COUNTDOWN: Two days until first-ever Westside Job Fair!

Now that it’s Labor Day, we’re just two days away from the first-ever Westside Job Fair, where more than 30 local employers (listed here) will be waiting to talk to you about working for them here on the peninsula. (Imagine not having to deal with bridge backups!) 10 am-1 pm Wednesday (September 6th), the West Seattle Junction Association and West Seattle Chamber of Commerce are presenting the job fair at the Great American Diner and Bar, 4752 California SW, and we’re proud to be the media sponsor, since we’ve been working for years to help connect local businesses and workers via free job listings. So if you’re looking for work, or thinking about a change, we’ll see you Wednesday!

1 Reply to "COUNTDOWN: Two days until first-ever Westside Job Fair!"

  • Curious September 5, 2017 (11:45 am)

    Is Verity Credit Union opening a branch in West Seattle?

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