METRO CUTS: Which trips are canceled on your route? New lookup available

Thanks to @mjs1980 for pointing this out via Twitter: One week after reducing service on most routes (and dropping some entirely, including West Seattle’s Route 125, and Route 37 except for one PM trip), Metro has a lookup you can use to see which trips are canceled. Just choose your route of interest here and get the list.

2 Replies to "METRO CUTS: Which trips are canceled on your route? New lookup available"

  • dsa March 30, 2020 (1:39 pm)

    The this  jumped out at me:  ” Zimbabwe says, “We’re looking for any possible way to restore any
    amount of traffic” but they have to be certain it would be safe. “

  • JT March 30, 2020 (5:31 pm)

    I saw the 125 running all weekend….

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