(Aeroecolab image)
Thanks to the texter who pointed this out: Tonight millions of migrating birds are expected to fly over our state – thousands over Seattle – and you can help them by turning off your outdoor lights. This Audubon webpage explains:
Every year, billions of birds migrate north in the spring and south in the fall, the majority of them flying at night, navigating with the night sky. However, as they pass over big cities on their way, they can become disoriented by bright artificial lights and skyglow, often causing them to collide with buildings or windows. While lights can throw birds off their migration paths, bird fatalities are more directly caused by the amount of energy the birds waste flying around and calling out in confusion. The exhaustion can then leave them vulnerable to other urban threats.
Here’s more about what you can do. Tonight’s not the only night for migrating – you can check on other upcoming nights here.