West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
It’s been more than a month since the Southwest Design Review Board met – but a project has just turned up on their calendar: The third review for 9021 17th SW is tentatively set for July 21st, six months after the second one (official city report here). The plan is still for a 32-apartment building with 32 offstreet parking spaces; its new design doesn’t seem to be in the city’s online system yet.
7:05 PM: If you’re interested in tonight’s Boundary Review Board hearing – the next major step in Seattle’s proposal to annex White Center and vicinity – but couldn’t be there, we wanted to let you know we’re chronicling it live on partner site White Center Now – just go here.
9:36 PM: The first night of the hearing is over; more people are on the list to testify, and that will resume at 7 pm Tuesday. When everyone who wants to speak has spoken, the board will deliberate; if that’s not done within a few hours tomorrow, the board also has set aside Thursday as a potential third night.
(WSB photo, Sunday afternoon)
ORIGINAL REPORT, 4:07 PM: Less than 24 hours after West Seattleite Sam Samaniego and her wife put up that banner at the Alki Statue of Liberty expressing condolences for the Orlando massacre and inviting people to sign it – as reported here on Sunday afternoon – it’s gone:
We went by at midday and thought maybe Sam had removed it – but she said it wasn’t her. So we asked Seattle Parks if their crew had for some reason removed it – as has happened on occasion in the past (though, in this 2013 incident, with warning). Spokesperson Dewey Potter just responded to say yes: “The crew removed it after receiving complaints.” She added that Sam would be able to retrieve it.
6:01 PM UPDATE: Parks has just tweeted that “removing the banner was an error and it will be replaced in the AM.”
8:33 AM TUESDAY: Heather tweeted this photo showing the signature section of the banner is back, but not the sash:
Well, the banner for signatures is back, but @SeattleParks employees couldn't find the sash. @westseattleblog pic.twitter.com/fTdHLcHELS
— Heather Campbell (@RealLowVibe) June 14, 2016
We were just about to head down to Alki to follow up, and were already planning to check with Parks.
Thanks to Matt for the tip via Twitter. West Seattle no longer has a 24-hour-a-day QFC supermarket. Orange flyers on the Junction QFC doors announced that as of yesterday, the store’s hours are 5 am-midnight; same hours are posted at the Westwood QFC. Too late in the day for us to reach their corporate spokesfolk now, but we’ll be asking tomorrow; at least one other store in the region cut overnight hours in the past year. West Seattle still has other around-the-clock grocery stores, including Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) and the Safeways.
(September 2015 photo by Cameron Harris, USA Baseball, used with permission)
Thanks to everyone who tipped us that the Seattle Mariners‘ recent draft picks included West Seattle High School standout Morgan McCullough, seen above in a photo from last fall, when he was on the USA National team that won the world title in Osaka. The Mariners chose McCullough in the 33rd round. Before publishing that news, we checked with his mom Jane Muxen McCullough, to ask about his plans, since WSHS had celebrated his signing with the University of Oregon just last fall. She tells WSB, “Although he is proud and honored to be drafted, months ago Morgan decided he planned on going to college and communicated as much to the MLB. After graduation, he will play for the Cowlitz Black Bears and then head to the University of Oregon in August.”
SIDE NOTE: Tipster Mark also points out that the most recent WSHS star drafted by the M’s, Sam Hellinger in 2013, continued with his college plans too and now plays for Gonzaga.
With three of Seattle Public Schools‘ “international schools” in this area, the program’s future is of great interest. The district has a task force studying it right now; its recent community meeting at Chief Sealth International High School wasn’t widely publicized, but another one has been scheduled, this time at Concord International (Elementary) in South Park, 6-7 pm June 20th (one week from tonight). This flyer has full details. The district says Mandarin, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese interpretation will be provided.
10:03 AM: Thanks for the tips about a big police response at Cal-Mor Circle in the 6400 block of California SW. Officers responded to a report of a gunshot in the building. No reports about any victim(s) so far. But SPD confirms SWAT is being called out. We are at the scene and working to find out more.
10:16 AM: Some of the building’s residents have been evacuated. Also, police are closing off the California/Fauntleroy intersection.
10:29 AM: Avoid the area – California is blocked off between Holly and Graham, Fauntleroy about one block each side of California, and the side streets you’ll be detoured onto are mostly one lane because of parking on both sides.
By the way, if you’re seeing/hearing the helicopter, it’s TV, not law enforcement.
10:42 AM: To be clear (in response to questions in comments), there is no one “on the loose” or being sought here. Police have confirmed that the person they are focused on, who they believe fired a shot, and who they’ve apparently had contact with before, is in his apartment. Again, please stay away from California/Fauntleroy because police have it blocked off until this is resolved.
10:57 AM: The person is in custody. The roads will be reopened shortly. No injuries reported.
11:18 AM: Bus reroutes (128, C Line) also lifted. We’re still at the scene waiting to ask police a few more questions.
11:23 AM: The person who was taken into custody will be taken to Harborview Medical Center to be evaluated. Meantime, the building’s residents are being allowed back into their apartments. We don’t know yet if a gun was found.
1:44 PM: We just checked back with SPD. So far, no gun or related evidence found, but the incident “remains under investigation.” (Also, we’ve added a few more of our photos from this morning.)
(Cedar Waxwing, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today/tonight:
BLOOD DRIVE: Peace Lutheran Church in Gatewood was already planning to host a BloodWorks Northwest mobile donation drive, and it’s sadly all the more timely, as BWNW has answered a call from Orlando and needs to replenish local supplies. The van is there 1-7 pm, closed 3-4 pm for a break. (39th/Thistle)
WSHS CHEER FUNDRAISER AT TALARICO’S: A portion of tonight’s proceeds at newly remodeled Talarico’s Pizza go toward the West Seattle High School cheer squad, for uniforms and camp. 5-10 pm. (4718 California SW)
PHYSICAL THERAPY NIGHT @ WSR: West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) hosts Lora from Biojunction Sports Therapy for free injury assessments – drop in between 5:30 and 7 pm. (2743 California SW)
NORTH DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL IN THE PARK: This time of year, NDNC meets outdoors when it can, and that starts tonight, 6:30 pm, at Dragonfly Pavilion:
Please join us for our monthly meeting of the North Delridge Neighborhood Council as we kick off our annual Summer in our Parks series.
Tentative Agenda:
1) Focus Group on our SPD Micro-Policing Plan with Jennifer Burbridge
2) Meet the new Director of DESC’s Cottage Grove Commons, Colin Fournier-Maloney
3) Development in North Delridge
4) “Put the Arts in Parks” — Learn more from Brian Judd, Seattle Parks & Recreation
5) And learn about other events happening around Delridge this summer!
WHITE CENTER ANNEXATION? The next major step toward whether Seattle annexes White Center and vicinity starts with the King County Boundary Review Board’s public hearing tonight and tomorrow at Bethaday Community Learning Space in Dick Thurnau Memorial Park. Speaker signups at 6:30, hearing begins at 7, previewed on our partner site White Center Now. (605 SW 108th)
EVENING BOOK GROUP #1: 6:45 pm at Southwest Library. This month’s title is “Just Kids” by Patti Smith. (35th SW/SW Henderson)
EVENING BOOK GROUP #2: 6:45 pm at West Seattle (Admiral) Library. This month’s title is “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven” by Sherman Alexie. (2306 42nd SW)
SEE OUR COMPLETE CALENDAR here, for more of what’s up today/tonight/beyond!
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:33 AM: Good morning. No incidents to report so far in/from West Seattle.
BRIDGE CLOSURES CONTINUE: Again tonight, the west end of the West Seattle Bridge will close 9 pm-5 am for the Fauntleroy Expressway seismic-safety project. As announced last week, the closures start later Tuesday and Thursday nights.
VIADUCT CLOSURE NEXT SATURDAY: Early reminder that the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon is next Saturday (June 18th), and that means road closures including the northbound Alaskan Way Viaduct from 4 am-10:30 am.