day : 23/07/2014 11 results

Admiral Theater’s future: ‘Ticking clock’ forcing decision soon

(June WSB photo: Film-projection room at The Admiral)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

More than a year ago, we told you about the Admiral Theater‘s hopes of renovations to ensure the historic moviehouse’s future.

It hasn’t happened yet. And its management/ownership is acutely aware of a “ticking clock” sped up by the fact that – as they pointed out when we talked to them for the aforementioned story last year – film is going away as a method of delivering movies.

In a conversation with theater manager Dinah Brein, she explained they’ve already felt the effects. “Certain films weren’t even made in (film) like ‘The Wolf of Wall Street,’ ‘Dallas Buyers Club,’ so we have to wait for it to go to DVD (before we can) show it.” For some movies, that timetable is relatively fast – for some, it’s not. And only one of the Admiral’s theaters is DVD-capable.

The Admiral simply must convert to digital. (It’s not alone, as continuing national coverage has documented.)

And for that, they have to have a commitment from the building’s owner Marc Gartin that they’ll be there for the long haul.

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Seal Sitters signing up volunteers one last time for this year’s pupping season

July 23, 2014 9:34 pm
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(2013 photo by Robin Lindsey)
If you’ve ever considered volunteering with Seal Sitters, there’s one more chance this season:

Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network’s final training for the 2014 seal pupping season will take place on August 9th. There will be no further trainings until late fall due to time constraints on volunteers.

Last year’s record-breaking pupping season stats in West Seattle (from late July’s first response to a newborn seal pup to the end of the year’s weaned pups) included 163 responses to marine mammals, including 66 positively identified seal pups. This 2014 season has begun unusually early in West Seattle with responses in June to one full lanugo seal pup “Luigi,” a second premature pup, and full-term “Junebug” who is now in rehab at PAWS Wildlife Center.

Saturday morning, August 9, 2014
10 am – 12 pm (doors open at 9:30 am; plan to arrive early to register and receive paperwork – training begins promptly at 10)
Alki UCC Church 6115 SW Hinds, Seattle
Please RSVP on blubberblog for the training to assure seating.

*Note to parents: All children accompanying adults must be able to sit quietly through an almost-two-hour presentation (with break).

Unlike most marine mammal stranding networks, we encourage children to participate in Seal Sitters – supervised at all times, of course, by a parent or guardian. We are so proud of our amazing and dedicated volunteers who are on duty rain or shine – we hope you will join us!

A multi-media presentation will illustrate our educational work in the community and the unique challenges of protecting seals and other marine mammals in an urban environment. Included in the training is an overview of NOAA’s West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network and biology and behavior of seals and other pinnipeds (due to time frame, supplementary off-season sessions will include more marine mammals of Puget Sound). For additional questions and info or to be placed on a contact list for future training opportunities, please e-mail us.

Contact info is here.

Terminal 5’s last cargo-ship call for now, after half a century

Moored on this murky day at the Port of Seattle‘s Terminal 5 in West Seattle, the Westwood Olympia is the last ship scheduled for a T-5 call TFN. After 50 years as a cargo terminal, T-5 will be idle once this ship departs. We reported last month on the port’s plan to close T-5 while spending $5 million planning a modernization project, so that it can handle new mega-sized ships – but there’s no plan yet for where the port will get the up to one-quarter-billion dollars the project will cost. Port spokesperson Peter McGraw tells WSB that “during the multi-year design and permitting phase of Terminal 5 Modernization, we will be working to attract interim maritime uses to this industrial facility.” Meantime, while other shipping lines that used it are moving to other Seattle terminals, Westwood ships are going back to Tacoma after 31 years, with its first call there scheduled for one week from today.

ADDED FRIDAY: For the record, here’s a Port memo about some of the terms related to the T-5 shutdown, as Eagle Marine Service moves on to sublease space on Harbor Island.

Summer will return! ‘Spice World’ at West Seattle Outdoor Movies this Saturday

Last Saturday, this year’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies series opened with drizzle/mist as the audience watched Sandra Bullock in space (above, a preshow photo as the crowd started to gather). Today, a midsummer deluge. But THIS Saturday – clear skies and warm temperatures are promised. So plan to set up your chair/blanket in the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW; WSB sponsor) courtyard for “Spice World”:

Movie’s free – as are a fashion show and photo booth! Bring money for concessions and raffles to benefit local nonprofits (and Hotwire is open pre-show, with espresso beverages, smoothies, and more). Gates open at 6:30, movie at dusk (9-ish).

Arbor Heights Elementary: Demolition on hold pending hearing on new appeal

(WSB Tuesday photo of awaiting-demolition Arbor Heights Elementary)
Three years ago, demolition of the old Denny International Middle School was well under way within a month of the end of the school year. This year, though a month has passed since the last class at Arbor Heights Elementary School, the backhoes aren’t even onsite yet. That’s because the permits haven’t been finalized, since another appeal is awaiting a hearing.

This is separate from the appeal that was argued and rejected in May, challenging the decision that a full environmental review wasn’t needed. This time, the appeal is for the land-use permit itself, and the fact that the demolition permit was approved in the same action. In all, the appeal statement by four area residents and district watchdog Chris Jackinssee it here – lists eight points.

Though a September 15th hearing date was announced by the appeal notice that appeared in this week’s first Land Use Information Bulletin, the city Hearing Examiner’s files now have it scheduled for August 11th. The move was at the request of the district, according to a letter in the online case files, which quotes district staff as saying the extra month would add $70,000 to the project cost.

SPS spokesperson Tom Redman confirms to WSB that appeals for both the Arbor Heights and Genesee Hill projects (the latter has a hearing August 5th, as reported here July 14th) are now pushing back the timeline: “Limited construction activities can be performed on-site, but the bulk of the work cannot commence at either site until we have received MUP [master use permit] approval from the City of Seattle.” He said the district doesn’t know yet if the opening of either new school will be delayed as a result. The new Arbor Heights is scheduled to open in two years, the new Genesee Hill in a year and a half.

P.S. Appeal hearings are open to the public, though only for observation, not for participation/comment. Next month’s August 5th Genesee Hill hearing and August 11th Arbor Heights hearing are both scheduled to start 9 am on those dates in the city Hearing Examiner’s headquarters on the 40th floor of the Municipal Tower downtown.

Always Brothers 100-mile run to pass through West Seattle again

July 23, 2014 12:33 pm
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(2013 Always Brothers runners near WS Bridge – photo used with permission)
Again this year, eastern West Seattle is on the final stretch of the Always Brothers 100-mile run to raise money for the children of fallen servicemembers. As detailed in this story – which includes the timetable and route – they’ll start at 6 am Saturday in Leschi, heading south through Renton and to Pierce County before heading back north; they will run along the Duwamish to the West Seattle low bridge around 7 am Sunday. They appreciate support along the route, and of course, donations too – you can donate online here, and you can track the run’s progress via the AB Facebook page. (We noted the 2013 Always Brothers run here last August.)

West Seattle Wednesday: Entrepreneurs’ meetup; High Point farm stand; Fauntleroy Schoolhouse community investment; more…

July 23, 2014 10:42 am
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(Busy marine traffic off Alki Point; photo by Danny McMillin, shared via WSB Flickr group pool)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today/tonight:

FREE ENTERPRENEURS’ MEETUP: Noon-1 pm today at West Seattle Office Junction (WSB sponsor) in Morgan Junction – drop by with your lunch plus “new ideas, old ideas, and business cards” and meet other entrepreneurs. (6040 California SW)

HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN: Third of 12 Wednesdays this summer/fall when you can visit the High Point Market Garden Farm Stand 4-7 pm and buy organic produce that was grown just steps away. (32nd/Juneau)

GROUP RUN & BROOKS HAPPY ISLAND: 4 pm, “Brooks Run Happy Island” is at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), and there’s a group run planned at 6 pm – details here. (California/Charlestown)

FAUNTLEROY SCHOOLHOUSE (HEARTS) COMMUNITY INVESTORS: 7 pm tonight, come to the historic Fauntleroy Schoolhouse to find out more about a new community-investment plan to help with the next round of upgrades and repairs as the schoolhouse moves toward its future as a fully functional community facility – here’s our preview. (9131 California SW)

MUSIC BINGO AT THE CASK: 7 pm at The Cask (WSB sponsor), guess the songs, play the game! Details here. (2350 California SW)

MORE NIGHTLIFE … live music, trivia, karaoke, more, all in separate listings on our calendar.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Thief takes Daily Dose tip jar

Coffee shops, be forewarned. Out of the WSB inbox this morning, from Cheryl:

I was working at The Daily Dose coffee shop at 5214 Delridge Way yesterday. Around 1:15 p.m. I was in the restroom as I heard the front door open. I shouted out “hello, I’ll be right out,: finished washing my hands and came out. No one was there and the door was left open. I decided whoever it was had quickly changed their mind and left. About 10 minutes later, I realized my tip jar was gone! The thief was swift and deliberate as it was seconds from the time I heard the front door open and came out of the restroom.

It’s not the loss of tip money (maybe $35), but the sense of violation. I hope they really needed it, or at least bought themselves a nice meal! I will be locking the door in the future while in the restroom.

Update: Comcast West Seattle outage blamed on ‘fiber cut’

9:13 AM: Thanks to Steve for the tip about a Comcast outage in Admiral. According to a tweet from @ComcastWA, it’s because of a “fiber cut” and should be fixed within an hour or so … let us know if that window passes and you’re still out.

9:43 AM UPDATE: Steve says the service is back up.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Rainy Wednesday updates; West Seattle Water Taxi trouble

(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:12 AM: Be careful on rain-slick roads/paths/sidewalks this morning.

While we watch the morning traffic, only one advance alert to remind you of – Saturday (July 26) is Seafair Torchlight Night, and NB Highway 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct is scheduled to be closed 5:30 pm-7:45 pm for the Torchlight Run (which is followed on 4th Avenue downtown by the Torchlight Parade – here’s the lineup – and here are the night’s bus reroutes).

8:06 AM: No West Seattle Water Taxi until 9 am “due to mechanical issues,” per text just in from King County. Service will resume then from Pier 50 with Melissa Ann (which usually takes a post-commute hiatus from the Vashon run then); we’ll check later on how things are looking for the afternoon.

2:32 PM: All’s now well with the Spirit of Kingston this afternoon, says the county, so West Seattle-Downtown service will continue as scheduled from here on out.

West Seattle Crime Watch: ‘Home invasion’ robbers get away with thousands

12:52 AM: Police are searching for two people suspected in a reported ‘home invasion’ situation in Highland Park. Scanner-monitored information indicates shots were fired – with at least one casing found – but the victim was not reported injured and no medic crew has been summoned. This happened near 10th and Trenton (map); police, including a K-9 team, are looking for a woman and man who might be known to the victim. More info if/when we get it.

2:09 AM: Still no word of arrests. Robbery Unit detectives are joining the investigation.

NOON UPDATE: We’ve obtained the report from SPD. It says the victim told police he recognized the woman, by voice, as his wife, who he hasn’t (otherwise) seen in a month – both robbers, the report says, were wearing ski masks. The male robber fired two rounds, according to the victim, including one into the floor after tying him up and leaving him in the bathroom. The female robber, the victim said, demanded to know where “the money” was, and though the victim denied having any, she said she knew better, and eventually, according to the victim, they made off with $22,000 in cash.