (7:36 am)

    Disappointing. Great community builder. Don’t understand how folks can hold concerts and travel and yet these great community events can’t go ahead. 

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