Will the King County Transportation Benefit District proposal to raise money for Metro and roads go to voters? The next step is a briefing Tuesday at the County Council’s Transportation, Economy, and Environment Committee, whose members include our area’s Councilmember Joe McDermott. It’s set for 9:30 am Tuesday and the announcement says the committee will hear from a “panel of city leaders, human service providers, transit users, and business and labor representatives” including:
*Tom Rasmussen, Chair, Seattle City Council Transportation Committee
*Claudia Balducci, Mayor, City of Bellevue
*Nancy Backus, Mayor, City of Auburn
*Rob Johnson, Executive Director, Transportation Choices Coalition
*Jessica Szelag, Executive Director, Commute Seattle
*Lauren Thomas, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Hopelink
*David Freiboth, Executive Secretary Treasurer, M.L. King County Labor Council
The agenda’s not on the committee’s webpage yet, so we don’t know if there’s a public-comment period, but the meeting is open to the public as always, 10th floor of the County Courthouse downtown, and will be shown live online and on cable 22.
HOW TO HAVE A SAY: The measure requires a County Council vote before going to the voters. The date for that is not yet set. You can share your opinion with the council via council@kingcounty.gov.