month : 07/2014 310 results


July 14, 2014 7:56 am
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(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! No problems of note so far this morning on the main routes from West Seattle. On the preview front, no major road work announced for this week, and the next closure will be for Saturday’s West Seattle Grand Parade – more on that as the week goes by.

BRIDGE ANNIVERSARY EVENT TONIGHT: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society-led celebration of the high-level West Seattle Bridge’s 30th anniversary continues with a high-level event tonight – free and open to the public in the courtyard at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), same place the West Seattle Outdoor Movies series starts this Saturday. 6:30 pm, people who were part of the events that paved the way for the bridge will be part of a panel discussion – with a group described by SWSHS’s Clay Eals as “a great group, not likely to be in one place for a public forum ever again.” More in today’s daily preview in the 9 am hour. P.S. Today is the 30th anniversary of the bridge’s dedication.

West Seattle sunset: Vivid end to wonderful weekend

(Photo by Don Brubeck)
Hope you were able to see the colors firsthand … after some drizzle and lightning, one of the most intensely colorful sunsets we’ve seen in a long time.

(Photo provided by Gary Smith with permission of anonymous photographer)
It’s only now ebbing with a line of deep pink in the northwest.

(Photo by Greg)
What a way to end West Seattle Summer Fest weekend!

(Photo by James Bratsanos)
Thanks to everyone who’s sharing photos – more:

(Photo by Jissy)
The colors were visible from the stands during the Sounders game, and back across the bay, from the sands of Alki:

(Photo by Eilene Hutchinson)
Might be another two or three to add – still reviewing the mail – again, thank you.

West Seattle Little League 11-12 All-Stars’ state-tournament update: Loss today, next game tomorrow

July 13, 2014 8:44 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Thanks again to Cami MacNamara for updates on the West Seattle Little League 11-12 All Stars’ team’s progress in the state tournament WSLL is hosting at Bar-S on Alki Point. After a Saturday victory, the team lost to Federal Way today, 8-4, but gets to play again tomorrow – 3 pm vs. Burlington-Edison. Here’s the updated bracket/schedule.

West Seattle weekend scene: Local ‘STP’ bike ride

(Photos by Don Brubeck)
While thousands finished the legendary Seattle to Portland (STP) bicycle ride today, dozens of West Seattle riders showed solidarity with their own version. West Seattle Bike Connections president Don Brubeck shares the report:

We had about 30 riders of all ages on the West Seattle STP bike ride today. A beautiful day for a fun ride from SW Seattle Street to SW Portland Street in about an hour, then back to the Junction for West Seattle Summer Fest.

The group included a three-generation family and several “family bikes” or bikes with trail-a-bikes. Ride leader was Stu Hennessey, with help from Al Jackson, Jeff Hallman, and Eric and Michael from Stu’s shop.

See a few more of Don’s photos in the WSB Flickr group pool.

West Seattle Summer Fest 2014: Sunday report #2 – final hours

4:23 PM: Final hours of West Seattle Summer Fest 2014 – official end time is 8 pm, but some vendors will close starting around 6 pm, so don’t wait too much longer to come on down. The final few hours tend to involve major mingling – friends and family just hanging around. Our top photo is from GreenLife on the west side of California just north of SW Edmunds, where The Whale Trail has had an interactive art installation going – visitors helping create “West Seattle’s Orca Pod.” Also at GreenLife, Stu Hennessey from Alki Bike and Board has been leading DIY Bikes all afternoon:

Up at the stage, on California north of SW Oregon, The Darci Carlson Band started at 4; we caught part of STAG, the 3 pm band:

And they drew at least one tiny dancer:

Final band of the day will be Billy Dwayne and The Creepers at 6.

Also sighted at Summer Fest … Warren Buffett. Sort of.

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Northwest (WSB sponsor), the newest name for a longtime local company, is part of WB’s family of companies. And its booth is traditionally a place for community giving during Summer Fest – kids can knock over cans, and however many cans get knocked over, they contribute to the West Seattle Food Bank – the tally on the sign is from just a little while ago.

Another number: Almost 400 Seattle Police Foundation tote bags given out by the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network on the west side of the info booth. That’s Deb from WSBWCN at right in our impromptu info-booth pic:

Apparently free tote bags were a somewhat scarce commodity at Summer Fest this year! P.S. We’re here in the Info Booth until about 7 pm.

4:56 PM: Art everywhere at the festival – including impromptu chalk art:

And like the “orca pod” above, there are myriad kids’ art projects that have been under way throughout the festival – the Southwest Seattle Historical Society/Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) booth, celebrating the high bridge’s 30th anniversary, has made one each day:

Next event in honor of the bridge anniversary is tomorrow (Monday, July 14th) night in the Hotwire courtyard (4410 California SW) – a panel discussion at 6:30 pm.

Back here at Summer Fest, on Alaska east of California, not far past the SWSHS booth, you’ll find the West Seattle Hi-Yu booth, and the float that you’ll see in next Saturday’s West Seattle Grand Parade (and White Center Jubilee Days Parade later that day). Hi-Yu royalty has also been walking around selling the $1 buttons that raise money for the all-volunteer group to keep taking the float to parades.

Missed the chance to get yours? The Hi-Yu Concert in the Park this Tuesday night (July 15th) on the east lawn at Hiawatha – West Seattle Big Band onstage, free, 7 pm! – is your next chance.

5:59 PM: Booths have the go-ahead to start breaking down, and some are – we’ve been looking north at QFC, selling fruit kabobs, water, and soda all weekend, and they are first to go; YMCA (WSB sponsor) next door, which has had hula hoops and bouncy pads and a stationary cycle for kids to try throughout the weekend, is taking down their sign. More Summer Fest trivia: A vendor that sold bamboo sheets in years past, but wasn’t here this year, has been the #1 most-asked-about vendor here at the Info Booth.

6:43 PM: Here they are, final band of the festival – Billy Dwayne and the Creepers:

Thanks to “Super Dave” for that photo and others of some of this weekend’s performers. Now, one last look at the live cam at California and Alaska:

With vendors’ vehicles to be allowed in at 8 pm, and asked to be done by 10 pm, the roads aren’t likely to reopen before 11 – the permit allows them to stay closed until midnight. If you have to go to/through The Junction late tonight, watch this camera (which you’ll usually find on the WSB Traffic page) to see if it’s open again – we’ll update when we know for sure.

Update: Tanker-truck engine catches fire on Harbor Island

1:03 PM: If you’ve seen smoke and/or the big Seattle Fire response – a tanker truck caught fire in the 2500 block of 11th SW on Harbor Island. SFD says the fire was in the truck’s engine and did NOT spread to its tank(s). Smoke was visible for some distance for a while – thanks to Creighton for the photo.

2:12 PM: From SFD via Twitter:

3:05 PM: And an update:

MONDAY AFTERNOON POSTSCRIPT: Noted in the comment discussion – the firefighting wasn’t over yet when we published the first paragraph – the fire spread to tanks later, explains SFD spokesperson Kyle Moore: “When the first engine arrived the flames had not spread to the tanker. By the time we extinguished the fire the tank did burn. The tanks were empty and there wasn’t any fuel in them.”

West Seattle Summer Fest 2014: Sunday live coverage, 1st report

July 13, 2014 11:38 am
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 |   West Seattle festivals | West Seattle news

(NEED FESTIVAL INFO QUICKLINKS? They’re in our daily West Seattle highlights list)

Haven’t been to West Seattle Summer Fest yet? This is the third and final day, but you still have lots of time to c’mon down. Never know who you will meet:

Skaters from the new Southside Revolution Junior Roller Derby are in the Summer Fest Community Tent until 1:30 pm.

Find them and the following groups under the two white canopies along the south-facing side of Easy Street Records (SW Alaska west of California SW – top left in our photo, above):

10 am-1:30 pm
Environmental Science Center
Southside Revolution Roller Derby
Morgan Community Association
Furry Faces Foundation

(Deb Barker from MoCA)
1:30 pm-5 pm
Twelfth Night Productions
34th District Democrats
Furry Faces Foundation

Another area you’ll want to visit while you’re here is the sustainability/environment-focused GreenLife, with a slate of demonstrations/performances today – canning/preservation is on right now, and here’s what’s ahead:

Noon – Bikes & Greenways
1 pm – Invasive Seeds Prevention
2 pm – City Herb & Medicinal Gardens
3 pm – Solar Energy Systems
4 pm -Illuminatio Dance

GreenLife also has exhibitors and displays to see. And there’s more music at the festival today, too, starting at 2 pm with Carrie Akre – rest of the schedule is here. More festival coverage to come!

12:29 PM: Not EVERYTHING is on a schedule – so if you come to the festival, you’re likely to find something unexpected. Just learned there’s a Zumba demonstration that’s about to start on the main stage. (added – video snippet; Jennifer Cepeda is the instructor)

Photo too!

And if you’ve been worried about the heat, today’s your day – some thin cloud cover is moving in and it’s definitely cooler, especially with the breeze through the intersection here at California and Alaska, where you’ll find us in the Info Booth along with volunteers from the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce and, on the west side of the booth, the West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network with tote bags and other items courtesy of the Seattle Police Foundation.

It’s lunch/snack time and we have some notes – there’s cotton candy in the Kids’ Zone just to the west of California on Alaska – and an eclectic array of fair food (with some local vendors’ satellite spots – such as Pizzeria 22 from Admiral) to the east on Alaska.

1:30 PM: If you’re looking for a community group that’s not in the Community Tent, you might find its reps at GreenLife – Seal Sitters and The Whale Trail are both there today. And your furry friends are welcome at Pet Junction, north of Oregon:

(WSB photo by Katie Meyer)
Violet is one of the dogs we’ve spotted here at Summer Fest.

3:01 PM: Common question this afternoon – how much longer does the festival run? Answer: Vendors can start closing at 6 pm if they want to, but vehicles won’t be allowed onto the street to start breakdown until 8 pm. So you have at least three hours to come down – or to come back down! If you haven’t been, we’ll mention it again – it’s not all visiting vendors – local businesses are in many of the booths, like Nurturing Expressions (WSB sponsor) between Alaska and Oregon, where Tracy Corey and staff have offered a quiet place for parents of babies/toddlers to nurse and change:

There’s also a parents’ rest stop at City Mouse Studio, 4218 SW Alaska. Meantime, for the first time during the festival, a lost child turned up here at the Information Booth – quickly reunited with her parents. Moving on to our final as-it-happens festival report next!

Sailboat on the sand: Beached on Alki

(Photo received via text message – thank you!)
We’re receiving notes pointing out/asking about a sailboat that’s up on the sand on Alki Beach this morning, not far east of the Bathhouse. We don’t know anything but the circumstances but we do know that authorities are aware – there was scanner talk about it earlier this morning, including the acknowledgment that it’s probably going to be there for some hours, as the tide is very low this morning and high tide isn’t until about quarter past 7 tonight.

West Seattle Sunday: Summer Fest, ‘STP’ ride, Little League, low-low tide, World Cup, car wash, more

July 13, 2014 8:48 am
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(Another aerial view of the festival zone – see one here – by Long B. Nguyen)
The third and final day of West Seattle Summer Fest starts our Sunday highlights:

FESTIVAL OPENS: 11 am today (that’s when our live coverage starts)
SUMMER FEST MUSIC:here (starts at 2 pm with Carrie Akre, ends with last band Billy Dwayne & The Creepers at 6 pm)
SUMMER FEST VENDOR MAPhere (by number, per the list)
SUMMER FEST GREENLIFE SCHEDULEhere (first presentation, at 11 am, is about home preservation/canning)
SUMMER FEST BUS REROUTEShere (same as Saturday)
SUMMER FEST COVERAGE: Our four “as it happened” reports from Friday/Saturday are linked in the right sidebar

Also today:

MINI-‘STP’ RIDE: Again this year, West Seattle Bike Connections is leading a ride from Seattle (Street) to Portland (Street) and on to Summer Fest. Meet at 9:45 am. Details in our calendar listing.

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Yes, it’s on, along with Summer Fest, as usual! 10 am-2 pm. (44th/Alaska)

BENEFIT CAR WASH: 10 am-2 pm, the West Seattle High School softball team is washing cars at West Seattle Autoworks (WSB sponsor) 10 am-3 pm, by donation, to raise money for travel. (35th/Webster)

LOW-LOW TIDE WITH BEACH NATURALISTS: 10 am-2 pm, you’ll again find Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists back on Constellation Park and Lincoln Park (near Colman Pool) beaches, for another low-low tide – 12:07 pm, -3.1.

LITTLE LEAGUE TOURNAMENT: Second day of the West Seattle Little League-hosted state tournament for 11-12 teams, at Bar-S Playfields on Alki Point. The WSLL team won on Saturday and plays Federal Way at noon today. General tournament info is in this WSB story from earlier this week. (6425 SW Admiral Way)

WATCH THE WORLD CUP, WITH AIR CONDITIONING: That’s the invitation from the High Point Branch Library. Doors open at 11:30, game starts noon. (35th/Raymond)

GREYHOUND MEET-AND-GREET: Share your life with a greyhound? You’re invited to a meet-and-greet 2-4 pm today at West Seattle Petco. (41st/Alaska)

AUTHOR READING: Not in West Seattle, but WS author Arleen Williams invites friends, fans, all readers to her 3 pm event at Elliott Bay Books on Capitol Hill, reading from “Running Uphill,” second book in her Alki trilogy. Details here. (1521 10th Ave.)

EXTENDED WATER TAXI SERVICE TONIGHT: Sounders play tonight and the West Seattle Water Taxi is on an extended schedule. See the schedule here.

Update: Rooftop fire in 3700 block of California SW

10:50 PM: Big fire call to the 3700 block of California SW – but it’s being scaled back because it’s now believed to be a fire pit on a building roof.

10:53 PM: Now they’re raising the call back to a full response after all. And they’re calling for police to block northbound traffic.

(Reader photo)
It’s described as a rooftop fire, about a 12 x 12 section of wooden deck, and under control.

(This photo and next two, by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
11:13 PM: Our crews at the scene say the four-story mixed-use building – residential over ground-floor commercial – was evacuated.

But firefighters are reiterating via radio that the fire was confined to wooden decking over a section of roof and is tapped.

11:18 PM: We just talked to the incident commander, who said the residents will be allowed back in within the hour.

West Seattle weekend scene: ‘Supermoon’ on the rise

July 12, 2014 10:44 pm
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You’ve probably heard that tonight’s moon is not only the full moon, but is also the “supermoon,” brighter because the moon is closer to the earth. says the next two full moons also will qualify. Above, the dusk-ish view from Brian Fenske; below, the moonrise earlier, from Kayla Fenske.

If you’re going to be up early, look for the moonset just before 6 am, per the WSB Weather page.

Another weekly produce stand launching in West Seattle: Delridge Grocery’s Friday Farmstand

Starting next Friday, another farmstand plans weekly sales of fresh produce in West Seattle – this one, announced today by the future Delridge Grocery:

Exciting news! Our Friday Farmstand launches this week! Finally – fresh, local, sustainable fruits and vegetables in Delridge!

Come by every Friday all summer:
5435 Delridge Way SW
Two doors south of the library, across the street from our future full-service grocery location

Celebrate our launch this Friday, July 18th, with free lemonade at the farmstand, and a fun comedy event afterward from 8-12 at the Skylark!

Want to be more involved?

Volunteer and take home free produce! Help run the produce stand and take home some leftovers! It’s easy and fun, and we’ll provide training. Sign up for volunteer shifts online.

Join the Canning Club!
Do you like canning pickles and jams to save for the winter? Join Friday Farmstand Canning Club and get first crack and discount prices on bulk quantities of leftover produce! To sign up, e-mail Farmstand Manager Ariana at with your name and phone number. You must be available to pickup produce after the farmstand, at 7:30 on Fridays.

Delridge Grocery, which has its roots in the Delridge Produce Cooperative effort launched five years ago, is working toward opening a co-op grocery store in the commercial space of the Cottage Grove Commons building at 5444 Delridge Way SW.

West Seattle Little League Majors All-Stars win 1st state-tournament game at Bar-S

Thanks to Cami for the updates via Twitter from the West Seattle Little League Majors (11-12) All-Stars’ first game in the state tournament WSLL is hosting at Bar-S on Alki Point – and congratulations to the team for its win:

The tournament continues through next Saturday; the WSLL team’s next game is at noon tomorrow vs. Federal Way (here’s the full bracket/schedule, updated with the scores for games played so far).

West Seattle Summer Fest 2014: Saturday report #2

(EARLIER COVERAGE: Saturday report #1 here; Friday #1 here, #2 here)

(WSB photo by Katie Meyer)
That’s Fysah and The Soul Acoustic, performing a bit earlier this afternoon onstage at West Seattle Summer Fest 2014. Here’s the music schedule for the rest of today/tonight, including the festival headliners:

Sweet Jesus (started at 3 pm)
Charms, 4:00 pm
The Fabulous Downey Brothers, 5:00 pm
Spinning Whips, 6:00 pm
Dude York, 7:00 pm
Vox Mod, 7:40 pm
The Moondoggies, 8:00 pm
Vox Mod, 9:00 pm
The Helio Sequence, 9:30 pm

Next up on the stage at GreenLife – the sustainability-focused zone off the west side of California just north of Edmunds – instead of the previously scheduled beermaking workshop at 4 pm, which was canceled at the last minute, Sustainable West Seattle‘s Chas Redmond tells us there’ll be an environmental poetry slam. Meantime, good news – it’s not (so far) as hot as feared – though the 80s aren’t exactly a cold spell, so you might want to know about yet another booth ready to cool you off – WestSide Baby:

So what else can you do at Summer Fest? Get your face painted …

Get a caricature of yourself:

Shop for something you can’t find anywhere else …

By the way – in case you need a reminder – the festival zone will be part of the West Seattle Grand Parade one week from today (11 am start at California/Lander, heading south on California to Edmunds). P.S. Tomorrow – the West Seattle Farmers’ Market IS ON, as always, 10 am-2 pm, at 44th/Alaska, integral part of Summer Fest.

4:45 PM UPDATE: Dinnertime approaches. Yes, you can get fair food – deep-fried PB&J sandwiches, a Krispy Kreme burger, elephant ears, big tangle of french fries – and you’ll also find some local restaurants offering items in the food-stand area, along Alaska from California to 42nd. But what’s even more fun is to experience a favorite restaurant in a new way – with the temporary patios lining both blocks of California – while you’re here.

5:14 PM: Just seen headed eastbound on Alaska:

5:37 PM: Quick clip of The Fabulous Downey Brothers, onstage right now:

And a photo:

(According to their website, you’ll see them in next Saturday’s West Seattle Grand Parade, too.) Back in the booths, many have games and other reasons for you to stop and say hi – including Explorer West Middle School (WSB sponsor):

6:25 PM: Summer Fest from the air! Courtesy of Long B. Nguyen:

It’s been fun again today talking to so many people who’ve stopped by to say hi – thank you! We’ll be in the Info Booth until just past 7; the Summer Fest focus then moves on to the stage and beer garden in the north part of the festival zone (here’s the music schedule again). If you’re planning to come tomorrow, remember that it starts an hour later than Friday/Saturday – everything revs up around 11 am on Sunday.

7:24 PM: Thanks to Diane for the reminder – there’s also live music at Elliott Bay Brewery tonight, until 10 pm with The Back Porch Apostles, celebrating EBB’s 17th anniversary.

ADDED: Thanks to Dave for the photo from Dude York‘s performance:

That’s Claire. According to the Dude York Facebook page, their upcoming gigs include the Capitol Hill Block Party later this month. And Saturday night’s last act was headliner The Helio Sequence – thanks to Leroy for this photo:

They’re due back in Seattle in August for a Tractor Tavern gig while touring with Liam Finn. Sunday music at Summer Fest starts with Carrie Akre at 2 pm.

Open house celebrates Fire Station 36’s upgrades, reopening

At midday today, West Seattle’s Fire Station 36 in North Delridge welcomed visitors to an open house with tours of its upgrades and renovations:

The station recently reopened after about nine months of work – read more about it here – during which time Station 36’s crews were temporarily stationed at a spot off Harbor Avenue SW. Among those on hand today, Fire Chief Gregory Dean:

And history, courtesy of the Last Resort Fire Department:

The next West Seattle fire station to relocate for an upgrade is Station 32 in The Junction, which will be demolished and rebuilt on its current site; during the project, that station will be temporarily relocated to city-owned property on 40th SW across from the Masonic Center.

West Seattle Summer Fest 2014: Day 2, report #1

10:17 AM: Again today, we start with the SDOT traffic camera facing north on California at Alaska – right over our HQ at the Info Booth in the heart of West Seattle Summer Fest, where Day 2 continues until 8 pm (with music running later). Here’s the basic Summer Fest map:

We’ll be updating live throughout the day – with this report continuing until we launch the day’s second live chronicle at mid-afternoon. (If major/breaking West Seattle news happens, we’ll of course cover that too.) Festival music starts at noon with reggae band Two-Story Zori. Festival quicklinks are in our daily preview, for starters. More to come!

10:44 AM: Need a tote bag? Stop by the west side of the Info Booth, where Karen and Deb from the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network also have some tchotchkes courtesy of the Seattle Police Foundation – hundreds of tote bags, coloring books, and more. Also in the booth with us today are volunteers from the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle. Meantime, local businesses are having sidewalk sales again today, all along the festival grounds – at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor), just north of Alaska on the east side of California SW, the hammock’s the thing this weekend:

Click! co-proprietors Frances and John Smersh are in the photo (taken on Day 1), demonstrating. When you’re not resting – maybe you’re on the run. If so, be sure you have signed up for the Float Dodger 5K, preceding the West Seattle Grand Parade one week from today:

West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) is presenting the Float Dodger 5K this year – it benefits the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society – and signing up participants at their Summer Fest booth. Later in the summer, it’s the Alki Beach 5K, benefiting Northwest Hope and Healing, and you can sign up for that at Summer Fest too – here’s the temp tattoo sported by NWHH’s Shari Sewell:

11:29 AM: Teri Ensley of Furry Faces Foundation, which is in the Community Tent today – actually a double-canopied area against the south wall of Easy Street Records at California/Alaska – has a plea for pet owners, given the heat advisory for today:

Please leave your dog(s) at home, in a cool place, with lots of available water. Leaving them in a car, can kill them. Walking them on concrete can burn the pads of their feet…if the concrete is too hot for our bare feet–it’s too hot for theirs. Lastly, keep your dogs out of the sun when you are walking them—they can suffer from heat exhaustion because they are wearing a fur coat.

Here’s who you will find in the Community Tent today – meet local community groups’ reps, find out more about what they do:

10 am-2 pm
Environmental Science Center
SSCC Parent Education Program
West Seattle Be Prepared
Furry Faces Foundation

2 pm -6 pm
West Seattle Community Orchestras
Seal Sitters
34th District Democrats
Furry Faces Foundation

Here are Cindi Barker and Sharonn Meeks from West Seattle Be Prepared (go ask them questions about your nearest Emergency Communication Hub!):

WSCO is bringing its Instrument Petting Zoo – don’t miss that this afternoon.

Meantime, a couple of visitors this past quarter-hour at the Info Booth – Pete Spalding, who’s on his way to volunteer at the West Seattle Food Bank booth (photo added above – don’t miss their raffle!), had a few updates about Delridge Day, which he’s helping organize, August 9th – looks like the “Picnic at the Precinct” SPD features will be combined with the festival again this year, and also, there’ll be a Delridge Day Eve outdoor movie on Friday, August 8th – “The Lego Movie.” Stay tuned for more details on that. Also saying hi, City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen – first politician/elected official we’ve seen this Summer Fest.

And reps from West Seattle Hi-Yu – don’t miss their float, and a chance to buy a Hi-Yu button for just $1 to support the festival – on SW Alaska just east of California, near Junction Plaza Park.

12:57 PM: A snippet of Instagram video of today’s first band, Two-Story Zori:

Just about to start on the stage (north of SW Oregon), Sundae + Mr. Goessel, described as “a spirit reminiscent of 1930s pop.” We just returned from another stroll in that direction – noticed the Windermere sidewalk setup has a mister keeping passersby cool:

Today, almost every eatery on California SW has an outdoor area set up just for Summer Fest, even ones that don’t have outdoor seating otherwise. So along with the official “food court” area stretching along the south side of SW Alaska east of California – all the way to the corner of 42nd – lots of other options. We noticed that Pagliacci Pizza just north of SW Oregon is offering slices, something not usually on their West Seattle menu.

1:44 PM: Another local business that’s all in for Summer Fest, CAPERS, is grabbing attention on the sidewalk with the West Seattle T-shirt made famous by Eddie Vedder:

Don’t miss GreenLife at the southwest end of the festival zone, presented by Sustainable West Seattle in the parking lot north of Technical Analysis, with a full schedule of demonstrations and a few performances. One that was a hot ticket last year is back at 4 pm today – backyard beer making! (Update: just found out at 2:36 pm that the workshop has been canceled.) Speaking of hot … imagine having to wear a big furry costume in this weather:

Those two were wandering to promote the Sasquatch! music festival.

2:38 PM UPDATE: Other places that will be happy to “mist” you – as well as meet you – the West Seattle Fabric Company booth, for one:

And a reminder that if you are here with a baby and/or toddler and need a place to nurse, change diapers, otherwise get out of the crowd – the Nurturing Expressions (WSB sponsor) booth by NW Art and Frame on the west side of California between Alaska and Edmunds is one place, as is City Mouse Studio and Store at 4218 SW Alaska. Meantime, we’ll be launching the day’s second round of coverage around the top of the hour, after a non-festival-related story or two.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Watch for this stolen laptop

West Seattle Crime Watch reader report today from Kallie:

My boyfriend’s car was broken into on 39th Ave SW, near 39th and Forest, last night. His laptop bag (with laptop) and gym bag were stolen out of the car. Unfortunately we believe the car may have been unlocked. We found the duffle with everything, including a $20 bill, besides his Levi jeans and polo tshirt around the corner on the sidewalk. Additionally we found some papers from his work bag on the sidewalk a half block up. Nothing else was taken out of the car and based in what they left behind I’m thinking it was some a–hole kids who were on foot. They left a half-drank bottle of pineapple vodka in my front lawn as well, which is covered in fingerprints. I left a sign in my yard requesting the laptop back with no questions asked … Police said to call back Monday-Friday and we will give the vodka bottle to them then.

My neighbor sometimes leaves her car unlocked and said she thought hers had been rifled through last night too, however the only items they have in there are kids’ toys. She doesn’t think anything was taken.

Hoping to get the word out so when the (thieves) who did this realize that a corporate, password and encrypted laptop has no value to them, they will bring it back and not throw it away.

West Seattle Saturday: Summer Fest, work parties, low tide, baseball, football, remodeling workshop, wading pools, more…

(Summer Fest Day 1 photo by WSB’s Katie Meyer)
Our live coverage gets going again at 10 am, the start of West Seattle Summer Fest in The Junction! We’re reporting live again this year from the midst of it all – the information booth at California/Alaska. Today’s full list of West Seattle events – the festival AND other highlights – is ahead, but first, the Summer Fest quick links:

SUMMER FEST MUSIC SCHEDULEhere (first band, Two-Story Zori at noon)
SUMMER FEST VENDOR MAPhere (by number, per the list)
SUMMER FEST GREENLIFE SCHEDULEhere (first presentation, “Smart Home Maintenance” at 11 am

POOL/WADING POOL/SPRAYPARK NOTES FOR TODAY: Colman Pool is closed to the public again today because of a swim meet (back open tomorrow). Southwest Pool (indoors) is open. On the wading-pool schedule, Delridge and Hiawatha are both open noon-6:45 pm; Lincoln Park is open 11 am-8 pm; and Highland Park Spraypark is open 11 am-8 pm. Addresses are on the citywide wading pool/spraypark schedule.

WORK PARTIES: Want to get out, roll up your sleeves, and help with restoration of West Seattle’s beautiful natural areas … BEFORE the heat of the afternoon? Our calendar has several options today – click any one for details: Terminal 105 (starts 9 am), Delridge Natural Area (starts 10 am), West Duwamish Greenbelt (starts 10 am), Westcrest Park (starts 10 am).

RIP-IT TOURNAMENT: As previewed here last night, Chief Sealth International High School Football is hosting the RIP-IT passing tournament, and you’re invited to watch – play continues until 4 pm at Southwest Athletic Complex. (2801 SW Thistle)

BENEFIT CAR WASH: West Seattle High School‘s 2014-2015 Cheer Squad is washing cars at West Seattle Autoworks (WSB sponsor) 10 am-3 pm to help pay for uniforms and camp – funding for which is not provided through the school. (35th/Webster)

LOW-LOW TIDE AND BEACH NATURALISTS: 10 am-2 pm, Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists are out on Constellation Park and Lincoln Park (near Colman Pool) beaches, since the full moon is bringing a low-low tide – 11:21 am, -3.1.

CHICKEN COOP AND URBAN FARM TOUR: West Seattle locations are part of the Seattle Tilth Chicken Coop and Urban Farm Tour today, 10 am-4 pm, self-guided tour – ticket info is on the official website.

FIRE STATION 36 OPEN HOUSE: 11 am-1 pm, go see the renovated/upgraded Station 36 by the bridge! Here’s our preview. (3600 23rd SW)

SSC GARDEN CENTER OPEN: 11 am-3 pm, with discount pricing on plants; sales benefit the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) horticulture/gardening programs – details in our calendar listing. North end of campus. (6000 16th SW)

LITTLE LEAGUE TOURNAMENT: Starting today, West Seattle Little League hosts the state Majors’ tournament at Bar-S Playfields on Alki Point. Info – including handy tips if you’re going – is in this WSB story from earlier this week. (6425 SW Admiral Way)

REMODELING/CUSTOM HOMEBUILDING WORKSHOP: Thinking about either (or both! of those? Today at 2 pm, free workshop at Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) – where you’ll find air conditioning!!! – and there’s space left. Just show up. (California/Findlay)

SALSA ON ALKI! 5:30-10 pm by the Statue of Liberty on Alki Beach – details in our calendar listing. (61st/Alki)

STRAIGHT BLAST BENEFIT: At C & P Coffee Company, there’s a beer/wine benefit tonight, 6:30-9:30 pm, for the Booster Club – youth programs and more – of North Delridge’s Straight Blast Gym of Seattle (like C & P, a WSB sponsor). More info in the calendar listing. (5612 California SW)

NIGHTLIFE! In addition to live music at Summer Fest, several local venues have bands tonight too – see the individual listings on the calendar.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Special weekend edition – road closures, bus reroutes

July 12, 2014 7:47 am
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(EDITOR’S NOTE: This was originally published Saturday, but it all still applies Sunday)

Before we get to the big list of everything happening today – a separate list of road closure/bus reroutes, and it’s not just The Junction:

ROAD CLOSURES TODAY: West Seattle Summer Fest continues, so California SW remains closed between Edmunds and Genesee, with east-west traffic allowed through on SW Oregon; also closed, SW Alaska between 42nd and 44th. Regionally, the 520 bridge across Lake Washington is closed all weekend.

BUS REROUTES TODAY: In addition to the Summer Fest-related reroutes in West Seattle, two local buses are affected by changes this weekend downtown, so we’re including them in this list. (Thanks to @MJS1980 for pointing this out via Twitter; Metro’s full systemwide list, from which these links are taken, is here.)

*RapidRide C Line
*Route 50
*Route 55
*Route 57
*Route 128
*Route 773 (Water Taxi shuttle)

Downtown-construction related:
*Route 21
*Route 120

Ready for some football? Sealth hosting RIP-IT tourney Saturday

July 11, 2014 10:36 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

Big sports day tomorrow in West Seattle. We’ve already mentioned the big Little League tournament happening tomorrow at Bar-S – and there’s football on the peninsula tomorrow too. From Chief Sealth International High School head coach Luther Carr III:

We are hosting our 2nd annual RIP-IT 7 on 7 Passing League tomorrow July 12, 2014 at SWAC from 8:00AM – 4:00PM. 16 Teams from around Western Washington are competing for the RIP-IT Championship trophy. Teams are guaranteed 6 games. Most of the games will be played from 8 am to 1 pm. Following a break for lunch the games played from 1:30PM till 4:00 PM are loser-out games, culminating with the RIP-IT Championship. Entry is free for fans.

SW Athletic Complex is across from Sealth, at 2801 SW Thistle.

West Seattle traffic alert: Crash at 35th/Juneau

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand, substituted for original cameraphone photo)
At least one person is reported hurt in a multiple-vehicle crash that is blocking one lane each way on 35th at Juneau. Police are just arriving at the scene to help with traffic control. Traffic is getting by in the outside lane each way but that might change; a civilian is waving traffic around while police assess the scene. First fire personnel to arrive reported one person was unconscious. The two vehicles involved are side-by-side facing south.

9:22 PM UPDATE: Went back to check; crash scene is clear.

West Seattle Summer Fest 2014: Friday pm, as it happens

(INFO LINKS in our first installment of today’s festival coverage – go here)

That’s a snippet of Squirrel Butter, first band on the West Seattle Summer Fest schedule, performing about an hour ago; right now, Rat City Brass is onstage …

… and music continues until the Yada Yada Blues Band‘s set at 9 pm (see the full schedule here). A breeze has been keeping the festival zone from getting too warm, so far, so don’t be too worried about overheating.

Summer Fest’s roots, of course, are in the Sidewalk Sale – and many shops still have one as part of the festivities. We’ve received this announcement from the nonprofit Discovery Shop, on the west side of California between Oregon and Alaska:

Plants with Pizzazz

It’s a beehive of activity over at the Discovery Shop as their annual plant sale fundraiser is well underway. Shelves are overflowing with a variety of indoor and outdoor plants in unique containers such as toy wagons, old watering cans, even rhinestone shoes. Other containers include beautiful handmade pottery. These one-of-kind creations are only available
during the Summer Fest Sidewalk Sale, now through Sunday. Sales benefit the American Cancer Society.

Lots more coverage to come – hope to see you here!

4:14 PM: Here’s the music schedule for the rest of today – Vaudeville Etiquette is onstage right now (again, there’s one music stage, on California north of Oregon):

And after that:

Killer Ghost, 5 pm
Magic Mirrors, 6 pm
Country Lips, 7 pm
Hobosexual, 8 pm
Yada Yada Blues Band, 9 pm

Also right now, Illuminatio Dance is onstage at GreenLife, which is in the parking lot off the west side of California, just north of Edmunds. That’ll be followed by a presentation about building with reclaimed materials, at 5 pm; here’s the full weekend schedule for GreenLife.

5:25 PM: It’s been busy all day but now of course as more people leave work, the crowd is growing. The kids’ rides will be open until 8, the official end time for tonight, though the music runs later:

With the sun arcing to the west, it’s getting warmer. Lots of beverage options – the QFC booth across from ours is selling $1 water if you don’t bring any of your own. (Just had to buy some after running out of the supply we bought … it’s REALLY icy. Perfect.)

One of our many Summer Fest previews mentioned the pop-up library today in Junction Plaza Park. It’s continuing until 6:

More Summer Fest sights – lots of dogs – all sizes, all shapes, all … spots:

If you’re bringing yours, head up to the Pet Junction zone north of Oregon – a Summer Fest first this year. Speaking of animals … we talked this afternoon with Robin from Seal Sitters and Donna from The Whale Trail. Robin says the pup recently rescued from a local beach is doing OK. Donna is just back from taking The Whale Trail on a road trip including California and says the Southern Resident whales were in the area too – in some cases foraging for fish further south than they’ve been seen before. (Another feature of Summer Fest – endless supply of cool people to talk with, all concentrated in a few blocks for three days)

If you’re coming tomorrow, bring diapers – HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor) is collecting for WestSide Baby‘s Stuff the Bus drive:

You can also drop off diapers at HomeStreet’s West Seattle branch (40th/Alaska) during business hours – Stuff the Bus is one week from Sunday, July 20th in the HomeStreet parking lot. Like HomeStreet, some other businesses from just outside the festival zone have booths here – including longtime WSB sponsor Dream Dinners:

Dream Dinners’ year-round location is on the east exterior of Jefferson Square, fronting 41st – that’s where you go to put together ready-to-cook family-style dishes to take home and cook later. At Summer Fest, you can find out more about a variety of local businesses you might not have visited before.

6:30 PM: If you’re coming just to wander .. do note that some vendors leave as early as 6, though they can stay open tonight up until 8 (and the food area might stay open later if people are still buying – that’s the official word festival staff is circulating). We’ll be here in the info booth until around 7, and then back tomorrow morning as the festival opens at 10. In addition to finding particular vendors and other info such as bus reroutes, we also wind up collecting information about other area summertime events, and since the booth has a big banner for the West Seattle Outdoor Movies series, we’ve been fielding questions about it – come get a card with the schedule, or stop by First free outdoor movie in the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) courtyard, one week from tomorrow (Saturday, July 19th) – “Gravity.”

7:06 PM: The evening crowd is wandering around in force, many checking out the food zone just east of us, stretching along the south side of Alaska, east of California.

If nothing there grabs your attention, remember The Junction has many year-round eateries too – both old and new; some have opened since last Summer Fest, like Quadrato on SW Oregon and Terra Cole on California. And then there are the classics, like Husky Deli, home to sandwiches as well as ice cream, with proprietor Jack Miller among the familiar Summer Fest faces:

We’re wrapping up the Info Booth for the night – only one question is still being asked, and that’s “which way to the music?” (North of Oregon on California!)

8:43 PM: Thanks to Dave for sharing photos of one of the anticipated bands – Country Lips:

(added) He also shared this video of their final song:

Last band of the night, Yada Yada Blues Band, is scheduled to start at 9. Saturday music begins at noon with Two Story Zori.

West Seattle traffic alert: New details about Highway 99 closure next month

July 11, 2014 3:09 pm
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 |   Alaskan Way Viaduct | West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

In June, we reported on WSDOT’s plan to close part of Highway 99 (including the Alaskan Way Viaduct) in late August for repair work. Today, new details are out – see them here – since WSDOT has locked in more details. Key points: 99 will be closed both ways from the West Seattle Bridge to Valley Street from late Friday night, August 22nd, until early Monday morning, August 25th; the section from the WS Bridge to the Battery Street Tunnel will reopen then, but the stretch north to Valley will remain closed until Wednesday, August 27th.

P.S. If you have questions about ongoing Highway 99 work, including (or not) the tunnel, WSDOT has a booth here at West Seattle Summer Fest, all weekend long.