4:03 PM: In our Wednesday coverage of the newest information available about potential West Seattle light rail alternatives, we mentioned that Sound Transit promised to make new “visualizations” publicly available. They are now up for you to view as part of an “online open house” that’s also been launched – see them above or here (PDF). They’re black and white (unlike the unofficial community-member-created ones featured here back in January) and do not appear to cover all the possibilities currently under discussion, but they’re something else you can take into consideration. The new “online open house” starts here and is open for use until September 23rd. And again, you’re invited to the West Seattle Neighborhood Forum that Sound Transit is presenting tomorrow (Saturday, September 8th), 9-11:30 am in the gym at Seattle Lutheran High School (4100 SW Genesee). This is a key time for your feedback, as the process of determining a “preferred alternative” to send into full formal environmental study is about to get to the third and final stage of review.
ADDED 6:21 PM: We have since received some additional information we had requested – the estimated numbers for displacements projected along each of the alternatives currently being reviewed, and an additional 100-plus-page document with even more evaluation specifics.
The displacement numbers are here (1-page PDF) – “residential units” and commercial square footage – and also viewable on pages 28 and 29 of the additional data (103-page PDF). Broken out:
The “representative project” (ST’s original proposal): Between 85 and 145 potential residential unit displacements
Pigeon Ridge/West Seattle Tunnel: Between 145 and 220 potential residential unit displacements
Oregon Street/Alaska Junction Elevated: Between 145 and 220 potential residential unit displacements
Golf Course/Alaska Junction Tunnel: Fewer than 85 potential residential unit displacements
Oregon Street/Alaska Junction Tunnel: Between 145 and 220 potential residential unit displacements