West Seattle development: The almost-all-about-Fauntleroy (Way) edition

DEMOLITION OF THE DAY: The 99-year-old house at 6540 Fauntleroy Way SW is being torn down, three months after the demolition permit was issued. A new house will replace it – with a different address, 6501 44th SW.

ALSO ON FAUNTLEROY WAY: New in the city files, a 64-year-old house at 5628 Fauntleroy Way SW is set for demolition, to be replaced by three houses, with three parking spaces on the alley to the east.

SPEAKING OF FAUNTLEROY: Tomorrow is your last chance to comment with “early guidance” for the streamlined design review process under way regarding four townhouses proposed to replace a house at 5917 Fauntleroy Way SW. Here’s the “packet.” (Updated: A nearby resident points out a rowhouse planned to replace the house next door, 5915 Fauntleroy Way, is separate.)

AND SPEAKING OF DESIGN REVIEW: Reminder that the Southwest Design Review Board has a doubleheader public meeting on Thursday night at the Senior Center of West Seattle, for two mixed-use projects – 6:30 pm, the fourth review of 4505 42nd SW, see the “packet” here; 8 pm, the second review of 4106 Delridge Way SW (with a 6-year gap between reviews), see the “packet” here.

2 Replies to "West Seattle development: The almost-all-about-Fauntleroy (Way) edition"

  • MorganRes February 4, 2015 (7:39 am)

    I don’t see any info on the new address for the house on 6540 Fauntleroy. I’m just wondering what the reason for that would be. I noticed the builder has a few renderings of the new house up on their website at http://www.greenbuilddev.com/property/6540-fauntleroy-way-sw/

    • WSB February 4, 2015 (7:58 am)

      MR, sorry, it appears the DPD site defeats the attempt to link to the “all addresses at this location” option. So here’s the direct link to the building permit with the 6501 44th address: http://web1.seattle.gov/DPD/permitstatus/Project.aspx?id=6435766 – They are planning a curb cut on 44th, according to a notation on that page, which might be the reason for changing the address, though it’s interesting that the builder-site page to which you link shows a rendering with the 6540 address. – TR

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