Busy day so far, but we don’t want to wait any longer to nudge you about four possibilities for this afternoon/evening, primarily from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, plus one heads-up:
FREE CANNING CLASS: West Seattle-based and nationally renowned food writer/educator Kim O’Donnel is leading a free canning demonstration with The Little Red Hen Project at 4 pm today, Delridge Community Center. Kim says, “We will cover the basics of water-bath canning & make some mixed-berry jam.” (4501 Delridge Way SW)
DELRIDGE GROCERY’S FRIDAY FARMSTAND: Delridge Grocery‘s weekly farmstand is happening again from 4:30-7:30 pm today – fresh-from-the-farms fruit and vegetables for sale. (5435 Delridge Way SW)
ALKI FUN FEST AND NEIGHBORHOOD-APPRECIATION BARBECUE: 5-7 pm at Alki Community Center, games for kids, food for all, more info in our calendar listing. (5817 SW Stevens)
AUSTRALIAN WINEMAKER AT THE CASK: Tonight at The Cask (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm, acclaimed Australian winemaker Daniel Binet from Ballabourneen Winery is on hand for a “Meet the Winemaker” event. Ballabourneen says Binet is more than a winemaker – he’s also “entertainer, bon vivant and inspiration behind the wines, creativity and culture of the company.” (His bio is here.) The Cask is at 2350 California SW.
MUCH MUSIC! Double-digit listing lineup of venues/performers for tonight – see them all on our calendar.
And just in case you hear them from across the bay …
FIREWORKS … are on the Safeco Field schedule after tonight’s Mariners’ game (third and final time this season).
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