Commemoration celebration, memorial ride December 18 for Joel Eggert

A celebration of Joel P. Eggert‘s life is now set for December 18th, one week from today, starting with a memorial ride. His friend Jamie Burton Chamberlin shares the details tonight, after this remembrance:

Joel was a very special man to so many people. He was a father, a son, a brother, a grandfather, a grandson, an uncle, a cousin, a nephew, a friend and most importantly, a lover. He was a lover of everything and everyone. Joel always had a camera in his hand as he found the beauty in everything and wanted to capture it. Joel died doing what he loved in the city he loved.

In a tragic accident, he crashed his motorcycle in West Seattle on Sunday, December 4th, on the way home from watching the Seahawks annihilate the Panthers. His motorcycle was not just one of his many passions, it fed his soul. He lived to ride and was never far from his amazing group of motorcycle brothers.

Joel was an artist. Always drawing, designing, and welding… he made incredibly beautiful things. He worked for Delta Marine and in his years there he marked dozens of amazing yachts with his beautiful designs. Joel lived for music… his soul sang to all of us. Most every night you would find him somewhere, whether it be home or out and about, listening to a new band or an old favorite, surrounded by friends, and making new ones. Joel made music as well – his guitars were his favorite tools, but he could rock the drums and even the piano. Music oozed from this man. The Seattle Music scene lost their biggest fan and will miss his presence greatly.

Joel was born in Minnesota and grew up in Rockford, MN. In 1994, he spread his love across the country to Seattle, but he stayed in contact with his childhood friends, and when he visited it was like he had never left. In his nearly 47 years on the planet, Joel touched the hearts of everyone who knew him and never left without a goodbye that included one of his amazing hugs. Even after his passing, he continues to change people’s lives as an organ donor; donating both kidneys, his liver and his beautiful, strong heart.


Please help us celebrate the life of Joel Patrick Eggert … Not enough can be said about how special he was to each and every one of us, and now we have a day to share our memories, recollections, music and stories.

Musical Performances by Darci Carlson, Kim Virant, Matt Strutynski, Ten Miles Wide, Windowpane, and many other Special Guests.

Special Patching Dedication and Toast by Parker Lundgren.

This event is open to the public and seating will be limited. Anyone with special seating needs please contact

To share photos for the slideshow presentation, please send them to: by Wednesday, 12/14/16.


A Memorial Motorcycle Ride will begin 10 am at The Orient Express, 2963 4th Ave S. All riders participating are requested to arrive and be parked at Slim’s by 11:45. For further info, contact Charlie Lorme, 206-817-3786.

10 Replies to "Commemoration celebration, memorial ride December 18 for Joel Eggert"

  • Alki Resident December 11, 2016 (8:05 pm)

    What an honorable thing to do. I hope some of this day can get recorded for his kids and grandkids to view in years to come.

  • ride on December 11, 2016 (8:14 pm)

    what a wonderful way to remember your friend, coworker, riding partner and family member. despite never meeting joel, it’s obvious how much he meant to people who knew him. as someone who’s close family member received a life saving organ transplant years ago, i can tell you that the ultimate gift has been made. it says a lot about who joel was and i hope that the recipients continue to honor his life and legacy.   may you rest in peace, joel. your time here was too short but you made a very impressive mark as evidenced by how many people are feeling your absence and the thoughtfulness with which they have chosen to honor you.

  • Lisa December 11, 2016 (9:40 pm)

    What a wonderful tribute. I’m sorry I never met him. Sounds like a great guy.

  • Craig December 12, 2016 (8:13 am)

    Same. Sounds like a great man to know, wish I would have met him. Condolences for everyone that feels his loss. 

  • Xana La Fuente December 12, 2016 (1:40 pm)

    It looks like I may have some help live streaming this, I will update by Sat as to if so and the link :) 

  • Jerry Hill December 12, 2016 (2:00 pm)

    Joel and I spent many an hour after we got computers and the intercon in the Alaska Airlines office and break room studying everything from clasic old school to baggers and custom bikes. He was a hell of a guy,  always moving and keeping things lively. 

  • Donna (Schmidt) Johnson December 13, 2016 (12:32 pm)

    I am Joel”s 2nd cousin and only have memories of him as a little blond kiddo at Christmas, at my grandma’s house running around with Stacey looking for their presents. I only wish I had gotten to know him as a talented young man. My sympathies to Laurie, Dwight (my cousin), and Stacey. Donna

    • Stacey December 13, 2016 (10:07 pm)

      Thanks so much Donna! Love you!  — Stacey

  • Xana La Fuente December 13, 2016 (2:35 pm)

    You can watch the memorial via live stream here :

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