West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
Lots of questions tonight about a film shoot on Alki Beach. Photo just in, courtesy of Don Brubeck (thank you!). We’re told it was a car commercial – that would explain the car on the sand! – reportedly for the Subaru Impreza.
Continuing our countdown to the seventh annual West Seattle Car Show, this Sunday in The Junction, some new information:
*More than 100 vehicles are pre-registered so far, oldest one a 1927 Studebaker, newest one a 2014 Tesla. Remember, this is the first year it’s “open class,” cars/trucks/motorcycles of any year welcome, with ten trophies to be awarded in a variety of categories (including a Best in Show trophy in honor of the show’s founder Michael Hoffman, who died this year at age 47). The middle would be 1970 – nothing from ’70 yet, but vehicles from 1969 and 1971 are among the entries (including a ’69 Mercury Cougar and ’71 Buick Centurion). Lots of makes and models are represented – domestic, foreign, classic, not-classic-yet.
*...and room for more! You can still pre-register online, or you can even make up your mind on Sunday morning (you’ll have to bring the $20 registration fee in cash if you do that). On Sunday morning, participating cars will enter from southbound 42nd north of SW Alaska, turning westbound onto Alaska, where you’ll be pointed to your assigned space.
*Show time – an important point for participants and spectators: Though the official end time is 4 pm (start time 10 am), we learned today that awards will be announced at 3 pm, and departures will begin shortly after that, so if you want to see the cars (etc.), arrive by 3! If you’re not bringing your car as a participant, it’s free to wander California SW between Oregon and Edmunds as a spectator and see the cars (make a day of it – breakfast, brunch, lunch, Farmers’ Market, etc.).
*Sponsors and presenters – the final list is now online.
More tomorrow – meantime, we’ll see you on the forecast-to-be-sunny Sunday in The Junction!
The big beautiful flower baskets in The Junction are eye-catching – and thief-attracting. This Crime Watch reader report is from West Seattle Junction Association director Susan Melrose:
The West Seattle Junction Association is asking our community to help with neighborhood watch.
Each year our organization purchases and maintains almost 100 lovely flower baskets to bring beauty to our business district. Our vendor is a West Seattle company who creates unique arrangements and cares for them throughout the season. Taking place on multiple occasions during the last month, we’ve had a total of six of our baskets stolen. The most recent theft was last week, and we have cause to believe that all the baskets were taken by the same person. Since the stolen flower baskets are valued over $1000, an investigation has been opened and SPD is taking leads.
If you see, or have seen, a flower basket that you think may have been taken from The Junction, please report to our office and SPD will follow up. Please consider that these are very large flower baskets. They are not typically seen in residential areas and would probably stand out if displayed. It is also possible that the thief has been trying to sell them. Any information can be shared with Junction Association Director Susan Melrose at 206-935-0904 or susan@wsjunction.org. Thank you.
More changes ahead for Fairmount Playfield – just in the past few months, there’s a new gravel path on the south side to lead from Fauntleroy Way to reopened Fairmount Park Elementary, and then came the removal of the remaining street trees (reported and explained here last month). Now, construction is finally about to start on the new restroom building. It’s been three years since we mentioned the plan to replace it, using money from the 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy. This afternoon, Parks sent the announcement:
Seattle Parks and Recreation is replacing the comfort station at Fairmount Playfield (5400 Fauntleroy Way SW). The new comfort station will meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and provide upgraded amenities.
Seattle Parks will demolish the existing comfort station in late September 2014. Parks is providing two porta-potties during the closure. The new comfort station will be installed and opened in February 2015. Parks will work to minimize construction impacts that may include truck traffic and construction noise.
The 2008 Parks and Green Spaces levy allocates $200,000 for planning, design and construction. The Oversight Committee recommended levy inflation funding be allocated to much needed major maintenance projects such as this replacement.
Two-part announcement from Tibbetts United Methodist Church (longtime WSB sponsor):
Tibbetts is well known for its Autumn and Spring rummage sales, but instead this year we are welcoming a second pre-school cooperative, Arbor Heights Co-op Preschool, as a new group who will use the church facility.
For all those in the West Seattle community who look forward to the twice-yearly sale, we announce that the rummage sale will not be held this Fall (2014) and next Spring (2015). While the co-op is not intending to make Tibbetts its permanent home, unfortunately, the space to be occupied in the church building is the same space ordinarily used for the staging and display of all the articles that wind up in our popular rummage sales. It is our sincere intention to reprise our rummage sale in the near future, bigger and better than ever before! For information regarding the Arbor Heights Co-op Preschool, contact Judy Hall, SSCC Parent Educator, Registration Co-Chair, 206-938-2278. Thank you to the West Seattle Community for your continued support!
AH Co-op previously was based at Hillcrest Presbyterian Church, currently being renovated as the permanent home of Westside School (WSB sponsor). Tibbetts also is home of the Admiral Co-op Preschool, which, like Arbor Heights, is part of the South Seattle College Parent Cooperative Preschool group.
(UPDATED WEDNESDAY NIGHT with archived Seattle Channel video of meeting added below, document links added inline, new Rasmussen quote at end)
-Council told that 80 other WA cities have impact fees
-State law doesn’t allow them to be imposed for transit service, though
-Councilmember Rasmussen suggests creating a ‘working group’ to look at it
-Most public commenters say ‘long overdue’
-Above, full video of meeting
-Meeting documents, provided by Rasmussen’s office *adding*
-Added quote at end of story – we asked him “what next?” post-meeting
AHEAD: Our as-it-happened chronicling of what was said during the meeting:
Forecast promises sunshine returning tomorrow (and continuing through the weekend). We’ve just found out from the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition that there’s room for more to join tomorrow night’s Community Kayak Tour of our city’s only river – what a way to enjoy the evening. This time, the tour leaves from Duwamish Waterway Park in South Park (7900 10th Avenue South), just minutes east of West Seattle, 6 pm Thursday (bring your picnic dinner!). You don’t have to have your own kayak, or even experience; everything is provided, through DRCC’s tour partner, West Seattle’s own Alki Kayak Tours, $45/person. But you do need to RSVP ASAP – tours@kayakalki.com is the best way. If you DO have your own kayak, you’re welcome to join the tour too, by donation. Find out what all the buzz is about, with ongoing campaigns like riverforall.org and the newly announced city/county coordination
A new leader for the state ferry system is on the way: Lynne Griffith, currently CEO of Pierce Transit, a job she had held for eight years and had previously said she would leave at year’s end. Griffith’s appointment was announced this morning by state Transportation Secretary Lynn Peterson. The official news release notes that Griffith will be the first woman to serve in the role of Assistant Secretary for WSDOT’s Washington State Ferries division, and that she has more than 35 years of experience in the transportation industry. The previous assistant secretary, David Moseley, resigned six months ago after six years. Griffith starts next month. (Photo courtesy WSF)
(Lincoln Park bluff bench, by Mark Ahlness, via the WSB Flickr group)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and inbox, for today/tonight:
‘IMPACT FEES 101’: Lots of new housing, without lots of new infrastructure to support it. Are “impact fees” the answer? A noontime discussion is planned at City Hall today, as previewed here, and it includes time for public comment. If you can’t be there, watch live on Seattle Channel, online or cable.
HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN: This is one of just a few remaining Wednesdays this summer/fall when you can stop by the High Point Market Garden Farm Stand 4-7 pm to buy organic produce grown by local gardeners next to the stand. (32nd/Juneau)
CHAIR MASSAGE TO BENEFIT ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION: As part of fundraising this month for the Arthritis Foundation, Massage Envy West Seattle (WSB sponsor) is offering $1-minute chair massages 5-7 pm – details in our calendar listing. (2513 SW Trenton, north side of Westwood Village)
WEST SEATTLE BOOSTER CLUB: 7 pm tonight, first meeting of the year:
The WS Booster Club would like to thank you for your support during our first year as a member-based organization. With your membership, company matching donations, fan wear sales, concession sales, and our Spirts for Sports fundraiser, we were able to help the Girls’ Soccer Team, Tennis Team, Girls’ Softball, Boys’ Basketball, Girls’ Basketball, the Athletic Director with the school weight room, and we were able to help facilitate a direct donation to the Boys’ Soccer Team for all new uniforms.
For this coming year the “Wish List” from coaches already includes equipment and balls for the football team, basketballs for both the boys and girls teams, track team warm-ups and bags, warm-ups and balls for the volleyball team, team polo shirts for the golf team, scoreboard and warm-ups for the girls’ basketball team, and more requests coming in!
Your support is vital to the success of the Booster Club and ultimately as to how much we can help West Seattle High School. Our goal is to assist all of athletic programs at the high school with uniforms, equipment, and needs the school budget cannot cover. The Pay to Play fee only covers a portion of transportation, so there is a huge need for our continued support. You can join online at westseattleboosterclub.org. 50% of your annual membership fee goes towards the sport of your choice, and all donations are welcome!
In addition to your monetary support, we would love a little of your time. We are a volunteer organization and the more support we can get the more we can do. If you are interested in helping with Concessions, Programs, Fundraising, Fan Wear, being a Team Rep, or anything else that may interest you, please contact us, westseattleboosterclub@gmail.com, or come to (the meeting).
It’s in the WSHS library. (3000 California SW)
34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: 7 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy. Chair Marcee Stone-Vekich summarized tonight’s agenda highlights via e-mail this morning:
At our meeting tonight we will be hearing from both ballot measures on the proposed Pre-K program. City Councilmember Tim Burgess will be presenting on Prop. 1B. We will then proceed to endorsement. Also, County Councilmember Joe McDermott will present on the new legislation just passed by the KC Council on ICE detainers.
See the full agenda here. (9131 California SW)
(added) SEATTLE APP ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE: This new volunteer-run tech-training program – read about it at seattleappacademy.com – is opening in the Jefferson Square office building and has an open house tonight – 7 pm. (4700 42nd SW, Suite 467, atop Bartell)
‘COULD FERGUSON HAPPEN HERE?‘: This discussion isn’t happening in West Seattle but is of interest here and around the region – a South King County-focused meeting asking that question is tonight at 7 pm at Tyee High School in SeaTac. Details are on our partner site White Center Now. (4424 S. 188th)
TONIGHT’S NIGHTLIFE! Music bingo, karaoke, trivia, open-microphone … lots of local venues with listings you can see by going directly to our calendar.
A gathering is planned at a Gatewood home tomorrow to celebrate the life of James M. Novello. His family shares this remembrance:
James Michael Novello, born to James and Alvera Novello on June 19th, 1945, passed at his home on September 6th, 2014 – beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, son, brother, and uncle.
James was born in Whitestone, New York, where he graduated from Holy Cross High School. He served as a Chaplain Assistant in Hanau, Germany, while in the United States Army.
James made a home for him and his family in Washington State, where he served with the Anacortes Police Department. He would later work for Fritz Trucking Company in Auburn, where he worked until he retired.
James loved his family, friends, and neighbors, but home is where the heart is, he loved spending time with his 4-legged friends. Other memorable times would be his yearly trips to the Washington coast or game night with family, friends, and neighbors. He loved his Seattle sports teams and Neil Diamond.
James is survived by his wife Debby Novello; dad James Novello, New York; sister Linda (Ray) Riso, New York; children: Richard (Heidi) Novello, James (Monica) Novello, Kimberly (Paul) Bahnmiller, Michael (Terri) Novello; grandchildren: Shawna Murray, Nickolaus (Erin) Novello, Zackary Novello, Carson Novello, Brittany Novello, Vinny Novello, Gabrielle Novello, Cecelia Novello, Giovanni Novello, Zachary Myers, Jacob Myers, Alexis Novello, and Anthony Novello; great-grandchild Aiden Plumley.
Celebration of life will be held at the home of James and Deborah Novello on September 11th, 2014, at 2 pm at 3926 SW Ida Street, West Seattle.
His humor and laughter will be missed.
(WSB publishes obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to editor@westseattleblog.com)
(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning and happy midweek. No trouble spots on routes out of/through West Seattle as of right now.
Looking ahead: Another Mariners home game tonight, so the stadium zone will have early-evening traffic. And Route 99 lane closures continue overnight tonight and tomorrow night.
Weather: Murky now but some sun expected later, and a really nice weekend (including Sunday, for the seventh annual West Seattle Car Show in The Junction).
7:29 AM: Our report on last night’s West Seattle Transportation Coalition meeting now includes video of the hourlong Q/A with new SDOT director Scott Kubly. If you have missed both his local appearances, one more is ahead – one week from tonight at the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council (7 pm Sept. 17th, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center).
10:51 AM NOTE: Metro has posted reroute information for Sunday, when the car show (mentioned above) will close California SW in The Junction between Oregon and Edmunds:
On Sunday, September 14, from 6:00 AM until about 6:00 PM, Metro bus routes 22, 50, 128, the RapidRide C Line and DART Route 773 will be rerouted in the Alaska Junction area due to street closures associated with the West Seattle Car Show.
Visit the Service Advisories page for specific reroute information.