West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
9:50 PM: Police report at least two arrests and “multiple fights” amid a big gathering on Alki. They also have blocked off traffic at multiple spots. This after a large preparatory police presence all afternoon and into the evening, as reported here earlier. Updates to come.
10:02 PM: Police are announcing that Parks is closing the beach due to the crowd size. We are on foot in the area. … The announcement now says they may issue a dispersal order due to “multiple acts of violence.” Police tell us they have detained one person with a gun.
(Added: WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
10:19 PM: Police also mentioned via loudspeaker that robbery (we heard a call around 8 pm) and assault have happened too. They have now cleared the street.
Also from a few minutes ago pic.twitter.com/Ousz0o5tbR
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) May 30, 2021
Police clearing the street pic.twitter.com/7cKWYETz1S
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) May 30, 2021
11:03 PM: We’re back at HQ; will be adding photos/video. Some police are demobilizing, according to radio communication. There’s also a medical response at Admiral/Lander for what’s reported as an intoxicated teenager.
11:15 PM: David Hutchinson reports from 59th/Alki that things have quieted down. He also sent this video of the crowd there just as police ordered them to clear.
11:30 PM: The police presence is downsizing further, per a radio exchange. No updates on total number of arrests but we’ll update whenever we get that information.
5:45 PM SUNDAY: Police say they arrested three people, and one officer suffered a broken thumb. Here’s their recap via SPD Blotter.
8:32 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a water-rescue response to Constellation Park. Updates to come.
8:37 PM: Medics also have been sent to Don Armeni. We don’t know what the circumstances were but one patient is reported to be on board a Port of Seattle vessel; they’ll be transferred to an SFD boat and taken to Don Armeni.
8:42 PM: Patient is described as a “31-year-old man who was in the water an hour, hour and a half.” He is reported to have been kayaking.
A little low-low tide exploring can give you new appreciation for what you don’t see when walking Puget Sound beaches the rest of the time. We have photos from Friday that we didn’t get to show you last night because of breaking news – first two, from Michelle Green Arnson, show a Moon Snail above, an Ochre Sea Star and Christmas Anemone below:
She was out at Constellation Park and has rave reviews for the volunteer Seattle Aquarium beach naturalist, too. Elsewhere on the West Seattle shore, Stewart L. photographed this Great Blue Heron (yes, with a long lens, at a distance):
And we were out along Duwamish Head, just east of Luna (Anchor) Park, looking out at the former site of its namesake amusement park:
Not everyone was looking for wildlife:
Tomorrow’s low tide is still fairly low but not nearly as much as the past three – it’ll be out to -2.5 feet at 2:37 pm Sunday; the naturalists will be out at Constellation and Lincoln Parks again (12:45-3:45 pm). Then set a reminder for 11:54 am June 25th, when the lowest low tide of the summer arrives, -4.0 feet.
ADDED: One more photo – this one from Gill, taken at Constellation Park, looking toward Alki Point:
2:58 PM: Arriving at Don Armeni Boat Ramp to check on the aftermath of the boat rescue, we happened onto this – a big Seattle Police deployment gathered there, at least 10 vehicles plus the Mobile Precinct.
Police tell us this is in part because of a social-media rumor we’ve gotten a couple questions about – an alleged huge party at Alki Beach after 6 pm tonight, being organized on TikTok. Officers were gathering at Don Armeni for roll call and planning to fan out after that, though we subsequently found extra SPD vehicles already at the beach, too.
They said they’re also tasked with responding to street racing and other stunt driving, if it happens.
7:48 PM: Just drove Harbor and Alki Avenues to see how things were going. Definitely a crowd gathering. Police have spread out from Harbor/Spokane to 63rd/Alki, pulled over at intervals with rollers going, on foot too. Also still there, the special-purpose vehicles we noted earlier (the white truck now has a mast up with a camera). We’ll be checking back in another hour or so. (We’ll have a separate update late tonight – watch our Twitter feed for updates sooner.)
From Mike:
Our Mazda 2016 CX-5 (metallic blue with silver roof rails) was stolen out of our backyard during the night on 5/28. The location is 30th and Trenton.
License #: BEN 8375
Police Report #: 21-132069
If you see it, call 911.
UPDATE: Found.
1:29 PM: Big land and sea response to the Seacrest vicinity for a vessel in trouble: “21-foot gillnetter drifting into a barge, engine’s dead, 1 person on board” is the dispatch.
1:32 PM: Arriving crews say this is about 600 feet offshore and they’re going to try to tow the fishing boat closer in. They say the boat is not taking on water so it’s not a life-safety issue, and they’re downsizing the response.
2:34 PM: Went to the area for a status report, but found no SFD units on shore. Did find – unrelated – a huge SPD presence at Don Armeni; separate story up next.
Thanks to everyone who sends info if and when they find dumped-and-likely-stolen items, from bicycles to backpacks to mementos. There are reunions – like this one. The finder in this case wasn’t a WSB reader,, but when she told someone what she had found and that she hoped to get it back to whoever was missing it, WSB was suggested. After we published her report and photos – finding a bin of keepsakes and documents near West Seattle Stadium/Golf Course after she had visited to coach at a track meet – some readers found an obituary that almost certainly was related. One of the people named as survivors contacted us Friday, and we forwarded his info to finder Karen, who emailed this morning to report: “Success!! I called Harry Pierce yesterday and he picked up the bin last night. Their shed had been broken into and this was one of the items stolen. He was very grateful, as the memorabilia was irreplaceable.”
In West Seattle Crime Watch – two parking lots hit by multiple car prowls:
WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL: This is from a case bulletin circulated by Southwest Precinct police:
On 5/20/2021, the above-pictured suspects broke out the passenger window of the victim’s parked vehicle at West Seattle HS (3000 California Ave SW). The suspects took the victim’s wallet, which contained the victim’s driver’s license, cards, and a check for $20k. The suspects were caught on cell phone camera prowling multiple vehicles in the parking lot. Upon realizing that they were being filmed, they fled the parking lot in suspect vehicles 1 and 2. There appeared to be a third suspect in the driver’s seat of suspect vehicle 2.
If you are aware of any other incidents involving these suspects or vehicles, or are able to identify either suspect, please email lauren.laumbattus@seattle.gov
The second vehicle, not shown, was a black 2008 Pontiac G8, plate starting with BLU.
That’s one of three cars they reported Friday were hit by car prowlers in the complex (2201 SW Holden).
(Friday photo by Jerry Simmons)
The holiday weekend begins!
BEACH VOLLEYBALL: Alki Volleyball Association‘s Adult Open, 9 am-6 pm.
SALE DAY! Saturday means yard sales. Got some listed in the WSB Community Forums’ Freebies-Trades-Sales section:
-Arbor Heights (listing)
-Highland Park (listing)
EXPANSION SALE: As reported here last night, Alair Gift Shop (3270 California SW) is taking over the Coastal Surf Boutique space next door, starting with a sale today. Opens at 11 am.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: The home of West Seattle’s history is open to the public again – noon-4 pm. (61st/Stevens)
WEEKEND WINE: Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) is open 1-6 pm for wine-tasting, glasses, and bottle sales. (5910 California SW)
LOW-LOW TIDE: 1:46 pm, one more chance to see a really low tide (-3.4 feet this time). Beach naturalists are at Constellation and Lincoln Parks for your questions, 11:45 am-3:45 pm.
ALKI BEACH FIRE RINGS: The park’s returned rings officially reopen for use at 4 pm today, according to Seattle Parks.
Something to add? Text us – 206-293-6302 – thank you!