Thanks to Paul Brannan for the photo of an eagle, pursued by crows, shared via the WSB Flickr group. Flying into Friday night, here are highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
HELP THE HORSES! Tonight, 5-7 pm, is the benefit at Beveridge Place Pub and neighboring Morgan Junction Park (where you’ll find horses!) for the Seattle Police Mounted Patrol. Details in our preview published Thursday. (6413 California SW)
MOVIE NIGHT AT HPIC: Highland Park Improvement Club invites you to movie night! Movie info and more, in our calendar listing. 6:30 pm doors, 7 pm movie. (12th/Holden)
STATE COMPETITION FOR SWIMMERS: As noted here last weekend, swimmers from Chief Sealth International High School are among the student athletes in the state championships starting at 6:15 pm tonight at the King County Aquatic Center in Federal Way.
‘PRIVATE EYES’: Second and final weekend for the “comedy of suspense and intrigue” by Twelfth Night Productions.

(Production photo by Ron Dugdale)
7:30 pm curtain time at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
STATE COMPETITION FOR WRESTLERS: Also noted here last weekend, two Sealth wrestlers are in state competition starting tonight at the Tacoma Dome.
ONSTAGE AT KENYON HALL: Classical guitarist Meredith Connie and other featured performers are at historic Kenyon Hall tonight, 7:30 pm; details in our listing. (7904 35th SW)
BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS: 8:15 pm at Bellevue College, the West Seattle High School girls-varsity basketball team faces Liberty for the chance to advance in the postseason.