Reader reports: Failed car-theft attempt; more mystery booms

From the WSB inbox this morning and overnight:

CAR-THEFT ATTEMPT FAILS: Someone tried to steal Aaron‘s car in south Morgan Junction:

My car was broken into for the second time last night. This time, prying the door locks open with something. Also forcing something into the ignition. They couldn’t keep it running, however, and got to the end of my street and left it. (4300 block SW Frontenac)

MORE MYSTERY BOOMS: Three different times and places mentioned in e-mail reports:

-Heard from Arbor Heights, one “crazy explosion noise” around 9:45 pm
-Heard east of Chief Sealth International High School, “two large explosions” around 12:15 am
-Heard near lower Westcrest Park, “several loud explosions” around 3:30 am

All we can say for sure is that we haven’t found any fire/injury/outage calls related to any of these.

5 Replies to "Reader reports: Failed car-theft attempt; more mystery booms"

  • Erithan July 18, 2016 (9:37 am)

    Heard a few off and on between what sounded like drag racing going on for hours! Surprised no police seemed to be around, they were easily going from admiral to Morgan and back. Booms later on were followed by cheering/yelling of some crowd about midnight or 1am

  • Joah July 18, 2016 (10:23 am)

    Sounded like either fireworks or dry ice bombs or something from where I was a few blocks north of Denny.

  • ClayJustSayin July 18, 2016 (11:18 am)

    The Highland Park kids are self-realizing, via left over fireworks.  They have these all year, off and on, but this year the July 4th energy is still going strong.  Near the South end of Westcrest Park.

  • Blackberry July 18, 2016 (1:26 pm)

    Yes, the booms around 3:30 am – 4:00am near south side of Westcrest Park are for sure fireworks. We have seen and heard them many nights since just before the 4th of July. It’s so annoying to get woken up sometimes several times a night to many loud explosions. I don’t know what they are lighting off, but they sure are BIG.

  • Megan July 19, 2016 (2:51 pm)

    There was also what appeared to be a gun fight between a shot gun and an automatic weapon of some kind at 2AM, heard near Shorewood.  No screeching tires or sirens, so I am not sure what was going on.  Regardless, it woke us all up and scared us.

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