West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
The West Seattle Food Bank serves an ever-increasing number of people in our community – when we saw executive director Fran Yeatts at a recent event and asked her what’s new, she said that continues to be the biggest thing for WSFB, staying ahead of the rising tide of need. There are many ways you can help, and a big one is coming up two weeks from tonight – the Food Bank’s annual Instruments of Change fundraiser. It’s happening the night of Saturday, May 12th, at the Seattle Design Center. Your night out includes drinks, dinner, a dessert dash (preview the treats here), auction bidding (preview your options here), and the chance to cheer West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) as this year’s Instrument of Change honoree. We’re a media sponsor and we look forward to seeing you there. Don’t have tickets yet? Go here!
Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:
Friday morning, April 27th at around 5:35 a.m., a man tried getting into my house. He was pushing on the windows and tried to open the sliding glass doors located on the back of my house. I called the police and shortly after I watched the person walk off my property down Fauntleroy SW. Police responded, but said they couldn’t do much as the person did not enter the home and they did not see him in the area.
My home is about a block from Gatewood Elementary on Fauntleroy Way SW. Closest street intersection: SW Mills St. and Fauntleroy Way SW. If you could post a notice to the community, that would be appreciated. Maybe just a note to keep windows and doors locked even as we move into the warmer months.
STOLEN AND DUMPED PURSE? Not far south of there, later in the day on Friday, Tom found potentially stolen/dumped items:
Walking the dog around 5 PM on 4/27 and spotted a purse that appears to have been tossed in the bushes near the corner of SW Cloverdale St and Fauntleroy Pl SW. Contains a pair of shoes, a sports bra, and a receipt. Owner can contact me at TL98136@gmail.com.
We asked Tom if he had taken possession of the items – he went back for them and the jacket/yoga pants in the purse (which he thought might also be a gym bag) were gone, but he has everything else, so if you’re missing something in that area, contact him.
(First two photos courtesy Tamsen Spengler)
If you live/work in the High Point area, the Neighborhood House center is where you’d go in case of catastrophe – it’s the local Emergency Communication Hub. And it was one of three West Seattle hubs “activated” by volunteers this morning for the drill we previewed earlier this week.
As announced, volunteers ran through a scenario in which not only was there a massive power outage, cellular communication was out too. That’s when point-to-point radio communication comes in handy – the next photo shows Shane Marr, longtime GMRS Net Control operator:
(This photo and next two, courtesy of Karen Berge)
The message board is always key to a hub – it’s where resources and needs would be tracked:
Not sure where your nearest hub is? Go here to find it. And remember – it’s an all-volunteer effort – here are High Point’s new hub captains, Johnny Schmidt and Robert Landis:
Karen Berge adds, “One very cool aspect of today’s drill was that we had two observers who drove down from British Columbia to watch this field exercise. They said that they learned a lot from watching us, as they are in the early stages of setting up a hub there. Conversely, during our debrief after the exercise, we learned some useful things from them.”
(Photo courtesy Seattle Parks)
This weekend we’ll be featuring some of your summer-camp options, since school’s out in just two months. First: Sheila Brown from Camp Long wants to make sure people know about the new Survivor Quest Summer Youth Camp, a day camp to introduce “youth ages 12-15 to wilderness survival, backpacking skills, first aid, environmental science, and more. As explained on Parkways:
In an effort to individualize education, campers are given the opportunity build some of the SurvivorQuest curriculum. On the first day of each five-day session, campers and counselors will plan the week’s activities together to incorporate campers’ goals into the planned survival and environmental learning objectives. Not only will they learn survival skills and environmental science, but they will get to choose outdoor skills to focus on for the week.
Another component of this camp is that six of the eight sessions of SurvivorQuest include Camp Long’s 4-H Challenge Course and the famous Schurman Rock for facilitated rock climbing. … Camp Long’s Challenge Course facilitators follow the principles of Experiential Education, with heavy focus on team-building, communication, decision-making, and accountability.
SurvivorQuest starts the week of July 2nd and runs for eight weeks. Each session lasts five days, Monday through Friday. The camp is held at Camp Long, except for the weeks of July 23rd and 30th, which will be at Schmitz Park, and will not include the 4-H Challenge Course. Sessions cost $325, with scholarships and sibling discounts available. … For more information or to register your teen, call Camp Long at 206-684-7434.
You can also use the Seattle Parks online system – go here and look for activity camps at Camp Long.
(First 2 and last 2 photos by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
12:06 PM: The rain lifted (mostly) just in time for this morning’s postseason rematch between West Seattle High School and Chief Sealth International High School at Southwest Athletic Complex. The Wildcats won, 4-1, and will play Ingraham HS next, 7 pm Monday at Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center. Photos to come!
ADDED 8:14 PM: A few game highlights, with help from WSHS parent Porter Hammer, who shared the next photo of Wildcat junior pitcher Ruben Gut, who threw a complete game – 71 pitches in 7 innings – and sophomore catcher Ulysses Hammer:
Gut also had 4 strikeouts and gave up only one run, a homer by Chief Sealth sophomore Nestor German in the top of the seventh. He and Hammer each accounted for one of West Seattle’s RBIs, with Nathan Villegas getting the other two. Another play of note in the game, Wildcat Kai Osaka scoring on a passed ball by Sealth catcher Jess Brown:
This was the final game of the year for Sealth head coach Ernest Policarpio and team.
The next game for first-year West Seattle head coach Bryan Tupper and team is another win-or-go-home.
ORIGINAL REPORT, SATURDAY MORNING: Some days back, we got a couple texts about someone with a full drum set, set up out in the parking area along Spokane Street under the West Seattle Bridge. We went by and saw the drums … but the drummer was nowhere in sight. Then we discovered via Twitter that Byron of BikeHugger.com had spotted the drummer one recent evening and recorded him. Byron gave us permission to use his video; he doesn’t know the mystery drummer’s backstory either. Do you?
ADDED MONDAY MORNING: Over the weekend, the “mystery drummer” identified himself in comments as Dakota Duran. In a followup chat by text during a break from his local grocery-store job, he told us that his band is Mad Culture, based in Admiral, and he drums under the bridge a few times a week so he doesn’t bother his neighbors.
(Golden-Crowned Kinglet, photographed by Trileigh Tucker)
A soggy start to our Saturday – but there’s lots to do, so don’t let the rain keep you home!
SANISLO ELEMENTARY DONATION DRIVE: Got clothing and other household items you can donate for a good cause? Sanislo Elementary is raising money by trying to fill a truck with donations and taking it to Value Village, 8 am-2 pm – drive or ride up and drop off, as previewed here. (1812 SW Myrtle)
DISASTER DRILL AT 3 HUBS: This time, the drill scenario is something that isn’t too unimaginable, as previewed here: A power outage and cellular outage. You’re invited to observe and/or participate- 8:30 am-noon at three West Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs, Pigeon Point (20th/Genesee), High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW), and Fauntleroy (9140 California SW).
WSHS-SEALTH POSTSEASON BASEBALL GAME: 10 am at Southwest Athletic Complex, you’re invited to cheer as Chief Sealth International High School and West Seattle High School face off in postseason baseball. (2801 SW Thistle)
BOOK SALE: Annual Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor) book sale in Adams Hall. Find some great reading material for great prices, 10 am-2 pm. (3940 41st SW)
DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY: 10 am-2 pm, drop off unwanted/unneeded/expired prescription medication at the Southwest Precinct. (2300 SW Webster)
INTERNATIONAL TABLETOP DAY: Go play at Meeples Games, with special events 10 am-6 pm. Bring nonperishable food for the West Seattle Food Bank. (3727 California SW)
ROCK AND GEM SHOW: Day 1 of the West Seattle Rock Club‘s annual show, 10 am-5 pm at the Masonic Center in The Junction. (4736 40th SW)
BENEFIT PLANT SALE: 11 am-3 pm in Arbor Heights, raising money to fight lung disease. (3703 SW 107th)
GREEN HOME TOUR: Four West Seattle stops on the first day of this tour, 11 am-5 pm.
MODERN HOME TOUR: One of the stops on the Green Home Tour is also part of today’s Modern Home Tour, the only West Seattle stop. 11 am-5 pm.
ARTIST WORKSHOP: The West Seattle Art Walk invites all local artists to a noon-4 pm workshop at Inner Alchemy in Sunrise Heights. (7354 35th SW)
‘LET’S TALK RACE’: DNDA‘s conversation/workshop series continues with “Understanding Islam,” 1 pm-6 pm at Neighborhood House High Point. Free, with child care and dinner included. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
COMMUNITY CONVERSATION WITH YOUR SCHOOL BOARD REP: Leslie Harris, who represents West Seattle/South Park on the Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors and serves as its president, will be at Delridge Library, 3-5 pm. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
‘THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH’: 5:30-8:30 pm benefit for Denny-Sealth Performing Arts. Dinner, beverages, student performances and more. At Fauntleroy UCC. (9140 California SW)
SOLD OUT! ‘I CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE’: 7:30 pm at Kenyon Hall, the classic Broadway musical, presented by the Seattle Jewish Theater Company – details in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)
STAND UP FOR HEALING LAUGHTER: Benefit comedy show at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 8 pm, benefiting Room Circus Medical Clowning. Details in our calendar listing. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
WEST END GIRLS: The monthly “drag extravaganza” at The Skylark starts at 8 pm – see the lineup in our calendar listing. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
LOTS MORE – preview it all on our complete calendar.
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