West Seattle, Washington
03 Monday
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The relationship between local police and communities of color was explored during a panel discussion that was the centerpiece of tonight’s 34th District Democrats meeting at The Hall at Fauntleroy.
The 34th DDs also heard from three candidates in the 7th Congressional District race – King County Council chair Joe McDermott, the group’s primary-election endorsee, who came in third and will not be advancing to the general, and the two candidates who will, State Sen. Pramila Jayapal and State Rep. Brady Piñero Walkinshaw. Video of all three, later in our story.
First, the panel (update: here’s the video):
On the policing panel were activist Bobby Alexander, retired judge and Office of Professional Accountability auditor Anne Levinson, Seattle Community Police Commission executive diredctor Fe Lopez, White Center Community Development Association executive director Sili Savusa, and King County Sheriff John Urquhart. Moderator was the 34th DDs’ state committeeman Chris Porter.Read More
6:18 PM WEDNESDAY: Just days after the CenturyLink fiber Internet outage that lasted all weekend for some West Seattle customers, we’re getting word of another one. The company doesn’t make official outage announcements, but starting around 4 pm – via comments on our previous item, and via e-mail – we started hearing about this. If it’s affecting you too, let us know, and please include your neighborhood.
10:01 AM THURSDAY: We sent an inquiry last night to local CenturyLink media liaisons. Here’s the reply just in from Caitlin Birkenbuel: “On August 10, CenturyLink experienced an outage in a West Seattle neighborhood, which impacted high-speed internet and Prism TV customers. The outage lasted 2.5 hours and was resolved at 7:05pm yesterday evening. We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to thank our customers for their patience during the service delay.”
Thanks for the tips about a big police response at the AM/PM store at Delridge/Orchard. We just went over to find out what was happening. We’re told two people got into a fight right outside the store; one was hurt and had to be taken to the hospital. No robbery involved, just a fight/assault, police say. The store is closed temporarily while officers talk with witnesses inside and outside of the store, but the gas station remains open.
Summer school is more than you might remember it to be. Denny International Middle School principal Jeff Clark shares photos from the summer program that’s wrapping up at his campus:
As August began, the Westside Scholars at Denny International Middle School are finishing up five weeks of academics and enrichment classes. Over 200 scholars participated in Denny’s summer program this year.
The Westside Scholars Program is intended to offer extra academic support to incoming 7th and 8th graders as well as serve as an introduction to middle school for incoming 6th graders from all of Denny’s feeder elementary schools. The program is an excellent opportunity to become familiar with the building and future teachers as they transition to the next level of their education.
Amongst the many enrichment opportunities such as Mariachi, Cooking and Cartooning, sixth graders participated in a unique Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) class twice a week that made science alive and active. A tremendous staff of educators and community partners led and guided the scholars’ instruction and development. Congratulations to our scholars and thank you to our staff and partners for making this happen for our community!
First day of school for Seattle Public Schools students is exactly four weeks from today – September 7th.
12:47 PM: Thanks for the tip! Another long-in-the-works demolition has just begun – this time, on the former market/cleaners building at the Morgan Junction Park expansion site. Both of the businesses closed earlier this year, months after the demolition permit was issued. The city bought the site two years ago for $1.9 million. The plan for the site has yet to be designed, but the Park District levy will provide money for design and development, along with more than a dozen other “landbanked” sites including two others in West Seattle (40th SW in The Junction and 48th/Charlestown)
2:29 PM: They’re making fast work of it – just passed by again a few minutes ago:
Close to half gone.
If you’re following the plan for ~112 apartments and a new PCC Natural Markets-West Seattle (WSB sponsor) store at the site of the current store, 2749 California SW, you’ll want to know that the date is set for the Southwest Design Review Board‘s second look at the project: September 1st.
This is a second round of the first phase, known as Early Design Guidance, as requested by the SWDRB at the conclusion of its first look at the project on July 21st (WSB coverage here), so it’s still in the phase focused on “massing” – the building’s size and shape. The revised design “packet” is not available online yet, but keep watching the project page as the review gets closer. It’s set for 6:30 pm Thursday, September 1st, at the board’s usual meeting place, the Senior Center of West Seattle/Sisson Building (California/Oregon).
The newest reader reports (editor@westseattleblog.com):
Just wanted to send a quick note that my son’s car was broken into Sunday night. This happened in the 2700th block of 38th Ave SW. No damage to the car but about $400 worth of CD’s were stolen. It is an eclectic collection of CD’s (heavy metal, reggae, Hindu music). If anyone sees a bunch of discarded CD’s, please let us know, he would love to have them back.
CAR PROWL #2: From Adam:
Victim of car prowl last night near Genesee. Car was parked in driveway off the alley between 46th and 47th. Criminal got nothing but a couple bucks in coins and a Starbucks card that was deactivated before they could use it.
BIKE THIEF DEFIES DOG: Dave says it took a lot for someone to steal a kids’ bicycle from his residence:
A 24″ kids Specialized Hot Rocks bicycle was stolen from the side of our house on the 7300 block of 17th Ave SW between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm. Here is a picture of what it looks like.
The thief had to deal with a barking dog and multiple gates to get into the yard so must have been determined. The bike was under a tarp and other bicycles. This was reported to the police and I believe is call 16-286935. The serial number is WSBC71104. Please contact Dave at 206-409-3439 with any leads, thank you.
ABANDONED, LIKELY STOLEN: Sue found this “dumped in our side yard on 47th.”
If it’s yours, contact her at suebhounz@gmail.com.
P.S. – HOW TO FIND ARCHIVED CRIME WATCH COVERAGE: Two ways. One, everything categorized as “crime” automatically goes into the newest-to-oldest archive here. We also manually add the links to the WSB Crime Watch page, but it can lag a little; that page is also where you’ll find all the West Seattle-area Tweets by Beat and some resource links.
(WSB photo: Planting-strip garden we noticed during last night’s 35th SW walking tour)
Happy Wednesday! Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today/tonight:
NETWORKING MEETUP: Noon at West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor), drop in to meet local entrepreneurs and other nontraditional workers. (6040 California SW)
STEEL-DRUM PARTY: 2 pm at (updated – the library is presenting, but it’s at the community center) Delridge COMMUNITY CENTER – “Dance, clap, and stomp along to live steel drum music with musician Ian Dobson! This rhythmical journey inspires resourcefulness and interest in exploring other languages and cultures. For all ages.” (4501 Delridge Way SW)
HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN FARM STAND: 4-7 pm, visit the farm stand to buy produce grown and harvested by local residents on a mini-farm that’s just steps away. (32nd SW/SW Juneau)
ALKI CRIME/SAFETY/POLICING FOCUS GROUP: Something to say about crime, safety, and/or policing in the Alki area? Tonight is your focus group with researcher Jennifer Burbridge, 6 pm in the community room at the Southwest Precinct. (2300 SW Webster)
34th DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: Our area’s largest political group meets tonight at 7 at The Hall at Fauntleroy, with this agenda highlight:
7:15 Program: The Relationship between Our Police and Our Communities of Color
· Moderator: Chris Porter.
· King County Sheriff John Urquhart
· Judge Anne Levinson (Ret.), Office of Professional Accountability Auditor, newly appointed to the PDC
· Fe Lopez, Executive Director of the Community Police Commission, City of Seattle;
· Sili Savusa, Executive Director of the White Center Community Development Association; and
· Bobby Alexander, MPA, Activist (1st year Michigan State Law)
· Question and Answer Period
Initiative endorsements also will be considered. (9131 California SW)
AMERICAN LEGION POST 160: Monthly meetings are now being held at 8 pm. (3618 SW Alaska)
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:52 AM: So far, no incidents in/from West Seattle this morning. Two road-work reminders:
LOWER SPOKANE: SDOT says work has begun on this project east of the low bridge; here’s the advisory we published Friday.
ENDOLYNE TRIANGLE: This work in Fauntleroy’s Endolyne district, including changing a block from two-way to one-way, is expected to start today.