9:25 AM: We’re at KEXP‘s Seattle Center headquarters for the announcement everyone’s been waiting for … who’s playing at Alki Beach for Sub Pop Records‘ already-much-previewed 30th-anniversary party? Sub Pop just announced it! The poster here tells the toplines:
Or, if you prefer the text version, from Sub Pop’s news release:
Beach House, Clipping, Kyle Craft, Fastbacks, Jo Passed, Loma, LVL UP, METZ, Moaning, Mudhoney, Shabazz Palaces, Wolf Parade, plus Caspar Babypants, The Not-Its, and The School of Rock West Seattle House Band
“Special guests” are promised too. We first reported the party plan back in January. It’s expected to draw thousands to Alki for a free four-stage music-and-more festival noon-10 pm on August 11th – 30,000 was the estimated turnout for Sub Pop’s 25th anniversary in Georgetown in 2013.
(WSB photo added: Sub Pop CEO Megan Jasper in-studio at KEXP)
Right after Sub Pop CEO Megan Jasper (a West Seattleite) and team’s announcement, Shabazz Palaces is playing live at the KEXP Gathering Space, and we’re staying for some of that.
Before entering the studio, Jasper told us she’s “so excited” to finally make the lineup public. Updates to come!
9:49 AM: The Shabazz Palaces mini-show has just begun (streaming live here).
Meantime, also announced by Sub Pop, three other events that weekend – not in West Seattle but you might be interested – details are on the special SPF 30 website.
And if you’re just tuning in to all this, Sub Pop reps have been visiting the Alki Community Council and Admiral Neighborhood Association for months to discuss logistics and answer questions, given the magnitude of the event – here’s our most-recent report.