One of the most-frequently asked questions we’re getting these days is, “What’s going into the commercial space in the new Junction buildings?” While the developers aren’t making formal announcements yet, we’re continuing to find the answers, one by one. For the second week in a row, we’ve discovered permit applications suggesting a major national chain has snagged one of the new spaces. Last week, it was Chipotle Mexican Grill in the files for almost-complete 4730 California; today, we’ve found documents in the city files naming Starbucks as a tenant for Junction 47 (the two-building project at California/Alaska/42nd). Screengrab:

In addition to that mention, a “site plan” in the city files shows this roughed out as a 1,734-square-foot store set for the prime California/Alaska corner, with a covered patio on the California side. Starbucks already has stands in the Junction QFC and Safeway stores, and had a standalone store in Jefferson Square for one year (2007-2008). Online listings suggest this is one of three commercial spaces in Equity Residential-owned Junction 47 with deals in the works, so we’ll keep watching to see what else is on the way.