(River otter – photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Lots of ways to enjoy the warm sunshine during this first weekend of summer!
(added) PACIFIC NW JUNIOR OLYMPIC TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS: 2nd of 3 days at Southwest Athletic Complex, with competition scheduled 8:30 am-4:20 pm. Scroll down this form for the schedule. (2801 SW Thistle)
MORGAN JUNCTION LITTER CLEANUP: Meet at 9 am by the ATM in the New Teriyaki & Wok/Domino’s parking lot. All ages welcome. Cleanup scheduled to continue until 10:30 am. (6540 California SW)
WEST DUWAMISH GREENBELT HIKE: 9 am guided hike – details here. Meet in Riverview parking lot. (12th SW/SW Myrtle)
WEST SEATTLE LINUX USERS’ GROUP: 9 am-10:30 am, every-two-weeks meetup at Fauntleroy YMCA. (9140 California SW)
FREE TAI CHI ON ALKI: 9 am, by Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza. All welcome. Taught by Lao-Shi Caylen Storm. (61st SW/Alki SW)
SUMMER SHOWDOWN: High-school basketball on two courts at West Seattle High School, 9 am-9:30 pm. Schedule highlights in our calendar listing. (3000 California SW)
CLEAN UP ALKI WITH SEAL SITTERS: 9:30 am-noon, it’s the “Sentinels of the Sound” cleanup to help protect wildlife from beach litter. Meet at Alki Statue of Liberty Plaza. (61st SW/Alki SW)
LOWER FAUNTLEROY TREE WALK: Join Tree Ambassador Al Rouyer, 10 am-noon. Meet at the Fauntleroy Creek fish-ladder overlook. Details here. (Upper Fauntleroy Way/SW Director)
LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL OPENS: 11 am-8 pm, first day of the season for West Seattle’s 7-day-a-week (provided temps are 70+) wading pool, by the play area in north upper Lincoln Park. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
(added) HIGHLAND PARK SPRAYPARK OPENS: Seattle Parks just confirmed this morning that Highland Park Spraypark WILL open today as announced, though not at 100 percent, and although work at the park around it isn’t entirely done yet. 11 am-8 pm. (1100 SW Cloverdale)
FIELD DAY: At the south end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus, it’s all about amateur (ham) radio for 24 hours:
Two local groups — the Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service, and the Puget Sound Repeater Group — will be joining up again this year and conducting operations from 11 AM Saturday June 24 continuously through 11 AM Sunday June 25. The public is invited to come see the event, learn about amateur radio and emergency communications, and even try their hand at making contact with another radio operator — perhaps in a remote part of the world!
Just stop by! (6000 16th SW)
LOW-LOW TIDE: At 11:38 am, the tide bottoms out at an EXTREMELY low point: -3.6 feet. Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists will be at Constellation and Lincoln Parks 10 am-2 pm if you have questions. (Look for the signs)
COLMAN POOL SEASON CONTINUES: Noon to 7 pm, the outdoor, heated saltwater pool on the shore at Lincoln Park is open. Here’s the schedule. (Walk or bike from either end of the park)
NO ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS TODAY: Saturday tours are canceled again this week, but you’ll be able to tour tomorrow.
KITE FESTIVAL: The Seattle Chinese Garden at the north end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus invites you to today’s annual Kite Festival, 2-6 pm. Bring your own kite or buy one there. 3 pm martial-arts performance. Suggested admission donation $3 for adults, youth free. Details here. (6000 16th SW)
URBAN HOMESTEAD FOUNDATION BLOCK PARTY: 3-5 pm at the future Dakota Homestead property, the Urban Homestead Foundation invites you to “bring a dish to share, meet your neighbors and learn more about the exciting progress our community is making in purchasing this land. We’ll have activities for kids and urban agriculture information for adults.” (50th SW/SW Dakota)
LIVE MUSIC AT SALTY’S: Harrison B performs at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), 5-9 pm. (1936 Harbor SW)
LIVE MUSIC AT WHISKY WEST: Triangular Jazztet, 9-11 pm at Whisky West, no cover. 21+. (6451 California SW)
LIVE MUSIC AT PARLIAMENT TAVERN: “A psychedelic liquid light show” with Infinite Flux, Sower, & Sabertooth at Parliament Tavern, 9 pm. $8 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
LIVE MUSIC AT THE SKYLARK: Skullbot, Green River Thrillers, and The Grindylow, 9 pm. $7 cover. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
WITH ALL THAT, THERE’S *STILL* MORE … check our complete-calendar page.