West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
(Photo by Jim Clark)
(Photo by Tiff Rivera)
Unfortunately, of course, while the air clears here, the fires rage on – almost 800,000 acres involved in “active” fires on the InciWeb list.
8:29 PM: Emergency response is heading to the 6000 block of Beach Drive for a water rescue call, but even as they’re arriving, they’re being told everything’s OK – two people in the water were picked up by a rowboat.
8:36 PM: Just talked to SFD crews who were about to leave and they verify everyone’s OK, no rescuing needed.
Most West Seattle community groups skip meetings in August, but not the one dealing directly with what many consider the peninsula’s biggest challenge. Next Thursday (August 27th), the West Seattle Transportation Coalition will hear from SDOT and SPD about the city’s new plan for traffic-incident management, detailed in a downtown briefing on August 3rd (WSB coverage here) and a City Council committee briefing August 13th (WSB coverage here). Also on the WSTC agenda, reps from the advocacy group Seattle Subway. The meeting’s at 6:30 pm Thursday at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center (6400 Sylvan Way SW).
(WSB video of all runners and walkers as they left from the starting line)
Yes, it was a race, but the biggest winners in today’s Alki Beach 5K are the cancer patients helped by the organization that presents and benefits from the annual run/walk, Northwest Hope and Healing, whose unique work supporting breast-cancer patients is explained here. This year, 1,040 people were signed up by race time, according to NWHH executive director Shari Sewell.
At right, above, with Shari is Kristi Stone, who was today’s official race-starter. She’s undergoing breast-cancer treatment after being diagnosed late last year. Shari told us that in addition to all the usual fundraising from race participants, one person walked up with a check for $5,000!
(Updated) Full results are here. Below, the top runners, each shown in the photo under her/his name.
1. Kelly Lakeman, 30, 19:25:
2. Margaret Lang, 45, 21:18:
3. Emily Ehlers, 30, 21:20:
1. Kelly Spady, 28, 16:23:
(Our archives show Spady was also first finisher at the Alki Beach 5K in 2012.)
2. Travis Gradjian, 17, 16:47:
3. Michael Drogalis, 24, 17:02:
Other Alki Beach 5K sights – first, Team Saxby:
As always, it was an all-ages event:
This might just have been the tiniest participant:
Along with runners, walkers, pledgers, donors, and volunteers, major contributors to the Alki Beach 5K’s success include its sponsors – including West Seattle Runner (also a WSB sponsor), whose Lori McConnell and Tim McConnell were there as always:
See the full sponsor team here (it features two other WSB sponsors, Fauntleroy Chiropractic and Salty’s on Alki). This is one of three major fundraisers Northwest Hope and Healing holds annually, along with the “Style” fashion show in the spring, and Women Winemakers of the Pacific Northwest in the fall, coming up November 18th in Georgetown – go here to find out more. You can also donate to the organization any time by going here.
Big day for running! Just in from California – that photo and an update on young half-marathoner Miles Trius:
Miles Trius of West Seattle runs with dad again – at Santa Rosa (CA) 1/2 marathon this morning. He ran at 2:10:37. Running with his dad, Navy Chief Ernesto Trius, has become bonding time for father and son. Miles will start 5th grade at Our Lady of Guadalupe School.
Last December, as shown here, they ran the Seattle Marathon half.
Thanks to West Seattle Bee Garden founder Lauren Englund for sharing photos from one of this weekend’s big events – the first Puget Sound Beekeepers Association Kids’ Day at the WSBG.
Lauren reports, “It was jam-packed with learning and fun – kids were engaged in all of the activities (bee anatomy game, flower/pollination worksheets, pollination simulation, waggle dance, scavenger hunt, and especially the bee demonstration).”
She adds, “Good times and great people – I was very impressed by everyone’s eagerness to learn. Many thanks to the Puget Sound Beekeepers Association!” You can visit the Bee Garden any time on the north side of High Point Commons Park at 31st and Graham.
Good morning! A quick look at today’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
ALKI BEACH 5K: Run or walk to help Northwest Hope and Healing help breast-cancer patients. If you’re not already registered, you can do it before the 9 am 5K – show up at the registration booth by the Alki Bathhouse, which is close to the start/finish line. If you’re not participating – remember that Alki/Harbor Avenues will be closed for a few hours. (61st SW & Alki)
BAKE SALE TO HELP ANIMALS: As previewed here last night, sixth-graders Muriel and Gwen are having their third annual bake sale to help the Seattle Humane Society – you can also drop off pet food/item donations, or cash/check. 10 am-3 pm. (36th SW & Dakota)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, shop for fresh local food and drink in the street! (California SW between Oregon and Alaska)
ARTS IN NATURE FESTIVAL: Day 2 of the Nature Consortium‘s festival filling the grounds of Camp Long with art, music, poetry, playfulness, and more, 11 am-6 pm. Here’s our coverage from Day 1. Today’s schedule is here. (5200 35th SW)
FINAL DAY FOR DELRIDGE WADING POOL: Noon-6:30 pm, last day of the season for the wading pool in the park north of Delridge Community Center. (Delridge & Genesee)
CITYDOG MAGAZINE’S COVER DOG SEARCH: As previewed here earlier this week, today’s the day to bring your dog to West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), noon-2 pm, and have her/him photographed for CityDog’s Cover Dog search. $10 donation, benefiting Doney Memorial Pet Clinic. (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)
ESHTA’S EMERALD CITY ESCAPADE: Belly-dancing to watch, and costumes/practice wear available for purchase, 7 pm, all agesm at The Skylark. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
(WSB photo by Tracy Record)
2:56 AM: If you’re hearing the sirens in southeast West Seattle – Seattle Fire and Police are headed to a crash involving an overturned vehicle on the Highland Park Way hill. No word yet on injuries.
3:06 AM: The SFD response has been canceled, generally an indication of no serious injuries.
3:55 AM: The crash was midway on the hill, south/west-bound side. Trying to determine that, we were stopped for a short time as the tow truck brought the vehicle upright and temporarily blocked all lanes (that’s over now). We weren’t able to talk with police to get information but will follow up when we can.
(UPDATED 11:16 AM with new information from police)
(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
12:05 AM: Police and fire are rushing to the 4800 block of California SW for a report of a man with a gunshot wound in an apartment building. More to come.
12:14 AM UPDATE: From the scanner, the victim is a man around 35 years old, with a gunshot wound to the upper torso. An SFD medic unit is taking him to Harborview Medical Center. No suspect in custody yet.
12:24 AM UPDATE: Our crew now at the scene reports police have someone in handcuffs – that doesn’t always mean an arrest, though, so we’ll be working to verify at the scene. Scanner traffic indicates police believe it’s the person they were looking for.
12:32 AM UPDATE: Police say they’re not looking for any other suspects; they also confirm the suspect and victim are believed to be known to each other. This is the second shooting in West Seattle in five nights, after the Tuesday night incident that began with a robbery in Admiral and ended with the victim shot in the leg while in a car in North Delridge.
ADDED 11:16 AM: New information from police – they say this is a case of domestic violence, as the 19-year-old man in custody is the shooting victim’s brother. They also say they recovered a loaded handgun and shell casing when searching the apartment. No information about the victim’s condition, though.
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