SUMMER FEST: Prepare to shop and learn during West Seattle’s biggest party of the year!

July 8, 2019 4:50 pm
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Four days until the biggest party of the year fills the streets in the heart of The Junction – West Seattle Summer Fest. The festival has enough going on that you can go all three days – Friday-Sunday, July 12th-14th – but a little advance planning might be helpful, so we’re continuing previews all week long. First, the booths! Since Summer Fest – presented by the West Seattle Junction Association (with co-sponsors including WSB) – began as the merchants’ summertime sidewalk sale, most year-round businesses will have sales and specials. But you’ll want to browse the visiting booths, too. They’re not all businesses, as you’ll see when you check out the list here – which features booths as well as year-round merchants’ sidewalk sales. Some will include local businesses from outside The Junction. And you will also notice on the list that some agencies and nonprofits will be at Summer Fest again this year. For example, Sound Transit will be there to answer your West Seattle light-rail questions; WSDOT will be there to talk about tunnel tolling starting later this year. And in two areas, including with us in the Info Booth at California/Alaska, you’ll find community organizations:

10am 2pm INFO Seattle Public Schools Head Start
10am 2pm INFO NAPS Doulas
2pm 6pm INFO Toastmasters of West Seattle
2pm 6pm INFO Kol HaNeshamah
10am 2pm BOOTH Sound Generations
10am 2pm BOOTH Latino Community Fund of Washington State
2pm 6pm BOOTH National Center for Science Education
2pm 6pm BOOTH 981st Bridger BPSA Scouts

10am 2pm INFO 34th District Democrats
13-Jul Saturday 10am 2pm INFO Seattle Police Department
13-Jul Saturday 2pm 6pm INFO Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network
13-Jul Saturday 2pm 6pm INFO SR3 – SeaLife Response, Rehabilitation, Research
13-Jul Saturday 10am 2pm BOOTH Girl Scouts of Western Washington
13-Jul Saturday 10am 2pm BOOTH American Lung Association
13-Jul Saturday 2pm 6pm BOOTH Year Up
13-Jul Saturday 2pm 6pm BOOTH The Whale Trail

11am 2pm INFO D1 Community Network
11am 2pm INFO Tenants Union of WA State
2pm 5pm INFO Fostering Together/Olive Crest
2pm 5pm INFO West Seattle Toastmasters Club #832
11am 2pm BOOTH Rainier Roller Girls
11am 2pm BOOTH Southwest Lacrosse Club
2pm 5pm BOOTH Team Gleason/Gleason Initiative Foundation
2pm 5pm BOOTH Be SMART program of Moms Demand Action and Everytown For Gun Safety Support Fund

So many reasons to visit Summer Fest, we hope to see you there all three days! Friday and Saturday 10 am-8 pm (with music running later), Sunday 10 am-5 pm. More previews ahead, including Summer Fest Eve – lots happening once the streets close for setup Thursday night.

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