FYI: Your annual incentive to clear those leaves (updated)

(Photo from

Another fall tradition – keeping leaves from clogging storm drains. In November – which (in case you’ve lost track) starts tomorrow – Seattle Public Utilities allows customers to put out up to 10 additional bags of yard/food waste at no extra charge. (Monday update: We confirmed that this HAS changed from past years – it’s now 10 extra bags PER COLLECTION DAY.) The city sent this reminder:

Here are ways to manage fallen leaves:

1. Rake leaves and put them into your yard waste cart. If you have more than will fit into the cart, place extras in a compostable lawn and leaf bag or a reusable container with a lid. Put them out next to your yard waste container on collection day – no plastic bags.

2. Place raked leaves on bare soil as mulch in your landscape and garden. This conserves water, controls weeds and fertilizes the soil. Contact the Garden Hotline to learn more – 206-633-0224 or visit

You’re also reminded that if you’re clearing storm drains, “stand on the curb, not in the street,” and leave the arterial drain clearing to the city – if it’s non-urgent, you can report it online; if it’s urgent – as in, a blocked drain causing flooding – call 206-386-1800.

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