day : 28/01/2016 10 results

West Seattle scene: Emerald Water Anglers Film Festival tonight, Fly Fishing Film Tour next week

Tonight brought the first of two big film-related events for Emerald Water Anglers (WSB sponsor) in The Junction:


The shop often hosts events and tonight it was the EWA Film Festival, set to continue until about 10 pm. From left below, filmmakers Leah and Russ Ricketts, Daniel Silverberg, Flyfish Journal editor Steve Duda, a West Seattleite, and EWA proprietor Dave McCoy:


This was the lead-in for an even bigger event next week, when EWA brings the Fly Fishing Film Tour to the historic Admiral Theater, 7-10 pm Wednesday (February 3rd). Tickets are $15 and you can buy yours at the shop. Here’s the tour trailer; read more about the tour here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car-prowl alert

Avery sent this warning for neighbors who park on Delridge Way SW, particularly in the 5400 block:

Just wanted to get the word out that my car was broken into last night or this morning (1/27-1/28) from where it was parked in front of the Delridge Branch Library. It seemed like they tried to steal the whole car, since the ignition was broken into, but they were unable to.

My checkbook was stolen along with some change, and my car was left disabled. It could have been a lot worse, but residents along that block should take extra care with their cars parked on the street.

Avery had to arrange to have it towed for repair.

P.S. Crime stats for the year are in the newest SeaStat briefing from which Seattle Police has released some numbers. Citywide, car prowls were down last year – 13,695 in 2015, compared to 15,351 the year before. (Precinct breakouts were not included.)

Highway 99 tunnel-machine update: State says, stay stopped

Two weeks after WSDOT told its Highway 99 tunnel contractor to stop digging, it’s still not ready to give the green light for digging to resume, according to this update late today:

Last week, Seattle Tunnel Partners submitted their analysis of recent incidents on the SR 99 Tunnel Project. WSDOT and their tunnel experts determined STP’s analysis did not sufficiently address the cause of these incidents or specify how they would prevent them from occurring in the future.

(WSDOT graphic from January 13th)
WSDOT has notified the contractor that in order to lift the suspension for cause, STP must confirm that:

· The tunneling machine is operating as intended and meets the design-build contract’s technical requirements.

· All necessary training for staff on the tunneling machine is complete.

· The tunneling work plan is updated to address the issues that led to the sinkhole.

· Processes are in place to ensure STP’s tunneling work plan is followed.

· STP updates its quality program to ensure key quality program managers are involved in all tunneling activities.

It is STP’s responsibility to determine how to address these issues and ensure they are in compliance with the technical requirements of the contract. This section of the tunnel drive was designed to be a test section for operation of the tunneling machine. With approximately 250 feet of tunneling prior to reaching the next planned maintenance stop, demonstration of these steps is critical.

No indication of exactly how this is affecting the schedule aside from obviously pushing it back at least two weeks – including the expected Viaduct closure when the tunnel machine goes beneath it, previously expected to happen in March.

West Seattle Chamber of Commerce launches 2016 with strategy session at annual meeting

(WSB photos)

The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce celebrated new board members at its annual meeting in The Junction today. In our photo above, from left, are Mary Becker from Nucor, acupuncturist Nancy Ishii from White Crane Wellness, CEO Lynn Dennis, Pete Spalding from Verity CU, and Elaine Chan from FIOH Investments. The lunch meeting at the Alki Masonic Center included small-group discussions:


While membership grew 15 percent last year – adding 44 new members – outreach and growth are always a concern, so attendees discussed strategies for finding out which categories of businesses aren’t currently represented in the group, and figuring out how to introduce Chamber members to new people moving into West Seattle. Speaking of new, just-elected District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold was there:


She’s the guest speaker at the next meeting, February 11th, two weeks from today. And she might get an earful of a key issue for the government-affairs liaison side of the Chamber – “parking, parking, parking,” along with other transportation issues. General issues that came up also included ongoing development and existing businesses dealing with rent increases that threaten to price them out.

The Chamber’s president for 2016 is Elizabeth Pluhta from South Seattle College (WSB sponsor). Find out more about the Chamber at

TRAFFIC ALERT: Crash at 8th/Roxbury

January 28, 2016 4:09 pm
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4:09 PM: Just in case you’re about to head back this way – an afternoon traffic alert on a major arterial: A crash reported at 9th and Roxbury. No Seattle Fire dispatch so far, so injuries, if any, apparently are not major. We’re on our way for a look.

4:15 PM: Our crew reports that the vehicles are on 8th, not 9th, on the north side of the intersection, and off to the side. A tow truck’s there already. So, no notable traffic effects.

FOLLOWUP: Part of Beach Drive set for repaving; here’s what else is on city’s list

IMG_1465 (1)
Jim Unland‘s online petition for repaving a half-mile of Beach Drive south of 61st SW (reported here Sunday) brought out word that part of the road IS on the city’s list for repaving this year – between SW Orleans and SW Andover (map), ending just north of where we took the top photo. After hearing about it from Jim, we confirmed it with SDOT late Wednesday, while also asking which if any other sections of West Seattle roadway are on this year’s paving list. Spokesperson Norm Mah replied with these:

*SW 106th between 35th and Marine View Drive (eastbound)
*2100 block SW Roxbury – “spot panel replacement”
*26th SW between Roxbury and Cambridge – “spot panel replacement”

Also this year, SW Spokane is due for repaving just east of West Seattle, from East Marginal Way to the “low bridge.”

Looking further into the distance, sections of Avalon, 35th, and Roxbury are planned for repaving over the next eight years, as shown on this map:

Back to Beach Drive – we didn’t get a timetable in our reply, but Jim said SDOT’s acting program manager Sue Byers told him, sometime this summer.

IT’S YOUR FOREST: Come talk about future West Duwamish Greenbelt trails

It’s a crown jewel of West Seattle – and it’s yours: The city’s largest contiguous stretch of forest, known as the West Duwamish Greenbelt. Some trails provide access now, and more might be in its future. Your chance to help shape that future starts this Saturday morning. In case you haven’t already seen this in our calendar, here’s the invitation, from Paul West:

On Saturday, January 30, neighbors, trail users and other stakeholders are invited to a two-hour workshop at South Seattle College to discuss what the future trail system in the West Duwamish Greenbelt might look like.

The West Duwamish Greenbelt extends from the West Seattle Bridge south to Westcrest Park. … Currently a network of informal and improved trails provide some access. Participants will discuss potential connections to destinations such as South Seattle College, the Duwamish Longhouse, Pathfinder School, Riverview Playfield, and others.

The workshop will be held at the Chan Center at South Seattle College. It is at the north end of campus next to the arboretum. The workshop runs from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, with doors opening at 9:15 am. All are welcome.

SSC is on Puget Ridge, at 6000 16th SW. Find out more about the greenbelt and the trails here.

West Seattle Thursday: Films, puns, schools, burgers – and light rail!

January 28, 2016 10:57 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Northern Flicker, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Much to consider for the rest of your West Seattle Thursday, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

COASTLINE TURNS 1: 11 am-9 pm today, Junction burger joint Coastline celebrates its first anniversary with a variety of giveaways and promotions throughout the day. (4444 California SW)

WEST SEATTLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 11:30 am, the annual meeting of the West Seattle Chamber starts at the Alki Masonic Center in The Junction. (4736 40th SW)

FILM FESTIVAL AT EMERALD WATER ANGLERS: 6-10 pm, a fishing-film extravaganza at Emerald Water Anglers (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, including “film fest with works from a variety of filmmakers including Waist Deep Media, Caldwell Rohrbach, Zangs Films, Sundance Award winner Greg Hamilton and more.” Call ASAP to see if there’s still room. (42nd SW & SW Oregon)

WANT LIGHT RAIL FOR WEST SEATTLE? Then be at the West Seattle Transportation Coalition‘s “call to action” meeting at 6:30 pm, The Kenney (WSB sponsor) – details here. (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)

SEATTLE LUTHERAN OPEN HOUSE: Prospective students are invited to visit and learn about Seattle Lutheran High School, 7-8:30 pm – details here. (4100 SW Genesee)

HOLY ROSARY INFORMATION NIGHT: Prospective parents are invited to the Holy Rosary School Hall at 7 pm – more info in our calendar listing. (42nd SW/SW Genesee)

ARTS AND POP CULTURE TRIVIA: Geeks Who Drink host Trivia Night at Treehouse Lounge in The Admiral District, 8 pm – details here. (2206 California SW)

PUNDAMONIUM! 8:30 pm at The Skylark, it’s a pun slam! If you want to compete, signups start at 7:30 pm. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

EVEN MORE … on our complete calendar!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary suspect caught

(WSB photo)
9:26 AM: Thanks to the texter who let us know about a police search with K-9 in the Belvidere area this morning. We’ve tracked down the details of what happened: Two people were reported to have broken into a house under renovation in the 2400 block of Prescott (map) this morning and stolen some items including tools; the contractor reported it, and it was a fresh-enough report that police were able to get a track. Officers at the scene tell us they arrested one suspect a few blocks away, while another one remains at large. The investigation is still active and we hope to have a few more details later.

5:48 PM UPDATE: We checked with the SPD media-relations office before day’s end. The full written report on this case isn’t in yet, so the only new detail available is that some “items” apparently were recovered at the location where the suspect was found. We’ll check again tomorrow to see if the report’s in.


(Click any view for a close-up)

6:21 AM: We start off with continued heavy rain and a commute more fit for a boat than anything else. Speaking of boats, the Spirit of Kingston continues filling in on the West Seattle Water Taxi run while Doc Maynard is on the Vashon run; King County DOT isn’t sure yet how long Sally Fox will be in for repairs.

7:23 AM: Thanks to the texter who reports a Metro bus is stuck at 39th SW and SW 106th in Arbor Heights: “Trying ot turn the corner, traffic can’t get through.”

8:39 AM – REMINDER FOR TONIGHT: If you’re interested in seeing light rail to West Seattle, don’t miss tonight’s West Seattle Transportation Committee meeting – their “call to action” before Sound Transit decides what it will include in this year’s ballot measure. The meeting is at 6:30 pm at a new location for the group – The Kenney (WSB sponsor), 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW. Full details here.

9:59 AM: The Issaquah will be taken off the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry run for repairs in a few hours, and here are the effects WSF sees so far:

The Issaquah will be temporarily pulled out of service at 12:00 noon today for necessary repairs. The following departures will be cancelled: 12:00 pm Vashon, 12:20 pm Southworth, 12:40 pm Vashon, 1:20pm Fauntleroy, and 1:50 pm Vashon. All other sailings will depart as regularly scheduled until Issaquah returns to service.

10:04 AM: If you’re heading this way via southbound Highway 99, beware of a crash on the Viaduct:

10:07 AM: Good news – SDOT says it’s cleared.