The lineup’s out! Sub Pop Records reveals who’s playing 30th anniversary party on Alki Beach on August 11th – Mudhoney and more!

(WSB photos/video)

9:25 AM: We’re at KEXP‘s Seattle Center headquarters for the announcement everyone’s been waiting for … who’s playing at Alki Beach for Sub Pop Records‘ already-much-previewed 30th-anniversary party? Sub Pop just announced it! The poster here tells the toplines:

Or, if you prefer the text version, from Sub Pop’s news release:

Beach House, Clipping, Kyle Craft, Fastbacks, Jo Passed, Loma, LVL UP, METZ, Moaning, Mudhoney, Shabazz Palaces, Wolf Parade, plus Caspar Babypants, The Not-Its, and The School of Rock West Seattle House Band

“Special guests” are promised too. We first reported the party plan back in January. It’s expected to draw thousands to Alki for a free four-stage music-and-more festival noon-10 pm on August 11th – 30,000 was the estimated turnout for Sub Pop’s 25th anniversary in Georgetown in 2013.

(WSB photo added: Sub Pop CEO Megan Jasper in-studio at KEXP)

Right after Sub Pop CEO Megan Jasper (a West Seattleite) and team’s announcement, Shabazz Palaces is playing live at the KEXP Gathering Space, and we’re staying for some of that.

Before entering the studio, Jasper told us she’s “so excited” to finally make the lineup public. Updates to come!

9:49 AM: The Shabazz Palaces mini-show has just begun (streaming live here).

Meantime, also announced by Sub Pop, three other events that weekend – not in West Seattle but you might be interested – details are on the special SPF 30 website.

And if you’re just tuning in to all this, Sub Pop reps have been visiting the Alki Community Council and Admiral Neighborhood Association for months to discuss logistics and answer questions, given the magnitude of the event – here’s our most-recent report.

16 Replies to "The lineup's out! Sub Pop Records reveals who's playing 30th anniversary party on Alki Beach on August 11th - Mudhoney and more!"

  • John May 29, 2018 (10:32 am)

    Always welcome Sub Pop!But a bit of a let down compared to Sub Pop’s incredible  Silver Jubilee 25th Anniversary held in Georgetown and more akin to the West Seattle Summer Fest.Here’s hoping for great “special guests”.

    • Gary May 30, 2018 (2:49 pm)

      Beach House is significantly bigger than any of the bands who performed at Georgetown. Maybe bigger than the 3 biggest bands from that festival put together….

  • Kristine @ Alki May 29, 2018 (10:34 am)

    Im so excited for this! It was so much fun five years ago in Georgetown. I’m psyched it’s coming to my neighborhood! 

  • Fiwa Jcbbb May 29, 2018 (11:33 am)

    Why can’t they just say “Green River”? Hopefully Tacoma’s Girl Trouble will set up their own stage again…and I believe The Parliament Tavern will be hosting other great Sub Pop also-rans from back in the day that night. 

    • annaeileen May 29, 2018 (1:01 pm)

      I wasn’t sure if you meant there was going to be a secret Green River reunion  or  do you mean without Matt,  Mudhoney are basically Green River?  If so, I totally get it.  IMHO, Matt made Mudhoney. I have mixed feelings about resurrecting old bands but I love GT and hope they get to perform somewhere close!  I bet they weren’t even asked.  GT are the NICEST people in any band and don’t get the respect they deserve.

      • Wes C. Addle May 29, 2018 (2:14 pm)

        Matt if you’re referring to Lukin, was not in Green River. 

        • annaeileen May 29, 2018 (3:08 pm)

          You are totally right!  I used to hang out with the Melvins back in the 80s, I should have known better :)

          • Wes C. Addle May 29, 2018 (4:13 pm)

            The Melvins should play Parliament  :)

        • Helpful May 30, 2018 (10:16 am)

          I don’t see anyone saying Matt lukin was in green river. 

      • valvashon May 29, 2018 (5:03 pm)

        I just messaged GT on FB asking them if they’d like to play a show on my deck- our house sort of overlooks Alki Beach along Admiral Way.  Bon replied that they are playing the Music and Art in the Park show in Tacoma that day and since it’s the last one they aren’t going to miss it.  So now I guess I can sell parking spots in my driveway!

        • Annaeileen May 29, 2018 (8:18 pm)

          Awesome! Thanks for asking them. I guess Tacoma makes sense for them.

  • Ham Fan May 29, 2018 (7:50 pm)

    Any Hamilton fans out there? Daveed is in clipping . 

  • Felix Grounds May 30, 2018 (7:29 am)


  • MercyMoi May 30, 2018 (6:11 pm)

    Hugest Ham Fan here. What?!? Daveed will be in our West Sizzle??? I’m so there!

  • TJ May 30, 2018 (6:58 pm)

    The poor octogenarians and their strokes, infarctions, dogs/cats running away, hiding under beds having panic attacks.  They said 40,000 people?  Who knows what kind of miscreants will be down there amongst the kids, scant police presence, this is lawsuit(S) waiting to happen.

    • Helpful May 30, 2018 (10:46 pm)

      Ha! The sky is certain to fall!!although grunge/subpop fans “scruffy?” style might intimidate some- I doubt there is any other group of music fans less likely to shoot, rob, steal, or maim. Or more likely to ROCK OUT! Mudhoney!! Whooooo!!

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