CORONAVIRUS: Saturday 7/4 roundup

As public-health authorities warned, viruses don’t take holidays. So even on this Independence Day night, we have a roundup, though it’s short:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here are the cumulative numbers from Public Health‘s daily-summary dashboard:

*10,784 people have tested positive, 65 more than yesterday

*590 people have died, unchanged from yesterday

*1,610 people have been hospitalized, unchanged from yesterday

*181,536 people have been tested, 1,892 more than yesterday

One week ago, those totals were 9,819/586/1,574/157,623.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 11.2 million people have tested positive, and more than 530,000 have died. Most cases: U.S., Brazil, Russia, India, Peru (last week’s #5, the UK, is down to #7). See the breakdown, nation by nation, here.

NEED PET FOOD? King County’s mobile pet-food bank has announced it’ll be at Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center (1321 SW 102nd) noon-3 pm next Friday (July 10th).

FARMERS’ MARKET NOTES FOR SUNDAY: The market remains modified because of the pandemic, but it’s open tomorrow as usual, 10 am–2 pm. If you’ve ordered from the new online system, you can go directly to the north side of the market for pickup – California/Oregon. If you’re shopping the regular market, management wants you to know:

People needing ADA accessibility, those with mobility issues, and older folks are welcome to walk to the front of the market line [California/Alaska] for quicker entry. (This is a rule we’ve had in place verbally and through signage at market for months, but it seems more important than ever with the heat and longer lines.)

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

8 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Saturday 7/4 roundup"

  • Gwen July 4, 2020 (10:02 pm)

    I’m wondering if the lower positive tests have to do with the likeliness of people getting tested on a holiday. Regardless, it is nice to see a lower number today.

  • ACG July 5, 2020 (12:47 am)

    Are the coronavirus tests a rapid test, where results are same day?  Or would these test results be coming from tests and samples that were taken a few days ago?

  • Maskingforafriend July 5, 2020 (11:10 am)

    Typically there are fewer reported cases on the weekends with a bump up in numbers on Mondays, that will especially happen on this holiday weekend. In Seattle test results are coming back quickly-in 1-2 days at most at this time, fewer are the ultra rapid. Positive numbers reported are likely from a swab taken 1-3 days prior.

    • Stay well July 5, 2020 (11:05 pm)

      Great name :)

  • anonyme July 5, 2020 (11:13 am)

    I am a senior who walks with a cane.  When visiting the Farmer’s Market two weeks ago, I asked the ambassador/line monitor if there were accommodations for seniors in regard to waiting in line.  The ambassador told me NO and directed me to the end of the line.  Apparently, the market’s own employees are not aware of the rules that are supposedly in place as claimed in the blurb above.   Very frustrating.

    • Joe Z July 5, 2020 (2:45 pm)

      I’m sorry but the farmer’s market is a joke. It’s halfway through the summer, how have they not expanded to 2 blocks yet to fit more people in? How is that super long, crowded line safer than letting a few more people in? I hate spending my money at the grocery store instead but there really isn’t another option right now. 

      • WSB July 6, 2020 (1:15 am)

        Lot of permits and permissions needed just for them to get this far.

    • Stay well July 5, 2020 (11:07 pm)

      Hope it goes better for you next time, anonyme

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