HOLIDAY GIVING: Anyone still collecting last-minute donations?

Most of the gift drives we had featured in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide are over now, so that the recipient organizations have time to get everything wrapped and delivered for Christmas. So after getting a reader note asking what to do with unwrapped, unopened toys, we’re asking you: Anyone still in need of donated items for Christmas gifts, toys or otherwise? If so, please let us know what/who and when/where dropoffs can be made. You can e-mail us at – we’ll add to the story – or, you can comment below. Thanks!

4 Replies to "HOLIDAY GIVING: Anyone still collecting last-minute donations?"

  • JJ December 23, 2015 (2:59 pm)

    Definitely interested in this. Have some unopened toys that didn’t make it to a toy drive but would love to donate in time for Christmas. Thanks!

  • Gina December 23, 2015 (4:44 pm) needs toys all year long.

    • WSB December 23, 2015 (9:16 pm)

      Gina – that sounds like a great organization. I couldn’t find any information on their site about how/where to donate toys, though – will try to contact them in the morning to ask.

  • Alice Braverman December 23, 2015 (6:33 pm)

    Navos, a non profit organization located in West Seattle and Burien serves the most vulnerable children and youth in our community. Our clients include school-age children who have been removed from their homes due to neglect and abuse as well as older youth with serious mental health issues. We also serve all ages of low income children and youth with outpatient services in their homes and in over 40 schools. We would be pleased to accept donations of toys to distribute to our clients. We can arrange to pick them up tomorrow morning before noon if anyone in our community would like to donate to Navos and the children we help.Contact us at Community support is vital to sustaining our programs and services so thank you for your consideration.

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