day : 19/10/2017 13 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Updates on 3 court cases

From the online court files:

ABEL LINARES: The second suspect arrested in last month’s murder of Edixon Velasquez outside his Westwood home was arraigned today. Linares, 19, pleaded not guilty to the first-degree murder charge filed against him two weeks ago. Online court files also show his lawyer filed an objection to the fact that probable cause was found to hold Linares based mostly on two unidentified witnesses saying he told them he shot Velasquez. Linares remains jailed in lieu of $1 million, as does the first suspect arrested in the case, 21-year-old Anna Kasparova (who was supposed to have a case-setting hearing today,but it’s postponed until next Tuesday because her lawyer is sick). His next hearing is set for November 2nd.

RYAN COX: The repeat offender charged with second-degree assault in the stabbing of a man at California/Orchard in August remains in jail, insisting on going to trial, but the trial date was pushed back at his most recent hearing. If it doesn’t change again, Cox is scheduled for trial the week after Thanksgiving. His bail remains set at $150,000.

JESSICA DETRICK: This repeat offender has just pleaded guilty in the most recent case against her. It wasn’t in West Seattle, but court documents say an image published here from a West Seattle burglary was instrumental in identifying her. She has pleaded guilty to attempted burglary of a residence on Queen Anne back in March. She was recorded on video, accompanied by her dog, as she had been in West Seattle incidents. Documents say that when the victim posted about the attempted break-in online, someone pointed her to a previous report about Detrick on WSB. That led to the involvement of a West Seattle detective who identified her as the suspect. As part of her plea bargain, prosecutors will recommend two years in prison when she is sentenced on November 3rd.

POWER OUTAGE UPDATE: Why 43 customers on Charlestown Hill lost electricity for 14+ hours

9:55 PM: Thanks to those who just messaged to let us know about a power outage on Charlestown Hill. The Seattle City Light map shows 43 customers out as of just after 9 pm, no cause yet, restoration estimated by 3 am (but remember, it might be sooner … or later). Let us know if you see an SCL truck in the area – that’s usually the main clue about the outage’s origin.

10:07 PM: The SCL map has updated to blame this outage on unspecified “equipment failure.”

5:52 AM: Still out, the map says, now estimating restoration is still a few hours away.

12:01 PM: The power is finally back after 14+ hours. We asked City Light’s Scott Thomsen about the cause and why it took so long to fix. His reply:

The outage you asked about was caused by the failure of a piece of equipment called a limiter. A limiter limits the amount of current flow to protect equipment from power surges.

When it blew, the surge that was then allowed damaged an underground cable, which had to be repaired. Finding the exact damage spot on an underground cable can be challenging, sometimes involving digging up different spots to check its condition. This one did take a long time to find the damage and repair it.

FOLLOWUP: If you’ve been wondering about Olympia Coffee’s West Seattle shop …

When Olympia Coffee announced in May that it would open a West Seattle cafĂ©, its proprietors hoped to open this month. It’s going to take a bit longer, co-proprietor Sam Schroeder tells WSB, because of a construction delay related to some logistics that are out of their hands, which he says involve the city and the developer of Rally, the townhouse/live-work complex where they plan to open at 3840 California SW. “We are so excited to open in West Seattle, I personally can’t wait to serve our delicious coffee to the community that I grew up in,” Schroeder told us via e-mail, while saying he’s frustrated that “things are moving comically slow. It is hard to make a firm estimate on an opening date, since this delay is out of our hands. I can say that we have already made a lot of progress doing some offsite work. Including having Windfall Lumber mill of all of the wood we will use in construction, as well as getting some custom equipment built, along with the construction of our cabinets, and some custom metal work for our furniture.” Again, this phase of the project is not entirely in their control, but Schroeder says, ” If I had to make a guess, I would say that we will be open by the end of the year.”

P.S. Once they do open, he says, their hours will be 6 am-6 pm daily.

ROADSIDE RAINGARDENS: Drop-in discussions next week for Longfellow Natural Drainage Systems Project

October 19, 2017 6:13 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle weather

The rainy season is here, and Seattle Public Utilities is getting to the next phase of deciding where to install 7-10 blocks of natural drainage systems – such as roadside raingardens – for the Longfellow Natural Drainage Systems Project. It’s hosting drop-in discussions at two spots next Wednesday (October 25th). From SPU spokesperson Brian Mickelson:

For these drop-in sessions, SPU is most interested in hearing from folks that live along the blocks we’re considering installing natural drainage. That includes 30th Ave SW between SW Barton St down to just below SW Roxbury St, 29th Ave SW between SW Barton St and SW Roxbury St, 25th Ave SW between SW Barton St and SW Roxbury St, and the area immediately surrounding 24th Ave SW and SW Kenyon St (we sent the attached postcard to those neighbors specifically). That said, we are of course happy to chat with anyone that wants to stop by.

The drop-in discussions will be 4-6 pm Wednesday at 30th/Barton and 24th/Kenyon. For more backstory, see the project FAQ here. The city announced the project back in May, saying that construction is expected in 2019.

VIDEO: Quake-readiness lessons for students in Great Washington ShakeOut

October 19, 2017 4:27 pm
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 |   Genesee Hill | Preparedness | West Seattle news

Disaster preparedness is for all ages. Genesee Hill Elementary students provided an example of that during this morning’s Great Washington ShakeOut earthquake drill:

As you can see, they knew what to do – and got the all-clear to emerge after 60 seconds:

Genesee Hill – which, at just one year old, has plenty of upgraded seismic-safety features – was by no means the only school participating today, but Seattle Public Schools chose it as the school to host interested media, like us. It also became a teaching occasion:

Those students were showing classmates a map with a closer look at the Pacific Rim’s “Ring of Fire” quake-fault-and-volcano zone. Some learned about emergency supplies by tasting them:

(The review: A bit sweet. Turned out it contained some coconut water.) Students were also asked to tell their neighbors one thing they would do in case of an emergency:

P.S. One important extra lesson for West Seattleites – separate from today’s official event but something you need to know – your nearest Emergency Communication Hub!

Shiny, silver, stolen: Seen this Airstream, taken near Alki? – FOUND!

ORIGINAL OCTOBER 19TH REPORT: Last time we published a photo of a stolen trailer, a WSB reader found it. Maybe that’ll happen this time too – given how conspicuous this particular trailer would be. The photo is from Esther, and it’s her vintage 28-foot Airstream, stolen from her driveway in the Alki area sometime after midnight last night/early today, possibly around 12:30 am, when neighbors heard some noises. “It’s a 1972 Land Yacht, with a high $ and sentimental value.” Call 911 if you think you’ve seen it; refer to SPD incident # 17-388291.

UPDATE: Found, thanks to commenter Michael‘s photo!

UPDATE: Kitchen fire @ Lofts at The Junction, 1 treated for smoke inhalation

1:43 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a “full response” for a possible apartment fire at 44th/Oregon. The first unit on scene is seeing some “white smoke from a 5th floor window.”

1:50 PM: Our crew isn’t there yet but we’re hearing via the scanner that this is a kitchen fire. Just added photo above, courtesy of Eddie.

1:57 PM: Our crew on scene confirms that it’s indeed a kitchen fire. It’s now out. The photo above this line is from WSB’s Patrick Sand – we’ve also confirmed that it’s The Lofts at The Junction (4535 44th SW). No injuries reported.

2:15 PM: SFD says one person has been treated for smoke inhalation.

Here’s when Seattle City Light plans to automate your electricity meter

First report from last night’s quarterly Morgan Community Association meeting is one of interest no matter what neighborhood you’re in: It’s the first community-council briefing we’ve seen in this area since Seattle City Light started switching over to automated meters. The map above shows which parts of West Seattle are scheduled for installation next year – according to the online schedule, the utility expects to have all installations citywide due by the end of 2018.

SCL’s Scott Thomsen spoke to MoCA last night, saying that the new meters will be uploading your power-use information to SCL six times a day. They’re replacing meters that are in some cases older than half a century. He described the attributes as including “first off, you’re going to get more accurate billing.” No more “estimated reads” when they can’t get a meter reading to your house, for whatever reason, leading to an inaccurate bill and maybe a big catch-up bill later. Then, “on a day like today with a storm coming in,” instead of reporting a power outage, “the meter will tell us that you are out,” and that will get crews on the road quicker to fix them. Also: “What we’re talking about is a change in our relationship with you, our customers, to put more power in your hands to control energy costs,” since you’ll also have access to details of how much you’re using.

Questions included whether the existing meter’s base will accommodate the new meter; Thomsen says yes, but if something goes wrong while they are installing it, or they need to fix something with the base, they will take the position that it’s their responsibility, though technically property owners are accountable for providing the base that holds the meter.

How will you know exactly when you’re due for installation? Thomsen says you’ll get three notifications before they come to install – a letter, a postcard, an automated phone call, starting weeks ahead of time. The installer will come knock on your door so that if you’re home working on something, you’ll have an opportunity to save it before the one-minute power outage that’ll be required for the switch over. You don’t have to be home for the installation. Other questions? Check out SCL’s page for the automated-meter project.

3 teenagers arrested in Westcrest Park murder of 15-year-old Derek Juarez-Lopez

(WSB photo from September 5th search at Westcrest Park)

10:34 AM: A month and a half after 15-year-old Derek Juarez-Lopez was stabbed to death in Westcrest Park, police have arrested three suspects.

The Seattle Times first reported last night that an 18-year-old man is in jail, bail set at $750,000. This morning, we have just obtained court documents confirming that – and police have just announced that two other suspects, both juveniles, are in custody too:

Detectives arrested an 18-year-old male and a 17-year-old male separately at residences in West Seattle on Tuesday, October 17th. The adult was booked into the King County Jail for Investigation of Murder, while the juvenile was booked into the Youth Services Center (YSC) for the same charge. On October 18th, detectives arrested a 17-year-old female at a residence in West Seattle. She was booked into YSC for murder Wednesday evening. This remains an active and ongoing investigation.

As police said early in the investigation, robbery was the motive, according to the probable-cause documents for the 18-year-old’s bail hearing. He is alleged to have stabbed the victim, who, police were told, was lured into the park so that he could be robbed of marijuana he was allegedly carrying. We’ll add more details as we read through the lengthy narrative in the court documents…

ADDED 11:18 AM: According to the probable-cause documents, the 18-year-old suspect is a South Delridge resident; we haven’t found any criminal record on file for him. The narrative extensively details how police tracked the case. The victim and his family live in Arbor Heights, and he left on the day of the murder with his brother. The brother told police he was driving Derek to meet his girlfriend and dropped him off near 14th/Roxbury. Derek and the girlfriend had been communicating by a social-media messaging service so police had to get a search warrant for his phone, which was recovered, damaged, at the murder scene. Police wrote,”The texts between the two suggested that they were meeting for the reason of the sale and/or use of drugs.” (Marijuana is the only “drug” mentioned in the narrative.) They found the girlfriend and interviewed her the same day Derek died. They say she admitted leading him to an area of the park – near where she lives – where she said three men armed with knives jumped and attacked him, and, she said, she ran away, but didn’t report it to police.

The next day, the narrative says, police received an “anonymous tip” about who was allegedly involved in the murder. They eventually tracked down and spoke with the tipster, who said the victim’s girlfriend did not know that he was going to be killed, but the robbery situation “got out of hand” and that the victim was stomped on as well as stabbed.

It appears from the documents as if one more possible suspect, a 16-year-old boy, has yet to be arrested. Meantime, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office tells us that the 18-year-old suspect is due back in court tomorrow, by which time charges may be filed. We’ll be checking on the juvenile suspects’ status too.

West Seattle Thursday: Mayor, Council candidates @ forum; 2715 California design review; much more…

(Eastern gray squirrels, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today/tonight:

‘GREAT SHAKEOUT’ EARTHQUAKE DRILL: Are you participating? Many are, at 10:19 am today – practicing to “drop, cover, and hold on.” Genesee Hill Elementary in West Seattle is the official media site for Seattle Public Schools participation, and we’re planning to be there.

DANCE IN THE AFTERNOON: Free between 2 and 4 pm? Go to the Senior Center of West Seattle for dance time with music by Lauren Petrie. (4217 SW Oregon)

TINKERLAB: All ages welcome for free, fun STEM-themed crafts at High Point Library, 4-5:30 pm. Today’s theme: Snap Circuits. (35th SW/SW Raymond)

TEEN HUNT AND COSTUME CONTEST: From the WSB Halloween Etc. Guide – ~6 pm at Hiawatha Community Center, for ages 11-17: “A flashlight, goodie bag, and strong spirit is all you need to capture prizes in our grounds. YCTP intern staff will award a ‘spookiest’ and ‘most original’ costume prize prior to the hunt. Hunt begins promptly at dusk.” Free! (2700 California SW)

(added) WOMEN’S NIGHT AT CLICK: 6-9 pm at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor):

We’re welcoming three woman-owned businesses tonight, and you’re invited!

Bring a friend and check out the new holiday collection from Hobo. The local rep is bringing one of her favorites to give away in a drawing, and we’re offering a (super cute!) gift with bag purchase while supplies last.

Meet the makers: Ann of Chikahisa Studio and Lauren of Naked Truth Beauty will both be here. You’ve seen Chikahisa jewelry at Click!; Ann will be bringing a bigger selection including rings! Naked Truth is a line of natural beauty products (with eco-friendly packaging) made right here in the PNW. The party is in the upstairs loft, and we’ll have snacks and bubbly beverages to sip while you shop.

(4540 California SW)

KNOW WHO YOU’RE VOTING FOR? If you’re still making up your mind – or just want to reinforce the decision you’ve made – candidates in three key citywide races will be part of a West Seattle forum tonight, co-sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Transportation Coalition. 6:30 pm doors open at American Legion Post 160 in The Triangle. City Council Position 8 is up first, then Position 9, then Mayor, and organizers say all candidates have RSVP’d. All welcome, no admission charge. (3618 SW Alaska)

DESIGN REVIEW FOR 2715 CALIFORNIA SW: 6:30 pm at Senior Center of West Seattle, the Southwest Design Review Board takes its next look at the mixed-use project called Admiral Station. See the design packet here. The meeting will include a public-comment period. (2715 California SW)

PREPAREDNESS @ TIMEBANK: West Seattle Timebank‘s topic during the 6:30-8 pm meeting at the Senior Center of West Seattle is preparedness – more info in our calendar listing. (4217 SW Oregon)

MAKE HATS FOR PEOPLE IN NEED: 7 pm at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor):

It’s beginning to get cold out and a perfect time to knit a warm hat for others less fortunate than ourselves. If you’re a knitter (or crocheter), or if you’re someone who wants to learn how to knit, please feel free to join us on Thursday 10/19 at 7 pm. Tibbetts is at 3940 41st SW; entry in the alley door. We’ll have several patterns available for you. If you have supplies, feel free to bring your odds and ends of yarn and some needles and join the fun and fellowship!

VIDEO: City Council Position 8 candidates @ Delridge District Council

Your ballot for the November 8th election is on the way. That adds extra weight to the final few weeks of candidate forums – with voters able to make their choices at any time. On Wednesday night, the candidates for City Council Position 8 – the citywide spot for which now-Mayor Tim Burgess chose not to run again – visited the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council. Above is our video of the 48-minute forum, with candidates Jon Grant and Teresa Mosqueda. Housing affordability, homelessness, and transportation were the hot topics.

Mosqueda and Grant are due back in West Seattle tonight (Thursday), as part of the forum presented by the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce and West Seattle Transportation Coalition, which also will feature the Council Position 9 (Lorena González and Pat Murakami) and Mayor (Jenny Durkan and Cary Moon) candidates, 6:30 pm at American Legion Post 160 (3618 SW Alaska).

Also at the district-council meeting, before the candidates’ forum:

TRANSPORTATION: DNDC members want to hear from Metro and SDOT at future meetings, to talk about transportation along Delridge, including overcrowding on Routes 120 and 125. Pigeon Point’s Pete Spalding noted that Metro needs to understand that the Delridge routes aren’t just about going downtown – those routes are the ones the people who live in the area use to travel around West Seattle.

CITY BUDGET: Highland Park Action Committee co-chair Michele Witzki asked everyone to pay attention to the City Council budget discussions about where to deploy LEAD – Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion – which Highland Park has been asking for, for years. Earlier this week, councilmembers talked primarily about using it in the North and South Precincts, not the Southwest. Also discussed, pavement problems on 26th SW, and all were urged to contact City Councilmember Lisa Herbold’s office to ask for paving funds to be used to fix it.

The Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meets third Wednesdays most months, 7 pm, rotating locations, currently Highland Park Improvement Club.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday watch; early West Seattle Bridge crash, other incidents

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

5:53 AM: Thanks for the texts. We start the morning with a crash on the west end of the West Seattle Bridge, which is closed both ways right now as a result, so you can’t get eastbound from Fauntleroy, and if you’re headed westbound, you’ll be detoured off by Admiral.

6:03 AM: Per scanner, a tow truck is headed “westbound in the EB lanes” to get to the crash scene. Again, the closure (see the top left image) is NOT the entire bridge – it’s the Fauntleroy end, west of the Admiral exit.

6:19 AM: This camera shows the police blocking the eastbound entry at Fauntleroy. We’ve just heard an estimate that it’ll be closed another “15-20 minutes.” We’ll update as soon as it opens.

6:34 AM: And the EB entrance at Fauntleroy IS NOW open, as shown on the SDOT video camera at 35th/Fauntleroy. (SDOT verified via Twitter, all clear, both directions.)

7:41 AM Crash reported at 35th/Thistle. Texter says it’s on NB side.

7:44 AM SDOT also reports a crash on EB surface Spokane just east of low bridge.

7:51 AM And now the SFD log shows a crash dispatch for 35th/Avalon.

8:36 AM Stalled vehicle partly blockkng right lane on EB bridge st Delridge onramp.

9:16 AM: SFD is responding to a “wires down” call at 35th/Southern. We don’t know what part of the road it’s blocking but dispatchers are noting (as monitored via scanner) that City Light is very busy.

ADDED 2:26 PM: Some have asked about injuries in the 5 am-hour crash on the bridge. SFD tells us: “Approximately 84 year-old male transported via SFD Medics in stable condition to Harborview. Second patient, approximately 48-year-old male evaluated by firefighters, no transport required.”

READER REPORT: Double hit-and-run on Puget Ridge

More trouble on Puget Ridge – the photos and report were just texted to us, and flesh out a bit of scanner traffic we heard a short time ago:

My fence and bushes were just destroyed by a hit-and-run driver fleeing the scene of a prior hit-and-run at 16th and Dawson. They left behind their GMC bumper.

The texter is near 22nd/21st SW, and explains:

The guy hit the first car and was chased by the son-in-law of the car’s owner. They hit our property while fleeing the person who was chasing them. They were heading down the hill toward Delridge. Probably long gone over the bridge.

Or – they could have stayed on-peninsula. So be on the lookout for a GMC vehicle missing a bumper like that.