West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
One day after Chief Sealth International High School staff, students, and parents filled the Seattle School Board chambers to make impassioned pleas, they have followed up with a letter and petition. This, you might recall, all started with new enrollment projections leading to a last-minute order that Sealth cut three more full-time teaching positions in the final days of the school year. A point made repeatedly in testimony to the board last night was that the school had made it through a difficult budgeting process before this, with cuts already made, only to be told now they had to make more. The letter:
To: Seattle School Board Members: Stephan Blanford, Rick Burke, Jill Geary, Scott Pinkham, Betty Patu, Leslie Harris, and Sue Peters
Associate Superintendent Michael Tolley
Associate Superintendent of Facilities and Enrollment Flip Herndon
Deputy Superintendent Steven NielsenLast night, you heard from the staff, students, and stakeholders at Chief Sealth International High School about the impact of losing an additional 3.0 FTE from our budget for the 2016/17 school year after a long and difficult spring budget process that included deep losses and cuts of staff.
These additional displacements deeply affect our school’s ability to offer the stable teaching core necessary to run a school which serves so many specialized populations. Our school cannot absorb or buy back staff. We do not have deep-pocketed PTSA dollars or grant dollars or other funding streams that other schools might use to offset such cuts. These shifts in FTE will cut deeply into the arts and CTE and have a significant impact on core academic programs for students. These programs allow us to close the opportunity gap for our students by providing IB for all and by creating programming that is working to affect real change for all of our students, including our disproportionately high specialized populations. These changes in enrollment will jeopardize these successful programs.
We as a staff would like to propose these solutions for the 2016/17 budget cycle. Here are our recommendations:
· Grant our mitigation requests for an IB coordinator and our immersion classes from the first round of difficult budget requests.
· Hold Chief Sealth harmless from these FTE changes for one year until the permanent West Seattle boundary decisions are finalized at the district level this fall.
· Re-evaluate our budget AFTER the District counts, which will include the nonresident and transfer students to Sealth, international students, and waitlisted students whose placements have not yet been finalized.
· Fund advanced learning in the WSS at Sealth, Ingraham, and Rainier Beach beginning in the fall of 2016/17.
Staff from Chief Sealth International High School
They are gathering signatures of support via this online petition including the letter.
Charges are now filed against both suspects arrested in West Seattle Tuesday night for allegedly breaking into a car on Alki and then waving guns and other items in two incidents including the car prowl’s aftermath. (Our original report is here; our first followup is here.)
25-year-old Jory L. Preston and 19-year-old Justin M. Hoyt are both charged with second-degree vehicle prowl and second-degree theft. Preston also is charged with second-degree unlawful-firearm possession, as he is a convicted felon and not allowed to have a gun. The incident that led to the conviction, for domestic-violence assault, was covered here five years ago – Preston turned himself in at the Southwest Precinct after police, eventually including SWAT team members, sought him at a Delridge apartment building. He originally was charged with two counts of assault for a situation involving a former girlfriend, and struck a plea bargain, pleading guilty to one count, sentenced in September 2011 to the month and a half he had served by the time of the hearing. )
The charging papers filed today tell the same story detailed in our report last night on their bail hearing, with a few additional details – the amount of property they are accused of stealing is listed as more than $1600; also, police say Hoyt, despite having a Glock .380 semi-automatic handgun in his front pants pocket, did not have a concealed-pistol license. The charging papers say that while Hoyt has no felony record, he has convictions for being a minor intoxicated in public in 2013 and for hit and run in 2014. And while his bail was set at $100,000 in this new case, the jail register says he is being held without bail for a Cowlitz County warrant alleging failure to appear in a case of driving with suspended license. Preston’s bail remains at $100,000. Both will face arraignment next – no date on the docket yet, but likely week after next.
The street party is on, rain or shine – note the jackets accompanying the leis – on a block of 48th SW near Ercolini Park tonight. The occasion: Today was the last day of classes for Seattle Public Schools, and these neighbors are Schmitz Park Elementary families, marking a double-milestone occasion: This was their students’ last day at Schmitz Park, with the new Genesee Hill Elementary opening in September.
The band Däd – with the umlaut! – was delayed a bit due to the rain, but the show must go on:
Greeters Amy and Brooke explained part of the inspiration for the party was the pig-roast prize won at the school fundraising auction; a few of the neighbors had the winning bid. Summertime also brings “Aloha Friday” get-togethers at the park, and since the last day of school was a Friday this year, the theme just fit:
P.S. Thanks for calling to let us know about the party!
Tomorrow at the Seafair Pirates’ Landing on Alki Beach, you’ll see West Seattle Hi-Yu royalty, likely including some who were at last night’s Hi-Yu White Rose Ceremony at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Admiral. In our photo above are, from left, Junior Court past and present, 2016 Princess Sara Henggeler, 2016 Queen Amelia Kline, 2016 Princess Stephanie Moore, 2015 Queen Emily Cain, 2015 Princess Audrey Kline. Also on the 2016 Junior Court but not at last night’s event, Princess Cailyn White.
The event also celebrated Teen Ambassadors Callie McFadden, Louis Quantreille, Lily Trinneer, and Alyssa White. 2015 Senior Court Queen Kelly Crum is completing her reign:
Here’s this year’s Senior Court candidate Haley Beebe:
Hi-Yu Teen Ambassadors earn service hours; the Senior Court is eligible for scholarships.
Along with seeing Hi-Yu representatives at the Seafair Pirates event tomorrow, you’ll see them often around West Seattle in July, including the Concert in the Park featuring the West Seattle Big Band at 7 pm Tuesday, July 19th, on the east lawn at Hiawatha, and four days later, in the West Seattle Grand Parade, with their award-winning float – Seattle’s last traveling community float. Hi-Yu also can always use more members and volunteers – get in touch to find out how to help.
We’ve already previewed some of tomorrow’s big events – and here’s another: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s annual benefit tour, “If These Walls Could Talk,” takes you behind the scenes at The Kenney. Its century-plus-old grounds include the city-landmarked Seaview Building (with the cupola you see in our photo taken earlier this week at sunset from nearby Solstice Park). The SWSHS site has full details on the 3-5 pm tour, including a video invitation from the great-great-great nephew and niece of The Kenney’s founders Samuel and Jessie Kenney. Admission by donation, $10 for SWSHS members, $15 non-members. (The Kenney is at 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW.)
(WSB photo)
3:31 PM: A two-vehicle crash at 35th and Avalon is tying things up right now at that busy intersection. At the scene, our crew was told one person is hurt and going to the hospital via private ambulance. Avoid the area.
3:39 PM: Per scanner, “all eastbound lanes on Avalon are clear” at the crash scene.
3:47 PM: Tow truck is reported to be on scene now – lanes will be blocked temporarily until it’s done.
4:04 PM: SDOT cameras show the scene is clear.
(Scroll down for the latest)
3:10 PM: President Obama is due to land at Sea-Tac Airport shortly, and once his motorcade is on the move, that’ll mean rolling slowdowns between there and downtown Seattle. West Seattle Bridge access to I-5 is usually temporarily closed too.
3:15 PM: Just heard an estimate that Air Force One is “about 20 minutes out.” According to Seattle Times political reporter Jim Brunner via Twitter, the greeting party at Sea-Tac includes County Executive Dow Constantine, Mayor Ed Murray, and Governor Jay Inslee.
3:33 PM: As shown on KING‘s live stream, Air Force One has landed at Sea-Tac.
President Obama swings through Seattle area (@_JohnnyAndrews) Live Updates/Photos: https://t.co/XTKyM1dJ4e pic.twitter.com/lLOTHIvAzL
— Seattle Times Photo (@SeaTimesPhoto) June 24, 2016
3:50 PM: The live stream now shows the motorcade on the move away from the tarmac. I-5 ramps are reported to be closed, so if you’re heading eastbound, this will affect the West Seattle Bridge for a bit. Again, the President is headed downtown, for a dinner fundraiser, and then out of downtown for a private-residence fundraiser after 8 pm, and then will be staying overnight downtown, until leaving by 9:45 am Saturday.
4:07 PM: According to the view of the east end of the eastbound West Seattle Bridge via SDOT video feed, I-5 northbound is open again, as is the ramp to it (moving slowly, but that’s fairly usual), and the President is arriving downtown.
All ramps and state highways have reopened. We see a lot of crashes in these situations. Please get back going carefully and safely.
— WSDOT Traffic (@wsdot_traffic) June 24, 2016
We’ll update this report if there are any alerts to share later.
7:20 PM: Just a note – the “secret” location for the President’s second stop tonight has finally been made public. The Times says it’s a residence in Medina (scroll to the 6:15 pm update). So sometime after 8 pm, when the President leaves the downtown Seattle fundraiser, he’ll be headed to the Eastside and back downtown, until heading to Sea-Tac and flying back out Saturday morning.
8 AM SATURDAY: The President is still expected to be departing within the next hour and a half or so, so if you’re headed eastbound, heads-up for bridge ramp closures when the motorcade heads to Sea-Tac from downtown.
9:06 AM SATURDAY: Scanner indicates I-5 ramps are closing.
9:19 AM SATURDAY: Motorcade reported to be on the move.
9:26 AM SATURDAY: Ramp closures over.
From the WSB inbox:
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) advises travelers that crews will be paving SW 106th Street from 35th Avenue Southwest to 39th Avenue Southwest next week. This work will require lane closures and parking restrictions during the week. This work is weather dependent.
From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, June 28 and Wednesday, June 29:
· SDOT crews will grind and repave SW 106th St between 35th Ave SW and 39th Ave SW.
· The eastbound lane of SW 106th St will be closed between 35th Ave SW and 39th Ave SW.
· East-west traffic will alternate in the westbound lane, assisted by flaggers.
· Access to driveways on SW 106th between 35th Ave SW and 39th Ave SW may be delayed for up to 15 minutes for equipment to clear.
· Parking will be restricted – “No Parking” signs will be put in place 72 hours before the work starts and parking restrictions begin.
SDOT would like to thank the public for its patience while this work is completed. This project is part of SDOT’s 2016 Arterial Major Maintenance (AMM) program. The AMM program maintains our busiest streets by making strategic small scale investments at key locations on city streets.
Four biznotes this afternoon, all from The Junction:
THUNDER ROAD GUITARS’ NEW HOURS: Proprietor Frank Gross wants you to know that Thunder Road Guitars (4736 California SW; WSB sponsor) has new hours:
Tuesdays-Saturdays 10 am – 6 pm
Sundays – Closed
Mondays – Closed
Online 24/7
By the way, if you didn’t already know, along with the website at thunderroadguitars.com, TRG’s online presence also includes a popular Instagram account, highlighted by “today’s catch.”
AZUMA SUSHI’S VACATION: The recent change to six days a week has worked so well that the hard-working proprietors of Azuma Sushi (4533 California SW) are now planning their “first extended vacation since we opened 16 years ago!” according to signage all around the restaurant. The vacation closure will be Sunday, July 3, through Sunday, July 17, and the restaurant will reopen on Monday, July 18.
KIZUKI RAMEN’S DELAY: We continue to get questions about when this new restaurant at 42nd/Alaska will open. They have a new public update: “Early to mid-July” because of an “unexpected delay.”
DUMPLINGS OF FURY SOON: This much-asked-about restaurant-in-progress (4302 SW Oregon) also has a brand-new public update: “Trying to get the last inspection scheduled now. Training up staff. All good stuff. Can’t nail a date until the inspection is scheduled though. Those guys are busy so we will keep hopes high that happens fast.”
(Photo courtesy WSCC)
Another local faith community is hosting a celebration of longtime leaders who are about to retire. From West Seattle Christian Church in The Junction:
West Seattle Christian Church invites the community to celebrate Alan and Lois Gardner’s retirement on June 26th in the church’s Activity Center. Since the 1970s they have been a special part of the West Seattle community and the church. Alan served first as Minister of Christian Education and later as Preaching Minister. Lois (aka “Mrs. Gardner”) is beloved by her former preschool and kindergarten students at West Seattle Christian School. They’ve touched so many. Please join in honoring them. The service is at 9:30 am Sunday and there will be a social time after the service.
The church and Activity Center are at 4400 42nd SW.
(Anna’s Hummingbird, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
While you wouldn’t know it by this morning’s grayness, summer really is about to arrive. As is the President …
SUMMER BREAK STARTS: Last day of Seattle Public Schools classes, with one-hour early dismissal (time varies by school, and remember that schedules change for some in the fall).
BLOOD DRIVE: If you can donate blood, Admiral Safeway is hosting the BloodWorks NW van 1-7 pm, with a break 3-4 pm. More info in our calendar listing. (2622 California SW)
PRESIDENTIAL VISIT: As detailed in our morning traffic report, President Obama is due at Boeing Field Sea-Tac Airport around 3:20 pm, and that will at least briefly affect West Seattle Bridge traffic when his motorcade hits I-5, both inbound today and outbound tomorrow morning. We’ll have updates on WSB.
WINE TASTING AT VISCON CELLARS: 5-9 pm, the tasting room for West Seattle winery Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) is open! (5910 California SW)
RAINBOW BINGO: It’s a year-round thing at the Senior Center of West Seattle but all the more festive during Pride Month – “Beach Blanket Bingo” is tonight’s theme and there just might be tickets left, so check with the SC ASAP. Doors open 6 pm, entertainment 6:30, bingo at 7. (California SW/SW Oregon)
JEFF ANGELL’S STATICLAND @ ESR: 6:30 pm, live in-store performance at Easy Street Records in The Junction – details in our calendar listing. (California SW/SW Alaska)
BETH O’CONNOR & FRIENDS: 7-9 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), the “earthy singer-songwriter” will entertain you. (5612 California SW)
SEATTLE GIRLS’ CHOIR HELPS THE HELPLINE: Enjoy great music for a great cause – 7:30 pm concert at Alki UCC benefits West Seattle Helpline, as the group gets ready for a European tour – details in our calendar listing. (6115 SW Hinds)
THE BLUES: Grant Dermody, Orville Johnson, and John Miller perform acoustic blues at Kenyon Hall, 7:30 pm; details in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)
MOVIES IN THE PARK: The West Seattle Church of the Nazarene starts its free summer-movie series tonight with “Inside Out,” in the greenspace next to the church, or inside the church in case of rain. From the announcement: “Movies start at sundown. Popcorn, hot dogs, and soda will be provided free of charge. We will have some chairs available although folks are welcome to bring their own chairs or blankets.” (4201 SW Juneau)
MORE FOR TODAY, TONIGHT, THIS WEEKEND, BEYOND … on our complete calendar.
West Seattle Soccer Club has one more week left in open registration – July 1st is the deadline, and after that, signups will be filled “as space is available,” according to WSSC’s Tim McMonigle, who adds: “Remember that we have had to change our age groups to organize teams by birth year instead of academic year. This has been an unfortunate change thrust upon us, and we are doing the best we can to explain the change and answer questions. We have included much info on the WSSC home page, as well as the Registration Announcement page, but if there are any open questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at wsscboard@gmail.com.”
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:48 AM: Good morning! No incidents in/from West Seattle right now. Today’s big traffic lookahead:
PRESIDENTIAL VISIT: President Obama is due in this pm from the Bay Area to headline a political fundraising dinner at the Convention Center downtown, and is staying overnight. The Boeing Field advisory kicks in at 3:15 pm today and lasts until 9:45 am Saturday, so his arrival/departure will be somewhere in that window. His motorcade usually uses I-5, and when it’s about to pass, the ramps from the West Seattle Bridge are usually closed, so watch for updates here.
7 AM: Just texted and tweeted by Metro, a West Seattle bus cancellation:
Transit Alert – Route 56 to downtown Seattle due to leave 63 Av SW & SW Admiral Way at 7:22 AM will not operate this morning.
— King County Metro (@kcmetrobus) June 24, 2016
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: We should also note that Seattle Public Schools‘ last day of classes is today, with one-hour early dismissal.
8:09 AM – PRESIDENTIAL VISIT UPDATE: Found the official schedule on the White House website. 3:20 pm arrival projected; 6:55 speech at the dinner fundraiser; then at 8:25 pm, he’s due to speak at a “private residence” fundraiser, and after that it’ll be back to downtown Seattle for an overnight stay – the downtown security zone is detailed by SPD here. He’s supposed to depart by 9:45 am Saturday, as mentioned earlier.
3:18 PM: We’ve launched a separate update now that the President is on the way – find it here.
In case you’re on the move this early morning, no more bridge detours until Sunday night – the final closure of the week on the west end of the West Seattle Bridge ended early. When we crossed back westward at 12:20 am after a short trip downtown, we noticed the closure was ending, and double-verified via cameras once we got back to HQ.