From Amanda:
It was suggested to me that I email you regarding a moment that happened tonight as we were trick or treating.
My son was going up to a house and these two young Muslim girls, maybe 14-16, went up at the same time.
They were so excited, but as they got up there the man at the door yelled at and shamed them for being too old and not wearing costumes.
It broke my heart, they left nearly running away, upset. I don’t understand the hostility, because I grew up doing this until about 17. Also, these kids are not allowed to dress up, from what I was told. I feel like it was completely uncalled for, and hateful.
I want to try to reach out to the community and see if we can somehow get these girls candy. I feel like a lot of the Somali Muslim population in High Point may be new to this country and maybe these girls hadn’t gotten to experience Halloween before, and this man totally ruined their experience.
People need to meet others with love and empathy, and it has bothered me all night that this took place.