FRIDAY: Hiawatha play-area project briefing

Interested in what’s planned for the play-area move at Hiawatha Playfield/Community Center? You can see a briefing during tomorrow morning’s meeting of the city Landmarks Preservation Board‘s Architectural Review Committee. The project is in the board’s jurisdiction because Hiawatha is a landmark, one of the city’s historic Olmsted parks. You can preview the briefing packet here; the meeting, which starts with a public-comment period, is at 8:30 am Friday (August 28th), online – here’s the link. If you plan to comment, register here, or email your comment to and/or You can also listen to the meeting by calling 206-207-1700 and entering meeting access code 146 522 0524. (Thanks to Deb Barker, who recently completed two terms on the Landmarks Board, for the tip!)

3 Replies to "FRIDAY: Hiawatha play-area project briefing"

  • Bill August 27, 2020 (7:17 pm)

    Sure would be nice if they finished the project at Lincoln Park south play area before starting a new one. It been devoid of play things for years now, and the project is years behind schedule.   I get that one is parks and the other is landmark preservation, but they both have email addresses, so same government b-!!$/!; to me.  

    • WSB August 27, 2020 (7:21 pm)

      They’re both Parks projects. Landmarks doesn’t have a role in LP because it’s not a landmark.

  • Elton August 27, 2020 (9:12 pm)

    It is annoying that the Lincoln Park project still drags on, but still good to see an updated play space in such a central place. What’s the reason to move it rather than upgrade in that spot? I didn’t see an explanation on the project page 

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