TODAY/TONIGHT: Post-holiday Tuesday notes

Thanks to David Hutchinson for the photo of this morning’s smoky sunrise, seen from Duwamish Head. The smoke is expected to start clearing later this morning, but in the meantime, we’re under an air-quality alert until 11 am. (UPDATE: That’s now been extended to 10 am Wednesday, as commenter Mike points out) Temps could peak in the low 80s. Four notes for today/tonight:

CITY COUNCIL: The council’s 2 pm meeting includes West Seattle Bridge funding and scooters. The agenda includes full details as well as how to watch/comment.

GOVERNOR: His 2:30 pm media briefing is the first in more than a week. The announced topic is wildfires, not COVID-19, but that could come up too. You can watch the stream here.

DEMONSTRATION: The twice-weekly West Seattle sign-holding demonstrations organized by Scott continue today:

Black Lives Matter sign waving

Tuesday Sept 8, 4 pm to 6 pm, corner of 16th SW and SW Holden

Thursday, Sept 10, 4 pm to 6 pm, 16th and Holden

Come show support for BLM and ending systemic racism. Hold signs, meet neighbors and stand for racial justice. Scott at PR Cohousing, endorsed by Hate-Free Delridge. Signs available.

NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING: The Fauntleroy Community Association‘s monthly board meeting is online at 7 pm. Community members are welcome – register here to get info on attending.

Meeting? Event? Biznote? Email’s the best way to reach us with non-breaking info: – thank you!

6 Replies to "TODAY/TONIGHT: Post-holiday Tuesday notes"

  • barbara s spector September 8, 2020 (10:15 am)

    I know the world is topsy turvy these days but a “morning’s smoky sunset “?

    • WSB September 8, 2020 (10:28 am)

      Sorry, I’m a night person so everything looks like a sunset to me :) fixing!

      • Mellow Kitty September 8, 2020 (11:21 am)

        @WSB, if you know what day it is, you’re ahead of the game! 😉

  • MikeRussellFoto September 8, 2020 (11:15 am)

    And FYI, looks like the Air Quality Alert just got extended until tomorrow morning at 10 AM.

    • WSB September 8, 2020 (11:32 am)

      Thanks, I was going to check on that as PSCAA just sent a stern-sounding news release.

      • Tired of 2020 September 8, 2020 (1:49 pm)

        2020 in West Seattle: Covid pandemic hits – You can’t go out in public. West Seattle Bridge closes – You can’t get out of West Seattle. Wildfires spread – You can’t go outside. Sigh. I’m going to curl up in a fetal position in my basement and wait for 2021.

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