Three ways West Seattle neighbors are helping fight hunger – including opportunities for you to join in, starting with:

SCOUTING FOR FOOD: It’s that time again, for West Seattle’s Troop 282 and other Scouts to carry out a door-to-door food drive. This Saturday, March 15th, they will leave door tags at homes in the West Seattle area between 8:30-10:30 am. They will come back the following Saturday, March 22nd, between 9 am and 10 am to collect food for the West Seattle Food Bank. If you would like to donate and need a pickup, call, 206-890-2237.” Above, Troop 282’s collection last year – they’re hoping for even more this time!
CURVES FOOD DRIVE: Both West Seattle branches of Curves are collecting food right now for the West Seattle Food Bank and White Center Food Bank – you’ll recall that donations to both, through the end of April, can go farther because of the Feinstein Challenge. Just stop by during their regular hours; addresses and hours are on their websites, here and here.
Finally, hunger-fighting kudos for Holy Rosary School:

Holy Rosary teacher Jon Barker shared the photo from last Friday, the first in a series of special giving occasions during Lent:
Parents and students at Holy Rosary School will be making Lunches of Love every Friday during Lent (March 5-April 18) for the men at St. Martin de Porres shelter. (Last Friday) there were approximately 125 lunches taken to the shelter. We also collected men’s gloves to donate.
As explained on its website, this shelter assists homeless men age 50 and over.