You’re invited to FAL-CON! 5 reasons to go

January 19, 2020 10:53 am
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It’s school-fundraiser season and Fairmount Park Elementary invites everyone to its event, this year titled FAL-CON. Not only are you invited – organizers suggest five reasons for community members to buy tickets. Here’s their pitch:

Fairmount Park Elementary is throwing its annual PTA Auction on February 8th and wants YOU to BUY TICKETS!

“But why,” you ask? “I don’t have children in the school to benefit from a PTA fundraiser.”

There are lots of reasons you might want to support a local school! First off, maybe you feel strongly that children in your community should be able to read fluently – studies show that kids who aren’t reading at grade level by third grade will struggle rest of their educational career in processing information. Auction proceeds fund specialist positions and programs not in the school district budget.

Perhaps you like the idea kids learning to process complex emotions and situations appropriately. Having a school counselor on staff (also not funded by district) is key for social/emotional development!

You may be an outdoor enthusiast who loves the idea of kids getting the experience of going to wilderness camp – the annual auction helps make the 5th grade trip to Islandwood affordable and accessible to all students!

It could be you think teachers should not have to spend their own money on supplies for the class – the PTA covers that so they can focus planning lessons rather than stretching dollars. If you know a teacher, you also know how hard they work and that having the right tools makes all the difference.

Or maybe you just like to party! The Fairmount Park Elementary Auction is Comicon themed – named FAL-CON after the Fairmount Park Elementary mascot – the falcon! It will be over-the-top fun. For the price of admission you will get a full belly of delicious food offerings, a complimentary beverage, access to a bunch of elaborate games and movie inspired photo-ops. Plus, there will be great deals on donated items from West Seattle businesses! Often items in the silent and ticket auction go at or below retail value, so you could technically make money by attending and shopping for gift cards you can use all year.

Come to FAL-CON. Dress up, hang out, eat, drink, take a selfie with E.T., but most of all, support educational opportunities for local kids. After all, we all have to live with them once they grow up.

Auction details:
Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2020
Time 5:30 – 9:30 pm
Location: The Hall at Fauntleroy in West Seattle.
Buy Tickets:

Got a school event – fundraiser or other type – open to the community? Send us info for our calendar (even just the basics) – we don’t know unless you tell us! – thank you!

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