day : 15/05/2015 13 results

City Council District 1 race: Who’s in, and why the lone signature-gatherer might be out

The official filing period for this year’s elections is over. And for one of the first candidates to jump into the City Council District 1 race, it’s taken a turn at the end:

Amanda Kay Helmick, who’s been running since October, was the only District 1 candidate to declare she would get onto the ballot by collecting signatures instead of paying the $1,199.76 fee. We wanted to photograph that unique moment of the first-ever District 1 campaign, so we covered her visit to the County Elections Department offices in Renton at midday today as she turned in her stack of petitions.

The staff explained they would start verifying the signatures immediately, and offered her the chance to leave a standby check for the filing fee in case she fell short, since the filing deadline was just hours away. She declined, explaining to us in a short interview afterward that she believes a candidate should be put on the ballot by the people, not by money.

Then, late in the day, Helmick told us the Elections Department notified her she had fallen short and did not qualify for the ballot – she turned in 1,318 signatures but fell 26 short. She is asking for a “judicial review,” but for now, she’s not on the list: “I am supremely disappointed,” she told WSB, “but determined to at least see this all the way through.”

The nine candidates who are on the list, according to the unofficial list on the KC Elections website, are:

Pavel Goberman
Chas Redmond
Arturo Robles
Phillip Tavel

Shannon Braddock
Lisa Herbold
Jody Rushmer
Karl Wirsing

Brianna Thomas

Robles, Rushmer, and Wirsing just surfaced in the past week and a half; the other six have been in for a while, starting with Redmond, who declared his candidacy almost a year and a half ago.

Also of local note: County Councilmember Joe McDermott is running unopposed; two more candidates have joined the local School Board (Position 6) race since last night’s candidate forum, and the field is now Suzanne L. Sutton, Nick Esparza, Marty McLaren, and Leslie Harris. (Of the four school-board positions on the ballot this fall, McLaren is the only incumbent running for re-election.) Though the filing period has closed, this all remains “unofficial” until KC Elections finalizes it early next week. The primary election is on August 4th.

Softball postseason: West Seattle HS takes 2nd in Metro League

May 15, 2015 8:19 pm
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(WSB photos: Above, Wildcats applauding their supporters postgame)
We’re under the lights at Southwest Athletic Complex, where the Metro League softball championship game has just ended with Ballard HS taking the tournament title, 3-1 over the West Seattle HS Wildcats.

Tough pitching on both sides; Ballard’s Sage Nicholson (above) got the win, pitching a complete game as did WSHS’s Gabby Wenn (below).

The postseason is just beginning, with districts up next. First time in tournament history that the top two teams have been from public schools, the tournament director has just said.

Congratulations! Chief Sealth girls 4×100 = Metro League champs

Thanks to Lisa Brody for the photo and report on a Chief Sealth International High School relay team that won big this afternoon:

Metro-All City Track meet on May 15 at SWAC this afternoon: Lots of excitement and many competitors from Chief Sealth International High School as well as West Seattle High moving on to the District Track Meet next week at SWAC.

I thought I would share this photo of the Chief Sealth Girls 4 X 100m relay team who took first place as Metro League Champions. These same girls also ran in the 4 X 200m relay and took 2nd in that event.

Here they are with the Chief Sealth International High School Track Sprinting Coach, Billy Hairston. From left to right – Chloe Myers, Assa Kaba, Coach Hairston, Imani Carey, and Quinn Wiley.

(Thanks to everyone who’s been sharing high-school sports updates – – so we can share the news with the community!)

Shell @ Terminal 5: What you need to know about Saturday & Monday protests – what’s happening where and when

(Photo by Paul Weatherman)
The Shell drill rig Polar Pioneer has been at Terminal 5 in West Seattle for a day. What had been announced as a “Festival of Resistance” long before its arrival date was known is about to begin. Last night, “kayaktivists” trained in West Seattle waters one last time before the planned protests:

(WSB photo, Thursday night)
Here’s the timeline they have circulated:

10 am-4:30 pm
Main event: Protest on the water – described by organizers as “Seattle residents, national environmental organizations and local grassroots groups will join a peaceful kayak flotilla in Elliot Bay to protest Shell’s Arctic drilling plans and its contribution to climate change.” Seacrest is listed as the main location for gathering, with later events at Jack Block Park per this timeline:

10 AM – Kayak Check-In and registration begins
11-12:30 Launch Boats
1 PM – On-water procession begins
2 PM – On-stage program begins at Jack Block Park: 2130 Harbor Ave SW
3:30 PM – On-stage program ends and all vessels return to launch sites.

Organizers say larger boats and canoes will launch from Don Armeni Boat Ramp, so that will be busy as well. The canoes will be part of an Idle No More Native-organized companion demonstration; its timeline is in this Facebook event.

(WSB photo, Thursday night)
While this has been billed as a three-day “Festival of Resistance,” no specific events are announced so far for Sunday – good thing, considering the West Seattle 5K takes up the morning and Alki Avenue will be closed to vehicles.

7 am- ?
Protesters plan to gather by the fishing pier off the east end of the low bridge, and walk from there to “march to Shell’s rigs and nonviolently shut down operations for the day.” We asked the Port of Seattle earlier in the week about any changes it expected for the day. They told us today they had sent this notice to their tenants:

Please be informed that a protest is planned for 7am, Monday May 18, starting near the Spokane St. Fishing Bridge. Their intent, based on the event description, is to block access to our terminals. Both our police and SPD expect a large contingent of protestors. Impacts are expected to be significant. Please plan your morning accordingly. If you experience any problems, or feel you are in danger, please call 911. We are urging protesters to exercise their First Amendment rights peacefully, safely and legally in areas adjacent to our terminals.

Terminal 18’s operator, meantime, has decided to close for the day; SSA sent this notice out, according to the port:


We have been notified by local authorities that there will be significant protest activity in the area on Monday, May 18, 2015 related to Shell Oil Company and their activities at Terminal 5 in Seattle.

The Shell protesters have indicated that they intend to occupy Harbor Island as part of the protest. For the safety of our employees and all others who conduct business at T18 the decision has been made to close on Monday, May 18. We will reopen on Tuesday, May 19 at 0700.

We asked Seattle Police on Thursday if they had anything they want people to know regarding Saturday and Monday. Short answer, no, though they had a big briefing on Thursday morning. They intend to maintain their jurisdictions, SPD told us, and that includes the US Coast Guard enforcing “safety zones” on the water. We will of course be covering this as it happens, so if you’re not participating or spectating, at least check in to see what’s up down by the water.

‘WALK & TALK’: 35th SW Safety Project zone tomorrow, SW Roxbury next Wednesday

The proposal to rechannelize much of 35th SW after years of safety concerns and reduce its speed limit to 30 mph is one of our area’s hottest transportation topics. Your next chance to take your questions directly to the city is on a walking tour tomorrow morning – and you don’t have to walk the whole distance; the city’s graphic, above, shows where they expect to be and when, both for tomorrow’s 35th SW tour and for next Wednesday night’s walking tour of SW Roxbury. In case you can’t read it, here’s the list for tomorrow:

9:00 am – 35th/Avalon
9:30 am – 35th/Dawson
9:45 am – 35th/Juneau
10:15 am – 35th/Morgan
10:45 am – 35th/Holden
11:15 am – 35th/Thistle
11:45 am – 35th/Barton
12:00 pm – 35th/Roxbury

Here’s the official project page with details of what the city’s considering. The design alternatives were unveiled at two meetings in March – our coverage is here and here. Meantime, the West Seattle resident who started a petition opposed to the rechannelization and speed-limit reduction, Bob Neel, sent us the final summary he has sent to SDOT’s project manager Jim Curtinsee it here.

Big weekend on the water: 528-foot floating drydock due at Vigor

(Photo courtesy Vigor Industrial)
From the what-you’ll-see-at-sea department – this just in from Vigor Industrial: A big floating drydock is due in over the weekend at its Harbor Island location, coming up from Portland. No photo yet (we’re looking for one), but here’s the announcement via a Vigor spokesperson:
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‘Free’ Seattle Parks programs on school-closure day Tuesday not free for all: Preschool families lose a day, no refund/makeup

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

After the city announced Tuesday that Seattle Parks would offer “free” drop-in programs for school-age kids during Seattle Public Schools‘ teacher-walkout closure day next Tuesday, one group of Parks clients learned it will come with a cost to them:

Families with children in Parks-facilities preschools have been told their programs are canceled for that day, and that there will be no refund and no makeup date.

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Drought declaration statewide; city says Seattle water supply OK

(State-provided map, obtained via Flickr. Pink counties [all of WA] = drought)
You might be wondering how Governor Inslee‘s statewide drought declaration will affect you. Not much in terms of routine water use, according to the city. Here’s what Seattle Public Utilities is saying:

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) said today there are no plans at this time to raise drinking water rates in the event conservation efforts, prompted by a statewide drought, cause a decline in Utility revenues.

Earlier this year, Seattle City Council adopted a two-year plan that holds water rate increases to 1.7 percent for 2016 and 2.7 percent for 2017. SPU Director Ray Hoffman said that unless there is a gigantic drop in water usage, that rate plan will not change.

“Unlike much of the rest of the state, Seattle has been able to hold lots of water in our mountain reservoirs, and we have told our customers they can expect a normal water summer,” Hoffman said.

“As always, we are asking people to use water wisely, but even if our revenues decline dramatically as a result of conservation efforts, the rates adopted for the next two years are protected by a $28 million contingency fund designed to bring predictability and stability to water bills,” Hoffman said.

Seattleites already use less water than most cities in the country. In the unlikely event of a large decline in water usage, SPU’s first action would be to tap into its rate stabilization fund. Beyond that, options for meeting that long-term fixed revenue requirement could include canceling capital improvement projects or raising rates.

Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean you should just use water with abandon. Here are some easy ways to use less.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Convicted rapist jailed for harassment, attempted officer-biting

ORIGINAL REPORT, 12:15 PM: New on SPD Blotter: A 52-year-old man arrested in North Delridge “after he menacingly harassed two women on the street, and tried to bite an officer as she took him into custody.” It all started in the 4000 block of 26th and ended in the 2600 block of SW Yancy, police say. Here’s the full story.

ADDED 12:24 PM: Picking up where the SPDB story left off – we’ve just looked up the suspect on the jail register. He remains behind bars; while his initial bail from last night’s booking shows on the register at $2,000, an online court docket shows that an increase to $50,000 was granted at his bail hearing this morning.

ADDED 12:40 PM: We’ve just learned more about the suspect and are identifying him as he is a registered sex offender – because of a rape conviction – Randy Gene Stark. In 2010, he made regional news for attempted child luring. He’s registered with a downtown address. (Photo from King County sex offender lookup website)

VIDEO: You’ll be voting on them – take a look at them! Forum for Seattle City Council at-large Positions 8 & 9, local School Board

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

If you were at the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) Georgetowm campus last night, you saw and heard nine candidates in three races as part of a two-section forum. If not – we have it all on video:

That’s the longer section of the forum, co-presented by three local Democratic organizations – the 34th District Democrats of West Seattle/North Highline/Vashon/Maury, and the 11th and 37th DDs – and moderated by
John Burbank. It was the first in this area to feature the candidates for the two “at-large” positions that will be part of the newly reconfigured Seattle City Council (along with seven geographical-district positions) – you’ll see them on your August 4th primary ballot as well as the District 1 (West Seattle South Park) race. Candidates for both positions, 8 and 9, were questioned at the same time, as you’ll see; from left at the table, Lorena Gonzalez (P-9), Bill Bradburd (P-9), Alon Bassok (P-9), John Roderick (P-8), John Persak (P-8), Jon Grant (P-8), Tim Burgess (P-8), and moderator John Burbank at the podium. The candidates in attendance represented all who had filed for Positions 8 and 9 as of the forum’s start, except for Alex Tsimerman (P-9).

Preceding that hour-plus round of questioning was a shorter round featuring the two candidates for Seattle School Board Position 6, representing West Seattle and South Park.

From left, they are Marty McLaren, seeking a second term, and Leslie Harris.

After the jump (if you’re reading from the main WSB page), some notes (primarily on the school-board forum, since it’s geographically specific) if you don’t have time to listen/watch:

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New at tomorrow’s West Seattle Bee Festival: ‘Lunchbox Cookoff’

(2013 photo: West Seattle Bee Festival parade)
Big weekend ahead. Tomorrow’s third annual West Seattle Bee Festival, at the WS Bee Garden in High Point, is part of it, and a new event has just been announced: The Lunchbox Cookoff. From the Events Committee of the High Point Open Spaces Association, which is presenting the festival:

Chef Chad Brown from Whole Foods Market has created three recipes just for the Bee Festival. He will demonstrated these easy-to-make, delicious, nutritious and fun lunchbox recipes for your family. You can sample his dishes and vote on which one you like the best. Come to the Events Committee table on the north side of Neighborhood House’s High Point Center [6400 Sylvan Way SW]. Get your free ticket for 11:30, 12:00, 12:30 or 1:00 demonstrations. Servings are limited.

Also happening at the Bee Festival:

*Come to the Honey Run at 9
*Make your own bee costume at 10, march in the parade at 11.
*Visit the Information Fair at 11:30 or tour the WS Bee Enclosure at 12.
*Enter the Bee-Ball Tournament or play Field Games at 12.

Find out more at; the garden is at 31st/Graham, on the north side of High Point Commons Park.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday updates, including NB 99 crash aftermath and Bike To Work Day

(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
5:44 AM: We’re launching traffic watch earlier than usual because Northbound 99 is still closed in the stadium zone after an overnight car-motorcycle crash. TV crews there say one lane might be open soon – but for now, you can’t use 99; your options are I-5 or surface streets instead. Buses that use 99 have been diverted. Here’s the “live” camera view:

We’ll of course update. SPD says the crash was caused by a wrong-way driver hitting a motorcycle rider, who has life-threatening injuries.

Also this morning:

(Added: WSB photos. Commute station included WS Bike Connections with info on ‘5-way intersection’)
BIKE TO WORK DAY: It’s Bike To Work Day around Puget Sound, and if you are riding your bicycle this morning, make time to stop at the special “commute station” open until 9 am under the high bridge, co-presented by West Seattle Bike Connections and DIY Bikes.

(At right, Stu Hennessey of DIY Bikes)
More on that here.

Alerts for the next few days:

SATURDAY & MONDAY PROTESTS: Saturday is most likely to bring congestion around Don Armeni Boat Ramp and Seacrest Park with kayakers gathering for an on-the-water demonstration because of the Shell rig Polar Pioneer‘s arrival; Monday, an early-morning on-land demonstration is planned, going from the fishing bridge to Terminal 5, which might affect commute-hour travel on and around the low bridge.

SUNDAY, WEST SEATTLE 5K: The first and biggest run/walk of the season on Alki is happening Sunday morning, 9:20 am, with Alki Avenue closed to vehicles (and heed the “no parking” signs) until 11 am or so. Once again, NO “car-free day” festival afterward, for the first time in many years, so the road will fully reopen afterward.

6:01 AM UPDATE: One lane of northbound 99 is now open.

6:48 AM: Both lanes of NB 99 are now open.

Congratulations! Mentoring award for Denny teacher Will Nelson

Congratulations to Denny International Middle School teacher Will Nelson – his colleagues are so proud of his mentoring award, we heard about it as a tweet (above) from assistant principal Patricia Rangel and in the note below from principal Jeff Clark:

Please join me in congratulating Mr. Nelson on winning the Lee McNeil Mentoring Award presented by the Marine Technology Society for his years of mentorship with our underwater robotics program. Way to go, Mr. Nelson! Go Dolphins!