TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday ‘last day of school’ edition

(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Happy last day of school to Seattle Public Schools students! No problems reported in the outbound commute so far. Two notes:

BEACH DRIVE/LINCOLN PARK WAY/48TH: The major work previewed in last Friday’s alert had not begun as of end-of-day Monday, and we saw no signs of staging, but will check again today.

(Added 8:55 am – that’s a Monday aerial of the project – and, at lower right, the inland side of Lowman Beach Park – just received from West Seattle pilot/photographer Long Bach Nguyen.)

SEACREST BOAT LAUNCH REPLACEMENT: Part of the parking lot at Seacrest will be closed again today during work to replace the small boat launch, announced last week. We noted a crane had arrived by end of day Monday.

6 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday 'last day of school' edition"

  • Ktrapp June 16, 2015 (7:33 am)

    FYI, there was a crew out at the Admiral-Waite St. intersection this morning, working on the signals.

    • WSB June 16, 2015 (7:44 am)

      Thanks! That’s on our “go by and check” list today.

  • workdowntown June 16, 2015 (7:56 am)

    Stalled car NB viaduct, right lane just before Seneca. Dangerous!

  • Franci June 16, 2015 (8:23 am)

    Just curious – I travel Fauntleroy between California and Alaska every morning at/around the same time. Why were the school lights flashing at about 7:10 this morning? No kids about, its usually much later in the morning when they are activated.

    • WSB June 16, 2015 (8:34 am)

      If you see a school zone light flashing at a weird time – please let SDOT know: 206-684-ROAD, probably an e-mail or form out there too but that I don’t have handy. – TR

  • LyndaB June 16, 2015 (12:57 pm)

    I like using the Seattle’s Find it, Fix it app. You can report things like potholes, streetlights that are out, and abandoned cars. There’s also an ‘other’ option. I just reported overgrown vegetation on city surplus land.

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