(ILWU Local 19 shared this pic earlier in the week – it has a flag-flying wager going with Bay Area counterparts)
Happy Game Day! Some ideas for passing the time until 3:30 pm kickoff … from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
TRAFFIC ALERT UNTIL 10 AM: If you’re heading off-peninsula early, remember the northbound I-5 lane closures are scheduled to continue until 10 am – check this WSDOT camera to see if they’re still in effect.
HELP WITH AN EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT: Again today, your help would be welcome in the West Duwamish Greenbelt near South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor), building a turnpike. Planned work hours today are 9 am-2 pm, so you’ll wrap up by gametime! Hot drinks and lunch provided; bring your own gloves. Meet Scout Tristan and your fellow volunteers in the north parking lot of SSCC at 9. (6000 16th SW)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Still filling out the beverage lineup for game day? WSFM says Eaglemount Cider is back today, as are the herbal ales of Propolis Brewing. 10 am-2 pm. (44th/Admiral)
WEST SEATTLE ULTIMATE FAMILY FRISBEE: 11 am at Walt Hundley Playfield in High Point. Find out more about the league via its Facebook page. (31st/Myrtle)
LIVE MUSIC AT C & P: Come see and hear Jamtime with bluegrass and “old-time music” at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 1-4 pm. (5612 California SW)
CHAMBER MUSIC FROM THE DARK SIDE: Music Northwest presents this concert, 3 pm at Olympic Recital Hall on the south side of the South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) campus – see the lineup/program in our calendar listing.
WATCHING THE GAME: Lots of options – as long as you get there early! Here are some recommendations courtesy of WSB Facebook friends.
More listings of what’s up before, during, after the game … see our calendar!