Election 2015: Jody Rushmer joins District 1 City Council race, according to city’s online list

One week from the start of the official filing week for the District 1 (West Seattle and South Park) City Council race, another candidate has appeared on the city’s list of who’s runningJody Rushmer. No contact info listed yet, and we haven’t found a website or Facebook page, but for everyone who’s keeping track, Rushmer becomes current candidate #9. Next candidates’ forum is two weeks from tonight, as noted here over the weekend.

6 Replies to "Election 2015: Jody Rushmer joins District 1 City Council race, according to city's online list"

  • Diane May 4, 2015 (4:12 pm)

    why does the city page say “Lost in Primary Election”?

    • WSB May 4, 2015 (4:18 pm)

      I noticed that – I think it’s because that’s a placeholder page.

  • Jeff Hayes May 4, 2015 (6:39 pm)

    The community of South Park will be hosting the District 1 candidates for an event we’re calling “Want Our Votes? Know Our Neighborhood: South Park Shows Up”. It will be at the South Park Neighborhood Center from 7-9pm on Wednesday, May 27. It’s not a forum, but an exciting and interactive exchange between the candidates and the South Park community regarding South Park issues and concerns.

    • WSB May 4, 2015 (6:46 pm)

      Thanks, Jeff. We actually published an item about that the day you first announced it! Will have to update the info, though, now that you have titled it, etc. See you there!

  • JanS May 4, 2015 (7:59 pm)

    so…we have a candidate with no information about them, no pics, no website, have no idea what they want to accomplish by winning this…way to go, Mr/Ms Rushmer !

  • Diane May 4, 2015 (9:04 pm)

    yep; don’t even know if this is a boy or a girl

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